Sunday, November 1, 2020

99.44% vs 100% pure love


                               “99.44% vs 100% Pure Love”

Country and western music fans will remember how Ronnie Milsap use to sing a song called, “Pure Love.”  It was 99.44% pure love. I know about that song, because I used to sing along with Ronnie before I was born again. 

All the many years that I partied and danced, foolishly ran on the beach with my friends, swam in a spring lake at midnight [gators] and rolled my VW bug 3 times and was thrown out!  I gave no thought of the consequences of my behavior. I did not realize I was sowing seeds that would bring an unwanted harvest.  I kept right on singing Ronnie’s song, “Pure Love.”      

Everyone was looking for love in the 60’s and 70’s. We were vagabonds and didn’t know that true love is pure love. In fact, everyone was looking for love in all the wrong places, for all the wrong reasons for all the wrong things and with all the wrong people! My life was all wrong! How could we understand or see when our eyes were blinded by living in sin?

Stay with me.  

We have a God who can stop a rider from racing its horse at the gate! You can be bucked off a saddle and roped like a calf in record time. He knows exactly what we need to:

  1. Get our attention
  2. Humble ourselves
  3. Seek His truth
  4. Believe
  5. Surrender to His will 

I asked a good friend of mine “Professor Bob Earley,”  if the speed of light can be compared to a nanosecond? He thought for a second and easily said, “it has to do with the measuring and timing. It could be something like measuring 2 to millions.” I further looked it up and read one answer that said, “Light travels at 299,792,458 meters per second and a nanosecond is a billionth of a second so in one nanosecond light travels about 0.3 meters or about 0.98 feet per nanosecond.” I am sure everyone got that!  My mind started to swim. I think in pictures, colors and words, not numbers. But, I felt I was given a little insight to make my point.  

Within one single nanosecond, the marvel of God’s love can implant a miracle seed of hope deep within your heart.  Though your heart may be empty now, it is one step away from grace. Yes, one nanosecond. Miracles begin to happen when we are given a new heart in Christ.  Only when we have been born-again [born from above] do we learn how to love and come face to face with 100% true love. Purer then Ivory soap! Those who have come from good homes have an idea of how to love, but unless you have the Spirit of God working inside of you; you will miss the mark. 

Hang on.

Real Love begins with a seed.

Real Love gives, overlooks and forgives.

Real Love surrenders.

Real Love puts down all pride.

Real Love humbles.

Love sees love in others and cannot wait to say, “I love you!”

Love must love!

And, reproduces more love and is drawn to other “lovers!”

After it’s own kind.

Real love sacrifices,

Resists fear, and yields to faith.

Draws you closer to God.

God’s character is filled with a Holy Love. Everything He does and allows is motivated by His love. While we are here on earth, we look through a sliver of understanding. The many questions of suffering and pain cannot all be answered in this life. We may not see the big picture, but we can be assured; God is always working behind the scenes in more ways we can barely imagine. 

When we love the way we were created, we have the peace of God inside of us. “What! You say? How can anyone have peace the way the world is turned upside down today?” 

Listen closely: Jesus Christ began as a seed implanted by the Holy Spirit, inside of a virgin named Mary. He was the son of God, and was sent so you and I could have forgiveness for our sins. He was the 100% pure love sacrifice.

Jesus came into the world, after His own kind. His Father God. Everything he did and said; came from the instructions of His Father. 

“Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.” John 5:19 kjv

In the natural, this can be compared to a couple having a baby. Their union, brought the seed and fertilized the egg the woman had and the baby was born after its kind.   The baby will have the attributes of the parents. 

“Jesus answered, Verily verily I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit; Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.” John 3:5-7 kjv.

When we hear the word of God, a seed is planted by the Holy Spirit inside of you. Depending on where your heart is, will depend if the seed lands upon good soil. If the seed lands upon good soil, you become pregnant just like Mary became pregnant. The moment [or nanosecond] you believe by faith and accept that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and was sent to be crucified for your sins; you have just been given a supernatural new birth in Christ. A baby has been born! You have been given a free gift by God, called grace. This is after His kind and The Kingdom of God is within you.

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:” Ephesians 2:8 kjv


He is with us and within us. 

[This is not to be confused with the futuristic Kingdom of God that will be our home.]

But how? Humble yourself and pray with me.

Heavenly Father,

I know I have sinned. I feel so ashamed. I believe that your Son Jesus went to the cross so I can have forgiveness of my sins. Please forgive me for [name them]:___________________________.  I repent. Set me free from my past. Open my eyes further to your truth. Your word says that I am now a new creature in Christ and that old things are passed away and all things become new. Help me grow and send me your loving believers to be by my side and hold me up. Teach me your ways Lord.  I ask this in the name of Jesus, amen.

All believers have walked through the same door you have just walked through. There are no shortcuts to the new life in Christ. If you have sincerely prayed this prayer from your heart, the Bible says you have been born of the Spirit, like Jesus requested. Now, you must buy a good Bible and ask a friend where a good Bible believing church is located. Do not be surprised if you lose all your worldly friends, you are not the same person you once was.  Join a Bible study to learn the truth and make new friends. You will gain strength through older believers and they will pray for you. Welcome to the Family!

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