Friday, April 25, 2014

Small Prayer

A Salvation Prayer for you to Pray

Many times we want to come to the Lord and talk to Him and admit our failings but we do not know where to begin or have the words. 

Here is a very small prayer for those who are ready to change their lives and pray to the God of your salvation. If you pray this prayer sincerely from your heart and earnestly wish to repent, God will hear your prayer and heal your life. In fact, the Bible says, He makes all things new.”

If you haven’t been born-again, the Bible further says “Except a man be born-again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. John 3:3

Holy Father,
I have tried to fix my life and nothing has worked. I keep repeating the same old things. My life is a mess and I did it to myself. I need your help.  
Your word says that Your Son Jesus died on the cross for me and that He was a blood sacrifice for me so I could have forgiveness of my sins and be set free. I believe that Jesus is the Son of God!  I believe!
I surrender my life to you; I give myself to you totally. Please forgive me for (name sins). I repent.
I want to be born again. Precious Jesus, come into my heart. Help me.

After you have prayed this prayer,  make sure you get a good study Bible and search out a good Bible believing church and attend Bible study classes. Strength will come through these new friends and they will see you through the rough times by praying for you and helping in any way they are able.

 God Bless You.

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