Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Christian Comedy | Thou Shalt Laugh 1 (BEST VERSION)

Down to the River - Virtual Choir

We can be like a tree

                                                                   Perseverance #3

Perseverance could be compared like that of an old oak tree that stands in the middle of a green pasture. The tree’s gnarled and twisted branches reach out willingly to give shelter to those who flock underneath. Heavy gales and storms begin to hurl through the area year after year, pruning the needful sections upon our tree. Droughts come and bake the earth into a hard terra-cotta and without a word, he continues to flourish. Our oak tree becomes a legend of hard core perseverance that flourishes in a time of fiery trials, for its roots were planted deep in good rich soil and became immoveable in time of trouble.  

Perseverance will command your faith to boldly rise up, be increased and not be compromised. Your steely faith will be determined by the fortitude of who you are in Christ. Through the fires we are transformed minute by minute. Without a single crumb wasted, the offerings of our humility, prayer, worship, studies, obedience, experiences, testings and trials are all formed and meshed into the likeness of our Father’s son’s by His love. Why? Because His love never fails us. The eyes of the Holy Spirit looks into our hearts and sees our deepest motives and intents. We walk through these times, in a time of daily examination of our hearts and repentance and begin to draw closer and listen to what He has to say to us.

When our faith is purged, we will get back on track and one by one, begin to drop the clutter of the world. Only then, can we see more closely just how narrow the path is we are to walk. 

“Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart
And do not rely on your own insight or understanding.

In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him,
And He will make your paths straight and smooth [removing obstacles that block your way].

Do not be wise in your own eyes;
Fear the Lord [with reverent awe and obedience] and turn [entirely] away from evil.

It will be health to your body [your marrow, your nerves, your sinews, your muscles—all your inner parts]
And refreshment (physical well-being) to your bones.”  Proverbs 3:5-8 amp.

If we are trusting in ourselves more than God, have we placed ourselves above the one who rescued us? Trusting in our Father means you breathe, speak, walk in full confidence of every word He has spoken in your heart. Like the oak tree, you will stand firm through all of the storms. The Bible says we are to give thanks over everything. Can you see His hand in your life? Are you acknowledging Him in all your ways? Bless Him through all things. Persevering is a steadfastness, not be fearful by anything we see or hear in the world, but be immoveable like the oak tree. There isn’t anything we cannot do in Christ, if we have the faith to believe in His word.

“Truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says is going to happen, it will be granted him. Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted you. Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father who is in heaven will also forgive you your transgressions. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father who is in heaven forgive your transgressions.” Mark 11:23-26

And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.” John 14:13-14 
Let’s pray

Heavenly Father,

We are thankful we have the freedom to pray. We are thankful for the immeasurable love you continually given to us. Your eyes go deep inside of our hearts and your Holy Spirit begins to blow upon all of our wounds of our past and you heal us from all of our anxieties, doubts, worries, brokenness, abuse and all our short comings. You are so faithful Father. You are a Father who is gentle, kind, loving, faithful and one who always correct us. You even fight our battles for us. We thank you for your son Jesus. You have replaced our doubt with faith, healed our broken hearts,  given us peace and have enabled us to forgive those who have hurt us.  Right now, we give you all honor, praise, love, with everything inside of us! We love you Father and it is our deepest desire for you to smile over us, for we delight in you every morning. In your son we lift up this prayer. Amen.  

You know my name

Worship Him this morning


Monday, March 23, 2020

Friday, March 20, 2020

Small morning prayer

Heavenly Father, 

Thank you for the privilege of being called "Your Child." Thank you for keeping watch over all of us and using everything in our lives to filter out the leftover stains and to replace it with your goodness and love. Thank you Holy Spirit for whispering your will to us, even while we rest. Thank you for constantly teaching us the things we need to know to accomplish your purpose in our lives, amen; to glorify you. You always hear us. Thank you for your words, that is used to anoint us day in and day out. Watch over our words and put a clamp upon our mouth that nothing comes out except grace for those who would hear us. I ask that you would heal those who are tired and weak and give them a new hope, refill them up with your joy and increase their faith this morning. Your Son said for us to: "Come to Him, all of us who are weary and burdened and that you would give us rest. He said that if we take His yoke upon us and learn from him, for our precious Jesus is gentle and humble in heart; we will find rest for our souls." Mt.11:28 Thank you for all of your promises. And it is always in your son we pray. Amen.

Song: "I am the God who heals thee"

This is a good thing to put into your heart first thing this morning. Sing along with this song and let your faith be increased.


Thursday, March 19, 2020

Hang On!

Click on this for peace:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrKIUzoXDJY

                                                           Perseverance #2

We are walking down a new path in our lives. Presently as I write we find ourselves in a worldwide flu epidemic known as the COVID-19 or Coronavirus. The pestilence is the cause for the masses around the world to be quarantined at home or in hospitals. The media reports employees laid off,  businesses closing their doors and a panic run for food at the grocery stores leaving shelves emptied. Wall street’s flurry of fear plummets stocks. What is next? A depression/recession?  Spiritually speaking, we are experiencing a spirit of fear shaking men’s hearts all around the globe. 

Although we’ve had more serious past epidemics, we have only read about, some are listed below.  


Before our heart stops beating, let’s first look at what we still have before we give into fear. Most of us still have a roof over our heads, clothes to wear, food to eat, dishes to wash with hot and cold water, some of us have family and good neighbors around to help. Because of all this goodness, we should have a thankful heart.

Our prayers begin with “Lord have mercy on us.”  We ask for mercy, yet; we have been walking and living in a time of mercy. Think for just a moment, if we have too much mercy, we will not learn how to love or be thankful, we will take things for granted, nor will we use our faith and persevere. When we persevere we become strong and gain strength. The combination of mercy and justice makes for fine dining.  For example, if I boil a pot of water and pour it into my glass it will break. If I pour some ice water into my glass it too could shatter into pieces. This is the difference between boiling hot or ice cold water. Just using one will never achieve our desired affect. Yet, if we pour a little bit of both into the same glass we then have a good usable mixture. Mercy and justice. This can be invisible love given to us, that few can see. Too much mercy can breed permissiveness and an unthankful heart.  Mercy will continue to pardon and forgive. Why worry if you sin? God will give mercy, right?  We learn by both mercy and justice. How many of us could stand with continual Justice? Justice comes because:

  1. We have a just God. This is part of His character.
  2. Because it is His will. 
  3. Because it is written and prophesied it will come, in His timing.
  4. Because many of us have prayed for it and God always hears our prayers.   

We have been walking in times of mercy, yet do not give back mercy and now, justice has been arriving in our land. Justice sifts all complacency out of a believer. 

The world has literally been getting away with murder:  


Have we gotten use to business as usual?  And, why are men’s hearts filled with fear, violence, anger, lies and blame-shifting, even unbelief and hatred towards God. Upon every side of depravity imaginable, we hear what Jesus once said, “we are as in the days of Noah.”  We are here.

As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.” Matthew 24:37-39 niv

The Son of Man is Jesus Christ who is coming back for His people. 

“The Lord saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all of the time.” Genesis 6:5 niv

But, what does the Bible say about pestilence? Jesus said, “ Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.” Luke 21:10-11 niv 

You might think: “We’ve had earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, famines and disease and plagues ever since I can remember.”  I cannot help but agree with you, but have you noticed how quickly they are coming? One on top of each other, to the degree of barely being reported by the media? One side of the world is wrestling with pestilence but also Locusts. Another area is experiencing floods and the other side is being burnt up with fires!  In one single day there were 5 earthquakes in the same area.

You might ask: “What does it have to do with me, and what can I do about it?”
Others might ask: “ I am really frightened, I do not know what to do?” 

Your very first step is to humble yourselves. Be open to what the Bible says.

Believe in Jesus Christ the son of God who was sent to be a blood sacrifice, upon the cross for you and me, so we could have forgiveness. Think about this for just a moment. During the times of the Old Testament, the Hebrew Priest would take a lamb or a different animal and place it on the altar and offer it up to God for their sins. They tried to live up to all their Levitical laws as given in the book of Leviticus. For every type of sin, there was a specialized animal for a sacrificial blood offering. Come to find out, this did not work. People still sinned. What did God have to say about all this?

“And if you had known what this means, ‘I desire mercy, and not sacrifice,’ you would not have condemned the guiltless.” Matthew 12:7

Jesus was sacrificed because His Father God loved us [the world] even in the very midst of our sins He calls us to Him. Our Father God, had to come down to our level of understanding and use His son as the final and once and for all sacrifice to take away all of our sins.

Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9

Pray with me:

Heavenly Father,

You’ve given us another day to hear your will and understand the depth of your love. You tell us we can persevere and even have peace during the storm. We need this peace. Right now I choose to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and I firmly believe that you raised Him up on the third day. I ask that you would forgive all my sins. Confess them__________. I choose to turn from them in repentance and ask your Holy Spirit to help me and give me strength to be strong, endure and persevere in Your truth. In Jesus I ask, amen. 

If you have humbly prayed this prayer from your heart, the Bible tells us that you have been given a new heart and am a new person in Christ. This is called being Born Again. Now, you must grow in this truth by reading the Bible. Write things down, ask those who are believers questions to help you get through the trials and learn how to persevere. Start listening to good gospel music, you will be filled up with joy and peace! We are all in this together because we are “The Body of Christ.” 

Next: Perseverance #3

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Don't give up!

                       Perseverance #1

There it is again! The word that makes us want to hide and throw the covers over our head!  Oh, go away!  There are times we fantasize and want to jump into our car and drive for miles to a peaceful ocean side village called: “Without a Care.” We put on our rose colored sunglasses as we find a solitary shady spot and begin to listen to the chorus of seagulls and soothing waves. Our nerves begin to relax. Ah, love, peace at last.” I’m home,” you think to yourself. Wouldn’t it be lovely if we could turn everything off as simple as sitting by the water? Not so fast! We try to nod off, but sleep does not come. We have the capacity to download our past history and with one simple click, we are watching a picture and listening. Our psyche wrestles and reasons with our history only a day or week ago. And, if you happen to have a super extraordinary imagination that compares with, what is behind every single door; you could find yourself having lunch upon Mt. Everest too! Because? Because while you were in “Peace” you climbed it. 

The word? “Perseverance.” In greek is called: “hypomone” and is translated into three main verbs “hypermeno, epimeno and karereo.” The root word “meno” is sometimes used to reveal the contrast between the permanence is of God and the inconsistency of man and the world. 
If you have ever been called fickle, you have a good idea of the meaning of this great divide. 

Perseverance is not fickle and will not be running to the beach to escape the problems at hand. In fact, when trouble arises God sends His angels saying: “Here I am! Let me help you through this fire.” These people carry weapons of warefare, through their tasks of giving, serving and helps. They bring giant truck loads of perseverance that are running over with empathy and compassion. They are motivated by their love for Christ and you! These people know what you are going through. How? This is a gift given to them by God. Perseverance is more than patience, yet both connect with hope. The long-suffering they themselves have experienced increases their faith and love while the Holy Spirit works inside.  How does that happen?

This takes us a bit further about this word. In Judaism, hypomone appears as an inward work, of great profit to the righteous in Hebrew life. How exciting! Just meditating upon the deep inward work that hypomone does inside of us makes me feel that I can run through a hoop and leap over a wall in one single bound! This very thought, fills me with joy! 

The Holy Spirit begins to increase your faith and give you His confidence during difficult times and when the rough times come a specialized inward work of great profit is happening inside of us. Think of it: “Great Profit!” God knows what you are made of, He is the one who designed you. 

“But the Lord said to Anamias, “Go! This man is my chosen instrument to carry my name before the Gentiles and their kings” and before people of Israel. I will show him how much he must suffer for my name.” Acts 9:15, 16

We can be led into different forms of spiritual tests that manifest themselves physically in our lives, in our minds, our hearts, our souls and bodies. These can be difficult times and that is when we gain strength and refuse to give up. Right now, this very minute, you are gaining strength by the great inward work that is being done inside of you! Yes, this really happens!

Stay tuned for Perseverance #2

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father,

We give you all honor Father. You are a Holy God, our Father. We are reminded you are looking for a united group of faithful believers when your son Jesus comes back. We look for you! We know you are faithful and cannot lie and that everything you do and say is for our behalf and is in love, to continue to make us stronger and to give your name glory. Be with us Lord. We cherish your word and listen closely to your voice. Thank you Father for giving us another new day and a new loving word. You said that you fight our battles. You said Peace is ours and for us to even seek it. Help us to grow this fruit of peace and give us the wisdom to accomplish this.  Your Holy Spirit teaches us that no matter where we find ourselves and no matter what we go through, you are with us. You never leave us. You hold our hands. Right now, we deliberately put down all fear and use our faith and love and choose to walk in boldness, trusting in you with every single step we take, for we know our steps are directed by you. We cannot lose! We love you with all of our hearts, our minds, our soul and our strength, and we love our neighbors as ourselves. Thank you Father and we pray in your Son Jesus Christ, amen. 

Monday, March 16, 2020

A small word and a mighty prayer

Agur was the son of Jakeh a pious man who did not consider himself very wise or have any understanding. Nor did he feel he had any knowledge of the Holy One who has gone up to heaven and came down, established the earth and then,  continued to ask; "what is his name and the name of his son? Tell me if you know! Proverbs 30:2-4   

He said:  "Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words, or he will rebuke you and prove you a liar." vs. 5-6

Then, Agur prayed one of the best prayers for any of us to pray:
"Two things I ask of you, O Lord; do not refuse me before I die:  Keep falsehood and lies far from me; give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread. Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you and say "Who is the Lord" Or I may become poor and steal, and so dishonor the name of my God."  vs 7-9

I have always loved that prayer because Agur had more wisdom than he thought. He had the fear of God inside of him and he had a great deal of foresight. He felt he did not have any wisdom, knowledge or understanding, so he simply asked God to keep falsehood and lies from him, for he realized how subtle and deceiving they can be. He never prayed for wealth, but simply his daily bread. He knew if he had too much wealth his dependence might lean upon riches instead of God. If he was too poor, he could steal and in both situations he could dishonor the name of His God. 


Heavenly Father,

We understand how you use all things, and we know you work behind the scenes upon our behalf, for your glory. You continually give us answers to receive contentment and peace this morning through your servant Agur. Again, you remind us to pray over everything, trust in you with all of our hearts and not to think too highly of ourselves. You have always taken care of us and we know you are faithful to never leave us. We say, Thank you Father for giving us exactly what we need. Thank you Father for continually expressing your love to us every morning. You are a God of hope! A God of Love! One that even battles for us. We pray in your Son's beautiful name Jesus. Amen. 

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Pray this small prayer with me.

Breaking news, Speaker Nancy Pelosi is weaponizing the Coronavirus crisis to fund the abortion agenda.
This is demonic.

Heavenly Father, Your word says that if we ask anything in your son's name Jesus that we will have it. We ask that you stop this woman and all those who are working to further their evil agendas in our land. Do away with all of their evil intents, schemes for power; get all their hands away from our babies and our children and replace them with those who love you. We ask for justice in our land and prepare the hearts to recognize it when it comes and stay stedfast. Thank you Father and in your son we pray. Amen.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Life after death

Listen to skywatch and see if it makes sense to you.


Sunday, March 1, 2020

Can anger be good? Yes!

We all have our days that begin like a rocket, especially when you have two cats that demand you get up at 3:30 am and concentrate on feeding them! I finally blew up yesterday morning when one kept whining and stretching to open the door and the other looked for things to bang onto the floor, scratch where he shouldn’t and walk back and forth over my body. Their “innocent” eyes opened wide in astonishment when I sat up and with the venom to kill; I angrily blasted out; “Stop it!  No more! NO!” How could I sleep? Of course, they got their way and I began to develop a master plan to prevent any future interruptions. Fuming, we marched downstairs to let our two aging dogs into the yard. I gave a loud shriek! No matter what pet you have, they all understand your anger when they violate a rule. That morning there were some “glad tidings” of disobedience on the floor to add to my fury. I am always amazed how anger [not abuse] leads to the coveted peace I need in my life. The pets “got it” and they all learned I mean business and need my sleep to be nice, and yes I will certainly let the dogs out! The birds? Well, that is another story. 

My desire? To be exactly right where I am, drinking in God’s Word [without interruption] and thinking about His goodness and how He works in my life. I learn to move past the upsets and back into His arms once again.

God understands the way [to wisdom] and He knows it’s place [for wisdom is with God alone]. For He looks to the ends of the earth and sees everything under the heavens. When He gave weight and pressure to the wind. And allotted the waters by measure. When He made a limit for the rain and a way for the thunderbolt. Then He saw wisdom and declared it; He established it and searched it out. But to man He said, “Behold, the reverential and worshipful fear of the Lord-that is wisdom: And, to depart from evil is understanding.”  Job 28:23-28 amp.