Sunday, March 1, 2020

Can anger be good? Yes!

We all have our days that begin like a rocket, especially when you have two cats that demand you get up at 3:30 am and concentrate on feeding them! I finally blew up yesterday morning when one kept whining and stretching to open the door and the other looked for things to bang onto the floor, scratch where he shouldn’t and walk back and forth over my body. Their “innocent” eyes opened wide in astonishment when I sat up and with the venom to kill; I angrily blasted out; “Stop it!  No more! NO!” How could I sleep? Of course, they got their way and I began to develop a master plan to prevent any future interruptions. Fuming, we marched downstairs to let our two aging dogs into the yard. I gave a loud shriek! No matter what pet you have, they all understand your anger when they violate a rule. That morning there were some “glad tidings” of disobedience on the floor to add to my fury. I am always amazed how anger [not abuse] leads to the coveted peace I need in my life. The pets “got it” and they all learned I mean business and need my sleep to be nice, and yes I will certainly let the dogs out! The birds? Well, that is another story. 

My desire? To be exactly right where I am, drinking in God’s Word [without interruption] and thinking about His goodness and how He works in my life. I learn to move past the upsets and back into His arms once again.

God understands the way [to wisdom] and He knows it’s place [for wisdom is with God alone]. For He looks to the ends of the earth and sees everything under the heavens. When He gave weight and pressure to the wind. And allotted the waters by measure. When He made a limit for the rain and a way for the thunderbolt. Then He saw wisdom and declared it; He established it and searched it out. But to man He said, “Behold, the reverential and worshipful fear of the Lord-that is wisdom: And, to depart from evil is understanding.”  Job 28:23-28 amp. 

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