Saturday, June 22, 2019

Morning Declaration of Psalm 37

Morning declaration of Psalm 37 

We give honor to The God of our Salvation, His Son and The Holy Spirit.

Good Morning Lord,

We will not fret or worry over evildoers. Not their speech, nor what they do; including all the laws they break. Nor are we envious of any of them.

Your word is alive and says they wither quickly like the grass and will fade away.

Instead, we completely depend upon you O Lord. You are our confidence, we put all of our trust in you and choose to do good. We depend upon your Holy Spirit entirely in our lives.

We feed ourselves upon your faithfulness and delight ourselves in you. Your Holy Spirit is our best friend  You give us the desires and petitions of our hearts. You teach us obedience in so many ways.

We commit our ways to you Lord. We trust in your faithfulness. Your Holy Spirit transforms our pursuit of righteousness into godly right standing with you, like a light and your judgement is like the brilliance of a noonday sun.

We will be still Father and wait patiently for you. We will not fret, worry or complain because of those who prosper in their way, nor those who carry out their wicked schemes. We see it, we hear it and it seems like they get away with it, but we know better.

We cast off and put down all anger and wrath that could be inside of us. We will not fret because your word says, fretting leads to evil. Your word says that those who do evil will be cut off, but those of us who wait upon you will inherit the land. We declare to wait upon you in all areas of our lives.

You said that in just a little while those that do wickedly will be gone forever. Though, we might look; they will not be found. 

We choose to practice humility, because the humble will inherit the land. We will delight in you and be in abundant prosperity and peace. Thank you Father.

Though your word says the wicked will plot against us and even gnash their teeth toward us, you laugh at them because they realize their days are short. 

Though they try to harm us by war, and harm those in need and slaughter those who have good integrity and godly character, your word says that their own sword will enter into their own heart and their bows will be broken. Thank you Lord. You are our shield and high tower.

We confess that we would rather have little with the righteous who seek you and your will, then the abundance of the wicked.  For you have said that their arms will be broken.

You uphold us and sustain us.  You know all of our days and our inheritance will continue forever. We thank you for your promises. We will not be ashamed in the times of evil and during times of a famine; we will have plenty and be satisfied. Our trust is in you O Father.

You said the ungodly will perish, even like the glory of pastures and the fat of lambs that is consumed in smoke. They will vanish. 

We will not fret or complain. Help us Lord not to mutter or whine.

The ungodly borrow and do not repay. But those that love you are gracious, kind and gives. We deliberately choose to walk in your word and your promises. We are blessed Father.

All those cursed by you will be cut off.  But, we know that your son Jesus became a curse for us on that cross and we have been set free from this curse and are no longer ashamed. We belong to your Son, we are the Body of Christ. Thank you Jesus.

Our steps are directed and established by your Holy Spirit and you delight in us and bless the paths we take. We walk in your blessings.  When we fall, we will not be hurled down; because you hold our hand and sustain us. O Thank you Lord.

Once we were young and now we are old but I have not seen those in right standing, those who love you O Father abandoned. You have said that you will never leave us or forsake us. Your Holy Spirit lives within us. Our descendants will never plead for bread. For you give us more than what we need. We are blessed Father. 

All day long we are aware of your graciousness and how you lend to our descendants. We walk in your blessings yesterday, today and tomorrow. 

We have departed from all evil and practice doing good. We have replaced one for the another and know we have an inheritance in your Son Christ Jesus. Thank you Father. If there be a stain in our heart that is hard to remove, we ask that you would correct us, so we can be whole in your Son. Thank you Lord. 

We fully confess and declare that you O Father delight in justice and you will never abandon us [your saints]. We rejoice in your promises!

We are preserved forever but the descendants of the wicked will all be cut off. 

We confess and speak of your wisdom. We speak justice and truth. You have placed the love of your son, the truth of His word and instructions inside of our heart and our steps will not slip. 

Your word says that the wicked wait and seek to kill us. But we confess and know you O Father are not a God who leaves us, nor allows us to be condemned when we are judged. We trust in your will and your way. We will be exalted and in the end, we will see the end of the wicked. Your words are truth, we confess what we believe.

We have seen the wicked violent man with great power who spreads this evil as far as he might, yet he passes away. Never to be found again.

We are complete in Christ, we are upright in Christ and our integrity is all in Jesus Christ your son. You have said the future is good for a man of such peace;  because our life of honor blesses our descendants. Thank you for your promises.

As for transgressors, they will be completely destroyed. All future of them will be cut off. But our salvation is from you O Lord. You continue to be our refuge, our strength and our stronghold in time of trouble. You always help us and rescue us. You rescue us from the wicked and save us because we take refuge in your Son Jesus Christ and because of our Lord, we have the victory.

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