Thursday, June 20, 2019


And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.” Ephesians 4:32 kjv

I watched the baby bluebirds flitting throughout the air, singing, playing together and landing upon new branches. Flying feels good as it strengthens their breast bones.  Then, a thought came to me. Birds in general are kind to one another, the parents share the workload, feeding their young, talking to them, giving them protection; then giving them the encouragement to “fly for themselves.” 

Sometimes, we only get one chance to give kindness.  Each act of kindness brings us a little bit closer to being a world changer.  When we give kindness, we promote the Kingdom of God; right here on earth. I think of those I have been kind towards, but I can see now; I could have been much kinder. Before we know it, our loved ones are here and then, gone. How I would love to have a moment with those who have passed over and tell them how much I loved and appreciated them for their times of kindness in my life. 

When I hear or read, “I love you.” A deep sense of their sincerity is stirred within my soul. The love inside of the family in the Body of Christ is powerful! True, pure kindness comes from the Holy Spirit within us and cannot help but manifest itself through His love.

When we give kindness, we will never regret it. But, if we happen to give into our flesh and retaliate defensively when offended; we will regret that decision. 

Look for the good in one another. When you see a spark, be sure and tell them about it. 

Kindness encourages. 
Kindness always forgives.
Kindness is not self-centered.
Kindness smiles when they don’t feel like it.
Kindness gives the benefit of the doubt.
Kindness deliberately seeks to bless others.
Kindness is full of compassion and empathy.
Kindness is rich in love and mercy.
Kindness understands the rich value of a gentle word.
Kindness works with patience and humility. 
Most of all: 
Kindness brings a smile from our Heavenly Father.

Isn’t it time to celebrate kindness with a, “Be Kind Week?”  All it takes is one person to begin a “Be Kind Week” in their county and we would see the faithfulness of the Holy Spirit grow through kindness as it travels onto other counties.  

Can we really do this?   Yes, we all can.  We can rock other people with bold kindness.

“Be Kind Week” involves using your own imagination creatively.

Some suggestions:

Build birdhouses for others and give them away.
Invite people over for pancakes and coffee.  
Take someone out to eat and pay the bill. Be cheerfully generous.
Bake cookies, cakes, fudge and give everything away. 
Pick up loving cards and write “Thank you” for being my neighbor, my friend, my Pastor, Pastor’s wife. Anyone. Tell them, “I appreciate you!”
Invite new people into your home for snacks.
Open up our homes and open up our hearts.
Offer to others, what God has given inside of you. 
Lastly, ask yourself what you are good at, that you can give away?

Think about it.  Kindness is great and can be contagious and will reproduce more kindness.

Let’s pray:

Precious Father,
        We give you Praise, Honor and Glory this morning. We ask you to reveal to us how we can grow the fruit of kindness in new ways and celebrate the love you continually give to us to others. Show us new ways to give what we have to others to glorify you. We cherish your ways and your truth. Help us to be more like your son Jesus. We ask in His name, amen. 

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