Saturday, June 30, 2018

Armor of God con't

Good Morning,

“So stand firm and hold your ground, HAVING TIGHTENED THE WIDE BAND OF TRUTH (personal integrity, moral courage) AROUND YOUR WAIST and HAVING PUT ON THE BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS (an upright heart) [Is 11:5]   Ep. 6:14 Amp.

Testings are going to come so we can become stronger with God given understanding. He is continually conforming us into having the character of His son. 

One night I noticed our two cats kept looking up at the ceiling. I got out of bed, turned off my air filter and listened. Sure enough, I could hear the pitter patter of busy feet. My first thought was, “oh no, we’ve got rats! Maybe mice! Mice would be better.” See how my mind gave into fear?  The next day my husband and I both prayed, that it wasn’t anything serious. He went up the attic and saw about 20-30 bats, hanging out.  There was guano (bat droppings) scattered about the room. I too ventured half-way up and had a peek. I found out that bats are protected because of the mosquitoes they eat and a stiff fine would be given should you harm even one.  After calling around I discovered the high expense that is involved in removing wild life from your residence. Then, through a referral from the Outdoor Wildlife I landed upon a company who led me to “Micah.” Micah is a young man who knew exactly what to do and reassured us that our case was mild and as I write, the bats should be completely gone. Here was my lesson:
In the beginning, the thought of having bats just above my room frightened me a little bit, as they can carry disease and do a lot of damage to your house and the air you breathe.  Then, I saw the other side. It was God who pointed out the bats to us, right on time; so we could deal with the problem before it got out of hand and became toxic and extremely expensive. God is faithful. He is always watching over us. 

 We learn obedience through our trials. Stay alert and know when a testing comes. Be discerning and recognize the truth when you see it.  Jesus was tested, during the 40 days of fasting and you will be too. He fought the tempter with the Word of God. [Lu. 4:1-13 niv] 

The Bible also says “Although he was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered.”  [He. 5:8 niv] That in itself is a book.

When we put on the Breastplate of Righteousness, we guard our hearts. We put on God’s protective armor to protect the thought life in our hearts. In Proverbs 4:23 it says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” 

Be careful what you are putting inside of your heart. Do you hear God’s name being blasphemed on tv? Throw it out. Rebuke them and walk away! Toxic heart problems do not come from eating saturated fats! It is what we allow inside of our heart. rd [1John 2:16]

 Sooner or later the world itself will manifest itself through health and character issues, because what we put inside of us will be overflowing from our mouths. 

  1. Stand firm. No compromise. 
  2. Learn obedience. 
  3. Fight your trial by praying the Word of God.
  4. Protect what you put inside of your heart.
  5. Choose forgiveness.
  6. Learn to look on the other side. 
  7. Through it all, be thankful and give God the glory.

Let’s pray Psalm 91:
Heavenly Father,

“We thank you for being our shelter and giving us rest under your shadow. You are our refuge, our strength and our fortress. We put all our trust in you. We ask that you would continue to protect us from the fowler’s snare and all pestilence. We know that you cover us with your feathers and under your wings is where we find our refuge, for your faithfulness is our shield and rampart. We come against any fear and terror in the night time and arrows that fly near. You are the God whose thousands of enemies fall at your side, even ten thousands at your right hand and they will not come near us. We will watch and see the punishment of the wicked. Heavenly Father, you said that if we trust in you [Most High] and allow you to be first place in our lives, then no disaster will come near our tent.  You said, that you will command your angels to guard us in all our ways and not even allow our foot be be struck against a stone. You said, Because you love us, you will rescue us and will protect us for we acknowledge your name. We will call you and you will answer us. You will be with us in trouble and deliver us and honor us. You will even give us a long life and show us your salvation.” 

In Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Putting on the full armor of God con't.

Good Morning,

We are going to understand why every believer in Christ should put on the full armor of God. I urge you to chew upon these words until they are easily digested. 

Although there are many books written about putting on the full armor of God, it is my prayer that a new light might be shed on this most important subject.  

Together, let’s take the word “discouragement” and place it under a magnifying glass to see how we can actually be a physical target that is hit by an invisible arrow.  Target, you say? Me? Yes. 

Discouragement can be instrumental in promoting self-pity. There were times I have stayed in that mode for about half a day to 10-15 minutes, but no longer. The visitation of this mindset allowed to stay for any length of time could bring you into a “victim mentality” and that is when you have allowed the offender to have the victory.  Your discouragement and disappointment evolves into disillusionment = depression and then onto hopelessness. Later on, we are going to talk about the ways to:  “let it go” before it blooms into something serious. When things go wrong, I remind myself, “if this is happening to us, we know others have gone through it too.”  For some reason, knowing others have been where you are at, unites a sense of sisterhood and comfort. When you talk to them, you have this link of knowing they completely understand.  

We are never alone on this journey.

Think for a moment, of how discouragement enters our lives.

To name a few realities:

  • The telephone rings, you have your hands in the cake batter and the baby cries in the high chair because the cat is licking it’s face and the dog took his food. We may be multitaskers but there are limits. 

  • You are at work and worried about your child’s latest babysitter. Your  boss fires you and you never saw it coming.  You are left stunned, asking yourself, “what did I do?”

  • You are upset with your husband. Before you married him he was so different. Surprise!  

  • You bought your dream house, that is falling apart.

  • A sudden serious illness is diagnosed.

  • You lose a loved one.

  • You discovered your husbands infidelity and lies and then begin to wonder what is wrong with you?

  • The frustration of miscommunications.

  • The man next door is too friendly. Then, you find out he is the psychopath the police were hunting. Fearful thoughts ask, “I thought this was a safe  neighborhood.”

  • Thoughts rewind. The seeds of child molestation can go deep and wound the soul and every time you think about it; an old bitterness begins to arise. “Why, you ask?” This is more common than not.

  • Listening to the news, the journalists were once again busy instigating lies. An outrage of anger burst inside of you, then depression followed. Hatred is a global epidemic today.

“For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world.” 

This is why Ephesians 6:12,13 Amp. says, “ For our struggle is not against flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents] but against rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this [present] darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) places. Therefore, put on the complete armor of God, so that you will be able to resist and stand your ground in the evil day [of danger], and having done everything [that the crisis demands,] to stand firm [in your place, fully prepared, immovable, victorious.]” 

We cannot see these invisible forces but we know they are there because we can physically see the work they are doing around the world. 

Everything that God has, the devil designed a counterfeit. God sends His Holy Spirit to bring comfort and peace to your heart. The devil sends a unholy spirit to send discomfort, discontent, discouragement and depression. Good vs evil. 

For every beautiful praise song that gives honor to our Father God, the enemy presents a frantic upheaval filled with vulgarity to purposely dishonor the Creator. The whole of creation was designed to be filled with God’s goodness and give Him glory and yet, there are adversaries whose main mission is to pervert all that is holy and good.

Is it not true, that God created the earth and all within it? He called it good.  The idolatry of pagan tree worship is encircled around the globe in almost every nation, from century’s ago right into the present. Just this one subject of a beautiful tree is perverted to the highest degree of Idolatry.

God brings truth to set you free.
The enemy brings lies to place you in bondage.

God says you are forgiven, by the blood of the Lamb.
The enemy accuses, mocks and humiliates.
God gives you love, because He is love.
The enemy whispers: “What if?”

God gives you a measure of faith to be more than a Conqueror. 
The enemy scatters doubt, worry and unbelief. 

God gives us His supernatural peace.
The enemy will try to rob you of your peace. 

God says, “Trust in Me.”
The enemy taunts, “oh, but look what happened!”

God says, “Trust in Me.”
The enemy taunts, “But, did you hear what they said?”

God says, “Trust in Me.” 
The enemy taunts, “why would you trust in Him?”

God says, “Forgive them.”
The enemy says, “I’ll never forgive them for what they did!”

When we choose not to forgive, our heart becomes incased in bitterness and hardened to sin. Perhaps this is when the physical manifestation of hardening of the arteries begin. 

We can choose to nurse this discouragement and feel sorry for our wounds or we can wash our hands and comb our hair like King David did when he lost his baby boy. King David knew God had heard his prayers, but the boy passed over. 

David’s reaction was:  “But now that he is dead, why should I go on fasting? Can I bring him back again? I will go to him, but he will not return to me.” 2Sa. 12:23    No matter what, David’s heart chose to trust in God in faith and keep a good attitude. Though his heart had to be filled with intense grief and sorrow. He did not blame God. 

Pray with me:

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for giving me these thoughts. We desire to give you honor from our hearts and minds. We ask that honoring you would be a mirrored reflection of our behavior and love for you. Strengthen us to be all that we are called to be. Feed us Father with your truth and increase our faith. Right now, we boldly stand upon the Rock that you have given to us. Place a sensitive guard over our minds, our mouths and our hearts so we can know when we are a target. Give us the keen discernment we need to recognize an arrow. We desire to see with your eye-view and not our own. We ask when we learn your solutions, they would go down deep inside of us, readily available at all times. Thank you for your Holy Spirit for working inside of us and keeping your hand upon us. Thank you for your food, your strength, your love and your joy! Together we say “Jesus is Lord.”  Amen.   

Next: We begin on Descriptions and Solutions!     

Thursday, June 21, 2018

The whole armor of God

The picture of the young girl with her beautiful wheat colored braided hair reminds me of my Aunt Rosie when she was a young girl, although her hair was much longer and almost touched the floor. To this day, we are more like sisters than aunt and niece. My warm musings were suddenly interrupted as I heard a well known television Evangelist declare: “Why am I hearing everyone say, put on the whole armor of God? When you are born-again, you already have the armor of God!”  I gave this some thought. This is true, if God’s armor wasn’t already ours, we wouldn’t be able to “Put it On.” 

Picture an antique treasure chest set before you and when the lid is opened, glittering jewels of every kind were encased in necklaces, earrings, hair ornaments, rings and broaches. There were silver and gold goblets to drink new wine and candlesticks with flowers designed from rubies upon the front. Vases were laden with grapes created of emeralds, sapphires and amethyst. Nuggets of gold and bouillon's were found in purple pouches. You get the picture. Here lies our true riches. Yes, we are rich because we’ve been given an abundance!  This is what the full armor of God looks like and the treasure chest has your name written on it!  

The day you humbled yourself and confessed that Jesus Christ was your Lord and became born-again, you were commissioned and inducted to serve in the Kings Royal Spiritual Army called The Body of Christ and you were given a hand written list of the benefits and perks to use on a daily basis to learn how to be an Overcomer in His Majesty’s Army.  We have complete access to the full armor of God. 

We have everything we need to live an overcoming life, but..

Getting up before sunrise and marching morning drills, does not necessarily mean you are using what has been given to you. In fact, too many times the things we place on high value become stored away. When was the last time you used your good dishes? They sit in the cabinet collecting dust. Dresses and sale items, sometimes complete with tags still on them await in your closet to be “put on” because of the expectation of losing weight or for that special occasion. My mother saved her good walking shoes and she passed away without ever using them. They were “too good” to use on a daily basis. What good is anything unless it is used? 

This could be why Paul in, Ephesians 6:11 instructed us to “Put On.”  Use what has been generously given to you by the Holy Spirit. Everything good comes from God. If we did not need what God gives to us, He would not have given it to us. 

“Put on the full armor of God [for His precepts are like the splendid armor of a heavily armed soldier], so that you may be able to [successfully] stand up against all the schemes and the strategies and the deceits of the devil.” 

Little by little, this is what we are going to be meditating in our hearts. 

Let’s say a small prayer: 

Heavenly Father, Thank you for today and for teaching us what we need to know. We ask that your Holy Spirit would guide us and direct us into that place where we can be more sensitive to your voice. We desire to hear your voice clearly. Help us to bring glory by your love through our thoughts, our words, our behavior, in our families and in any situation we find ourselves. Remind us to give those who offend us, the benefit of the doubt. Remind us to always examine our own heart thoughts. We thank you Holy Spirit and we pray in Jesus, amen. 

Sorry if the picture did not paste. I've been having problems.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

So Will I (100 Billion X) - Hillsong Worship

For those who are walking through a dark hour in their lives

Open up your heart and allow The Holy Spirit to minister to you this morning.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Ever wonder what happens to those who harm God's children?

Those who harm children's minds and bodies will be held accountable and dealt with, by God himself.  Whether they know the truth or do not is NO excuse. Lying and Perversity is global. We cannot point fingers to the most wicked nation. 

I believe we have been in the last of the last days as recorded in the Bible. All these Sodom and Gomorrah signs are out of control!   No matter whether you believe or do not believe. The Bible tells us that every knee will bow and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Morning Prayer for President Trump

Heavenly Father,

We bless your name this morning. We give you all praise as we empty ourselves completely out and take control of any past thoughts and anything that would try to hinder our devotion and your will.  We fully submit to your will. Together, we want to say thank you Father for your precious Holy Spirit always being with us and forever teaching us. Your ear is always open, hearing and answering our prayers continually, even before we ask, you know our hearts. You keep us in the palm of your hand, guarding and directing us. We trust in you completely. You see it all! The very cry of our hearts!  Love, mercy, truth, goodness follow us everywhere. You bless us abundantly!  You send your angels to teach us and quicken our hearts to listen closely to your Holy Spirit. Oh Father, we delight in you! 

Heavenly Father we lift up our President to you this morning. You told us to let our requests be made known to you. We believe he was sent by you to bring our nation back to you. We believe that you selected him for this mission even before the foundation of the earth was laid.  We ask that you would continue to keep him with a sound mind and body and able to use the strong gift of discernment and judgement you gave to him. Grow and fill his heart with all wisdom, knowledge and grace.  We ask that you would continue to renew his physical body from any weariness and from any discouragement. We ask that your angels would guard our President night and day. We ask that you would send a gifted anointed cook to give him good healthy nutritious food. As a visionary we ask that you would continue to keep him lifted up,  miles ahead and above those who try to bring him down. We ask that you would bring an undeniable high favor even followed by joy in this land for our President and his team and a shaking and waking for those who try to destroy your anointed. We ask for mercy to be upon their souls and that your Holy Spirit would awaken them to see the fulness of your truth in Christ. We ask that a spirit of humility and repentance would be sent to these people.  Turn their lives upside down and inside out, according to your will Lord. Open the eyes of their hearts Father.  We thank you for this Father.

We lift up all the families of those who work with our President. We ask that your Comforter would encourage them to keep trusting in you with all their hearts. Fill them with your joy and all those around them. Keep them safe and allow them to see the works of your mighty hand. Anyone who does not know you, we ask that you would open up their hearts to be filled by your Word and touched by your Spirit.  

We ask that those who write down God’s mighty works of this historical time in our lives would write down nothing but the truth.  

We rejoice in you Lord and we pray in Jesus name, amen.

“Listen carefully and hear the words of the wise, and apply your mind to my knowledge; For it will be pleasant if you keep them in mind [ incorporating them as guiding principles]; Let them be ready on your lips [to guide and strengthen yourself and others].” Proverbs 22:17, 18  

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Are people invisible to you?

Once again very practical advice from a Frank Sonnerberg gives us something to think about.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

There is an epidemic of anger in the world

I ran across this article I thought was quite good. The author has admitted to struggling with anger throughout his life.  I believe that there are different reasons why we give into "blowing it." Sometimes it is because we've chosen to give into that Spirit of Fear and sometimes Jealousies. Bottom like is that we have to change our way of thinking in order to combat those emotions and anyone can do this in Christ. This becomes a part of the process of our transformation in Him.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Declaration resisting worry and anxiety!


Pray with me:

I make a stand and declare this morning: I resist and refuse any anxiety or worry that would try to enter into my thought life, but in every circumstance and situation that would come up I will lift up my heart with thanksgiving, petition and prayer letting my requests known to my Father God. I will walk in the peace of God which reassures my heart and transcends all understanding and promises to guard my heart and mind in Jesus Christ is mine. I am triumph throughout any battle, because I have the Spirit of God residing in me and it is by His strength, His power and His love that I breathe. 

You left peace for me, not as the world gives or has said. I refuse to walk in any fear or allow my heart to be troubled. I accept this peace in every circumstance that continues to give me courage and strength! I rejoice over your peace that guards over my heart and mind! I rejoice with joy, it is you Oh Father who have given this fruit to your children. We stand and boldly declare, “You have given us a supernatural peace” the world cannot understand. 
In your Son we declare this. Amen. 

Philippians 4:6-7  and John 14:27