Sunday, June 16, 2019

Pray first thing with me

Beginning your day with a small prayer

Precious Heavenly Father,

We thank you for giving us another day. We thank you for teaching us your will and we thank you for your Holy Spirit who gives us the strength to follow through the path you have chosen for us to walk. We are overwhelmed with love and thankfulness as you hold our hand, all the way. Our desire has become your desire and our will has become your will. We ask that you would continue to work mightily in us today and that we would truly be vessels that glorify you in our walk. Keep your hand a guard over our mouths that we speak only the goodness that we have placed in our hearts and we ask that anything we are unaware of and that is displeasing to you be dispelled completely. We choose to boldly resist and come against anything that causes any division, disunity or anything that would accuse our brothers or sisters in Christ and we demand all those spirits to face His cross in shame! 

We ask that your Holy Spirit would begin to minister to the hearts of your people and cause a stirring, a love, a reckoning and healing towards each other. We pray for a humbleness and a powerful unity to begin inside each individual that would draw your people into forgiveness. We ask that those who are not right, but have fallen into idolatry, seducing, lying and perverted spirits would be awakened by your Holy Spirit and humbled into repentance.  We ask that You O Holy Spirit would reconstruct all wrongs into rights. Awaken your true church into honesty, obedience and fill them up with your love for you and one another. I ask that you would drown all legalistic terms and names of denominationalism and replace them as one glorious body of Christ in you. Give them eyes to see and ears to hear your voice in these days. Fill them up with such faith to receive the healings you have provided to those who believe. Take off any limits or options in your son’s name in their walk. Give those in need a keener clarity, a keener assurance of your voice and your word. We ask that you would fill up the Body of Christ with a “walking, leaping and praising You, overflowing with your joy!” We thank you for this Father. In your son we ask, amen.    

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