Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Please pray along with me. Thank you.

Fraud is everywhere. Especially when you go to sleep. Pray with me for our nation. 

 Heavenly Father,

Thank you for giving us your sword. Thank you for giving us a mustard seed of faith, whereas you said we can speak to that mountain in our lives and command it to be removed and cast into the sea.  We speak to this mountain that is looming over our nation’s fraudulent activity in the election process and we speak truth come forth! We speak all fraudulent activity be exposed and stopped!  We speak all those guilty and involved in this theft to come forth and confess! We speak, our President Trump would receive the rightful votes he has endlessly sowed for in this election. We speak his abundant harvest to come forth!  We speak all lies to be cast into the sea! We speak a continual reversing in states that have cheated to be declared victory for President Trump! 

We will keep our eyes upon You O Father and with Your right hand, we will not be shaken.  For no word from You O God ever fails. We have learned you are a good God, you are our refuge in times of trouble and you care for those who trust in you.  We trust in you O Lord. 

Help us O Lord to hold to the hope unswervingly to the faith we profess. You are our hope. For your promises are faithful. Thank you Father. We live by faith, not by sight. We choose to be strong and courageous, we will not be afraid or terrified of those who are violent, those who deceive and scheme to take over our nation, for You O Lord God go with us, You will never leave us or forsake us. You O Father call us your children and your word says we have overcome them because greater is He in us, than He who is in the world. Thank you Father. 

You O Father give our souls rest, our hope comes from You. You are our rock, our salvation; and fortress. We refuse to give into fear or be shaken. Thank you Father for renewing our strength and that we can soar like eagles, run and not grow weary, walk and not be faint. 

Your Son Jesus said “That in Him we may have peace. In the world we will have tribulation. But we can take heart; because you have overcome the world.” We believe this Lord.  We will keep our minds stayed upon you, for you have taught us this is the way to have perfect peace. 

Right now, we cast all anxieties, worries, fears, doubts, worldly thoughts upon You O Lord because you care for us. And, we let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts, to which we are called a body. Thank you for your peace Father. 

In Jesus Name, we pray: Amen. 

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