Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Don't give up!

                       Perseverance #1

There it is again! The word that makes us want to hide and throw the covers over our head!  Oh, go away!  There are times we fantasize and want to jump into our car and drive for miles to a peaceful ocean side village called: “Without a Care.” We put on our rose colored sunglasses as we find a solitary shady spot and begin to listen to the chorus of seagulls and soothing waves. Our nerves begin to relax. Ah, love, peace at last.” I’m home,” you think to yourself. Wouldn’t it be lovely if we could turn everything off as simple as sitting by the water? Not so fast! We try to nod off, but sleep does not come. We have the capacity to download our past history and with one simple click, we are watching a picture and listening. Our psyche wrestles and reasons with our history only a day or week ago. And, if you happen to have a super extraordinary imagination that compares with, what is behind every single door; you could find yourself having lunch upon Mt. Everest too! Because? Because while you were in “Peace” you climbed it. 

The word? “Perseverance.” In greek is called: “hypomone” and is translated into three main verbs “hypermeno, epimeno and karereo.” The root word “meno” is sometimes used to reveal the contrast between the permanence is of God and the inconsistency of man and the world. 
If you have ever been called fickle, you have a good idea of the meaning of this great divide. 

Perseverance is not fickle and will not be running to the beach to escape the problems at hand. In fact, when trouble arises God sends His angels saying: “Here I am! Let me help you through this fire.” These people carry weapons of warefare, through their tasks of giving, serving and helps. They bring giant truck loads of perseverance that are running over with empathy and compassion. They are motivated by their love for Christ and you! These people know what you are going through. How? This is a gift given to them by God. Perseverance is more than patience, yet both connect with hope. The long-suffering they themselves have experienced increases their faith and love while the Holy Spirit works inside.  How does that happen?

This takes us a bit further about this word. In Judaism, hypomone appears as an inward work, of great profit to the righteous in Hebrew life. How exciting! Just meditating upon the deep inward work that hypomone does inside of us makes me feel that I can run through a hoop and leap over a wall in one single bound! This very thought, fills me with joy! 

The Holy Spirit begins to increase your faith and give you His confidence during difficult times and when the rough times come a specialized inward work of great profit is happening inside of us. Think of it: “Great Profit!” God knows what you are made of, He is the one who designed you. 

“But the Lord said to Anamias, “Go! This man is my chosen instrument to carry my name before the Gentiles and their kings” and before people of Israel. I will show him how much he must suffer for my name.” Acts 9:15, 16

We can be led into different forms of spiritual tests that manifest themselves physically in our lives, in our minds, our hearts, our souls and bodies. These can be difficult times and that is when we gain strength and refuse to give up. Right now, this very minute, you are gaining strength by the great inward work that is being done inside of you! Yes, this really happens!

Stay tuned for Perseverance #2

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father,

We give you all honor Father. You are a Holy God, our Father. We are reminded you are looking for a united group of faithful believers when your son Jesus comes back. We look for you! We know you are faithful and cannot lie and that everything you do and say is for our behalf and is in love, to continue to make us stronger and to give your name glory. Be with us Lord. We cherish your word and listen closely to your voice. Thank you Father for giving us another new day and a new loving word. You said that you fight our battles. You said Peace is ours and for us to even seek it. Help us to grow this fruit of peace and give us the wisdom to accomplish this.  Your Holy Spirit teaches us that no matter where we find ourselves and no matter what we go through, you are with us. You never leave us. You hold our hands. Right now, we deliberately put down all fear and use our faith and love and choose to walk in boldness, trusting in you with every single step we take, for we know our steps are directed by you. We cannot lose! We love you with all of our hearts, our minds, our soul and our strength, and we love our neighbors as ourselves. Thank you Father and we pray in your Son Jesus Christ, amen. 

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