Saturday, November 28, 2020


I can see good happening to.

 I Believe

I believe that I may live to see the manifestation of my prayers come to pass. I believe I will see all my family walking with zeal in God’s truth. I believe I will see believers placed in positions in high places  [happening now], all abortions abolished, unions of marriages between only a man and a woman that will reproduce godly children. I believe all the medias that have lied to us for many decades will be replaced by those who refuse to compromise their integrity and are filled with God’s truth. I believe all perverted teachers will be replaced by those who cherish truth. This means the past history of our nation, the darkness of sorrows, along with the light.  I believe I will see the crooked paths made straight as all sanctuary cities will be turned upside down into a peaceful haven for wounded hearts, yet a place of accountability, a place of discipline and love in Christ. I believe our nation will be the hand of God that will bear fruit in Christ, move mountains by faith, heal souls and strive to do good. I believe I will see our nation worship God in Spirit and Truth. I believe this will come. I believe that any hardship we will face, we will endure together and it will make us stronger and wiser in Christ. We are His nation and we will be His people, humble and filled with thankful hearts! We will fight for what God has given to us and never again, allow room for the enemy to take control. I believe this is what will make America Great. Yes, I believe this! 

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