I have to say that I consider myself one of the most blessed people on this earth, not because of material wealth; but because I can say I hear God's voice and see Him everywhere in my life. I say this only in praise to God and brag upon who He is in my life!
Then, when my husband and I hug; we have a "love attack." He is the one who started this "love attack" along time ago. He'd look into my eyes and say "Oh, I'm having a love attack." He always makes me smile! It is pretty nice to know that after over 30 years of marriage (through the thick and thin) that he would propose again! These attacks are blessings from God!
"When I think of my sons and grandchildren I have "love attacks."
When I reach down and pet my old cat buddy "Marco" of 20 yrs I have this "love attack." I think of how I would miss him if he weren't here. He is so faithful. Funstable as well, he is a very young 19 yrs and has taken it upon himself to oversee Marco.
This was supposed to be short .
I receive a love attack when I walk the beach and watch the rhythm of the waves and meditate about the synchronization of the timing of the sea! I have a "love attack." God really cares for us !! It is all Him !!
Think! How powerful God is! Smile! Get excited ! Have a "love attack!"
I dig in the earth and become excited to find bunches of healthy earthworms and I think to myself: "Yay! I am going to put these guys to work in my Kale and Collard patch." I see it all "as from God!"
Love attacks come from God, because God is love. I am having a "Love Attack." We have love attacks around here. I will try to describe it if I can. There are different kinds of "love attacks." I am presently writing an article and just had an extreme "love attack." I call our Creator God "My Heavenly Father" because I never knew my real father. When I also discovered that He is a Father to the Fatherless; I had perfect love and He has never let me down. When I think of the blessings He has given to us I become completely overwhelmed with a "Love Attack." He is here, there and everywhere! He sees what is going on in my heart as I write and yet knows if a leaf falls on an island in Bora Bora across the ocean!
I have to say that I consider myself one of the most blessed people on this earth, not because of material wealth; but because I can say I hear God's voice and see Him everywhere in my life. I say this only in praise to God and brag upon who He is in my life!
Then, when my husband and I hug; we have a "love attack." He is the one who started this "love attack" along time ago. He'd look into my eyes and say "Oh, I'm having a love attack." He always makes me smile! It is pretty nice to know that after over 30 years of marriage (through the thick and thin) that he would propose again! These attacks are blessings from God!
"When I think of my sons and grandchildren I have "love attacks."
When I reach down and pet my old cat buddy "Marco" of 20 yrs I have this "love attack." I think of how I would miss him if he weren't here. He is so faithful. Funstable as well, he is a very young 19 yrs and has taken it upon himself to oversee Marco.
This was supposed to be short .
I receive a love attack when I walk the beach and watch the rhythm of the waves and meditate about the synchronization of the timing of the sea! I have a "love attack." God really cares for us !! It is all Him !!
Think! How powerful God is! Smile! Get excited ! Have a "love attack!"
I dig in the earth and become excited to find bunches of healthy earthworms and I think to myself: "Yay! I am going to put these guys to work in my Kale and Collard patch." I see it all "as from God!"
Love attacks come from God, because God is love.
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