Saturday, April 5, 2014

The Spirit of Fear

“The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe.” Proverbs 29:25

Our adversary is only as good as the fear he has created

When we decide to hold on to this fear, we become a victim of bondage. We eventually are held behind invisible bars. Accepting a Spirit of Fear is not worth ruining or losing your life over. It is not worth lying awake at night wondering: if you are going to get sick, lose that job, if your mate is running around or if people will like you.

We can manufacture all kinds of things to worry about and worry is FEAR.
If this Spirit can control your mind through worry, then he has you right where he wants you.

We have all worried, about the aggravating and frustrating things:
·         The bills
·         Our job
·         Our mates
·         Our weight
·         Being accepted or rejected
·         Our children
·         Our lab tests – other’s lab tests
·         Our age
·         Whether we will ever get married
·         Whether they will ever get married
·         Whether we will stay married
·         Whether they will stay married
·         Our health – other’s health
·         We worry that we worry

The opposite of fear is love. “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.” 1John 4:18

Did you catch that? Fear has torment. The word torment actually means:
Penal infliction

I looked it up to see what a good Dictionary would say:

World English Dictionary
penal  (ˈpiːə l) 

— adj
 of, relating to, constituting, or prescribing punishment
 payable as a penalty: a penal sum
 used or designated as a place of punishment: a penal institution

[C15: from Late Latin poenālis  concerning punishment, from poena  penalty]


— adv

And the word Infliction means:
in·flic·tion  (ĭn-flĭk′shən)
1. The act or process of imposing or meting out something unpleasant.
2. Something, such as punishment, that is inflicted.
in•flic•tion (ɪnˈflɪk ʃən) 

1. the act of inflicting.
2. something inflicted, as punishment or suffering.

[1525–35; < Late Latin]

When we agree in fear, it is safe to say that we are then placed in a place of torment or punishment, by our own doing; because we are not trusting in God’s love in faith.
Our minds are set on re-run and we play the tape over and over again. Every time we “listen” to the hurting words or what we experienced; we set the timer to re-wind again. Our minds are something like a computer. When we “go there” again; the brain cells assume, that is where he is headed so; I’ll just “fill in the blanks.” Our mind is a wonderful muscle, but we have to take control of our thinking processes for obedience towards God, our health and love for others.  

A great example of this is when we make a deliberate decision not to forgive. When we make such a decision, it is like signing a legal binding agreement of the consequences, with a Spirit of Fear.  I have heard statements such as: “He (or no one) will never hurt me again.”  Another statement I have heard is: “You just do not know or understand what they have done to me.”  This is true, but is that any reason to put your hands in handcuffs and walk willingly into a prison to be inflicted with torment? Unbeknown to you, it is ALL fear on your part.  Please think about the consequences of unforgiving.

Un-forgiveness is a Spirit of Fear working in fullness in an individual.
Un-forgiveness = Fear = Torment = Penal Infliction
The Bible says that we are to forgive or we will not be forgiven. In other words, if you have been hurt in a relationship; we have no choice but to forgive. This does not mean that you go back into a damaging abusive relationship, but we must forgive. For Christians, holding un-forgiveness is not an option in their lives. Usually when we have been burnt we have enough wisdom to not repeat what took us into that situation in the first place.
I believe it is important to see the connection, that un-forgiveness comes from fear.  Fear that the incident might happen again. Fear of losing what is over. Fear of the past repeating itself. Fear of being hurt again. The thoughts are, “Why should I open myself up again when I cannot trust him (or her)?” 
If you think the offender cannot be trusted, that could be wisdom; but you still are required to forgive. There is a difference between not trusting man and not forgiving man. Man will always mess up, because we are not gods. This is one reason why we must forgive them. To forgive them; is to allow forgiveness for ourselves. We forgive others so we can continue on in the peace of God and so we can receive forgiveness. We extend mercy, so we can receive mercy.
Holding on to fear means, we hold on to un-forgiveness.  When we hang onto un-forgiveness it turns into anger. When we hang onto the anger, we will find ourselves bitter and depressed.
The Spirit of Fear works with a Lying Spirit and a Spirit of Heaviness.
The writer of Hebrews says,
 “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord. Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled; “ He. 12:14, 15.

If I could draw an example of how a reaction of fear of man takes over it might go something like this:
Picture a woman at work. She was feeling pretty good about herself until she walked into the break room and saw a few heads turn towards her and one even kept staring.
“What are they staring at, she wondered?” “Why is he glaring at me?” “What did I do?”
Can you see the fear? Fear always lies to manipulate and intimidate your soul. Our lady’s response was to go and put on her “cloak of fear” as she walked out of the door.
How does she know that the people in the break room may just glanced at who walked through the door. Perhaps the gentleman who was “glaring” at her thought she was attractive. The truth is, in that sort of situation; we do not know.  Why assume? Fear always thinks the worse. Love always thinks best.  Did you take note how fear attacks and accuses?  
Listening to a Spirit of Fear will bring untrue accusations.
The main goal of a Spirit of Fear is to render the “victim” helpless to: rob, steal and destroy everything that you have.
One of the favorite phrases of a Spirit of Fear is: “What if?”
What if, he doesn’t come home?
What if he gets into an accident?
What if she gets sick?

If you would like to see a Spirit of Fear in prime action, just turn on the television and watch the pharmaceutical advertisements. First they tell you the wonders of the drug, then; they tell you in a very casual tone, with happy music surrounded by a country setting; all of the deadly side effects. All commercials manipulate and prey on fear. Remember the commercial of the lady who fell and says, “Help, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up.” Fear!  What if!  Yes, things do happen and it is best to be prepared; but most of the time things work out and we are fine.

Another commercial “What if something happened to him? You need to be ready for the unexpected to happen.”   Fear.  They are trying to sell life insurance. The love of money uses fear for their greed. We are all going to passover unless we are caught up.  In the end; it will be where our hearts are spiritually that really counts.

Note again on television all of the programs about killing. I won’t begin to list them as there are too many. There is even a program entitled: “Kids that Kill.” If you did not believe in demons before, the very title should convince anyone there is a dark side that is in control of this earth. It is horrifying to see the blatant exposure of these spirits and every year they go a little bit further to gain more ground for their agenda.  Why? Because they are allowed to and Jesus said all this would come to pass.
Questions for you to ask yourself:

What type of words are you speaking into the airwaves?

Paul said:

It is written: "I believed; therefore I have spoken." Since we have that same spirit of faith, we also believe and therefore speak,” 2Co. 4:13 NIV

We all speak what we believe, whether it is right or wrong. Paul spoke faith. He wrestled with things too, but he stood on God’s promises. He could not deny the gift of grace that was given to him.
We are to speak faith and speak the word:

“Have faith in God, “ Jesus answered.
Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, Go throw yourself into the sea’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes what they say will happen, it will be done for them.’
‘Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.’
“And, when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone forgive them; so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.” Mark 11:22-25 NIV

Those verses are powerful!
If you need more faith, then; you need to study God’s word. Remember, “Faith comes by hearing, hearing the Word of God.”
What are the words you speak, promoting in your life; for you today? Are they projecting: Fear or love and faith? We all are either walking in one or the other.
Ask yourself, “Am I a victor or a victim?”

Stand up to that Spirit of fear today and tell it to jump into the sea! Replace it with the Holy Spirit.

In all these things we are more than Conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present or the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Ro. 8:37-39

We are more than Conquerors. Whatever you are wrestling with can be dealt with in Christ. Can you believe this?

Say this small prayer today with me:

Heavenly Father,

There are times when I feel so helpless, because I keep repeating the same things over again. By your power I choose to break this cycle in the name of Jesus. I am more than a Conquer and I move in your strength. I will speak life and not speak death. I forgive those who have offended me. Forgive me Father for doubting your love and power.

 Thank you in Jesus we agree and pray. Amen. 

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