Friday, March 20, 2020

Small morning prayer

Heavenly Father, 

Thank you for the privilege of being called "Your Child." Thank you for keeping watch over all of us and using everything in our lives to filter out the leftover stains and to replace it with your goodness and love. Thank you Holy Spirit for whispering your will to us, even while we rest. Thank you for constantly teaching us the things we need to know to accomplish your purpose in our lives, amen; to glorify you. You always hear us. Thank you for your words, that is used to anoint us day in and day out. Watch over our words and put a clamp upon our mouth that nothing comes out except grace for those who would hear us. I ask that you would heal those who are tired and weak and give them a new hope, refill them up with your joy and increase their faith this morning. Your Son said for us to: "Come to Him, all of us who are weary and burdened and that you would give us rest. He said that if we take His yoke upon us and learn from him, for our precious Jesus is gentle and humble in heart; we will find rest for our souls." Mt.11:28 Thank you for all of your promises. And it is always in your son we pray. Amen.

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