Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Not one of us think alike

Finally, all of you be like-minded [united in spirit] sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted [courteous and compassionate toward each other as members of one household], and humble in spirit;  and never return evil for evil or insult for insult [avoid scolding, berating, and any kind of abuse], but on the contrary, give a blessing [pray for one another’s well-being, contentment, and protection]; for you have been called for this very purpose, that you might inherit a blessing [from God that brings well being, happiness, and protection.”. For, The one who wants to enjoy life and see good days [good-whether apparent or not], Must keep his tongue free from evil  and his lips from speaking guile [treachery and deceit]. 
1 Peter 3:8-10 amp.

If there is one thing I have learned over the years, there are no two people who think alike. Our Creator designed each of us to think differently. All these diverse thinkers are stretched to the far corners of the earth and we begin to have disagreements that shrink all the miles between us, into our own families and into the family of Christ. 

We see things differently.

I can describe a rose that looks to be a creamy pastel light orange color but my husband will see it as pink, even red. My optimistic yet, detailed nature does not necessarily meet with his logical thinking that I consider at times, to be pessimistic. When I look through my rose colored lens, he sees differently.  My husband brings me back to earth to be more logical and practical. He looks into the inner mechanics of a corporation and follows the “money trail” in the physical realm. And, there are times I bring him up to ride upon the wings of a Dove. I see things first in the spiritual side. Either way, there are two sides to every single thing you see in this life. 

Just recently my car started by itself. It was my birthday and I was headed to a small group. The moment I stepped upon my porch, the car started. No buttons pushed, no code involved; the car simply started the exact time I was leaving. I was stunned. I took it as a birthday present from the Lord. Later when talking to one of my sons, I was urged to get it checked out because he saw a program on tv how they are hacking into the computers of the cars today and there could be a bug in my car. My bubble was burst, but I still felt it was from the Lord telling me, “Happy Birthday and yes, I want you to go to that group!”  What would we do without those who can see with a more earthy practical insight? I praise God for them!

God desires to bless us, but we must control our tongues from any guile.
God desires us to have a good life, but our lack of humility can prevent this.
God desires us to be in harmony, but our lack of empathy, sympathy and compassion can prevent this.

Our tongue can block us from giving and receiving love.  
Our pride can do the same thing. 

Plowing in our special life gardens, sooner or later we learn to receive correction and begin to practice: “to this you were called so you may inherit a blessing.” vs 9 niv.

Lets pray

Heavenly Father,

We are so thankful you know our hearts above everyone we are involved. Thank you for showing us our short-sightedness, but we also want to thank you for  teaching us your far-sighted plan too. We know we have been placed in different situations to learn, to be in harmony, to develop more compassion and practice being humble. We will think before we speak and choose to bless those we live with daily.  Father, we don’t want anything to keep us from inheriting the blessings you have for us. It is our desire to bless you O Father, to be pleasing in your sight in all ways. Thank you for those who correct us, who those who care to speak up, for those who are gentle and speak softly to our hearts manifesting your love through the compassion you have given to them, for those who mean what they say and say what they mean. We need one another Father. We realize, we need those who think differently than we do. We ask that your Holy Spirit would give us a clearer eye-view of those who come to us in a different way than our own accustomed thoughts. Thank you Father, in your son we pray. Amen. 

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