Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Small morning prayer by Betty H.

 Lord, I don't feel your presence in my life this morning.  The sunshine is hiding its face behind the dark clouds rolling across the sky.  All the excitement of Jesus' birth is now over and the mundane duties and responsibilities have returned.  Come and fill me with your everlasting joy.  Use me today to encourage and uplift someone who feels alone and empty.  Open my eyes to see all the blessings surrounding me and open my ears to hear your words of love so I can share them with others.   You give me life everlasting and I want to be available to share you with another and see them step from darkness into your beautiful light that cleanses away all sin.  Help me today to see and receive all the pearls of wisdom and love you spread across my pathway and make it possible to walk in newness of life in this new year about to open.  Make your word come alive and wonderful for I ask it Jesus' name.  AMEN

Thursday, December 16, 2021

The Aroma of Christ


Living in a good neighborhood with good people can be a lifesaver. I was sick with covid/pneumonia for over two months. There was intense weakness, painful breathing and coughing. Any exertion, would find myself breathless. Without an appetite, eating was a challenge. Finally I forced myself to begin to eat a teaspoon of what was given to me. I drank a lot of fluids, mostly water, juices and chicken broth and took my medication. During this time people from our church dropped off prepared dishes of food for us to eat. This kept my husband fed as I was too weak to cook. I felt useless and incapable of doing anything. Then, I began to see God’s love in a more intimate way. We both became enriched by those who prayed and helped us. 

Little by little I was slowly brought out of that trial.

The givers, servers, administrators and helper gifts are usually behind the scenes and are not noticed, unlike those who sing or stand behind a pulpit. St. Paul was comparing the Body of Christ with the parts of the human anatomy as he talked about spiritual gifts: 

“The eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” And the hand cannot say to the feet, “I don’t need you!” On the contrary those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, and parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor. And the parts that are unpresentable are treated with special modesty, while our presentable parts need no special treatment. But God has combined the members of the body and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored every part rejoices with it.” 1Co.12:21-26

What would we do without our liver that keeps filtering out the toxins we eat? You might think, get a new one.  What if your body rejects the new liver? We can live with one kidney, but not our pancreas. Ask your Doctor about the value of your butterfly shaped thyroid, regulates everything in your body. Our heart pumps the blood through the heart valves out and around again through the arteries and veins carrying an army of tools. The red and white blood cells have two main functions: the carriage of oxygen; and the defense against microbial attack. We rarely give thought how everything is functioning together for our good, even while we sleep. Only God can create such a miraculous wonder as the human body.

Compare all these functions to the members of the Body of Christ. We are all specialists. The administrators, helpers, givers and servers are what holds the church up. [the church is not a building made with hands, but people who love the Son of God] Without these hands and feet, we would fall apart. Most of these people are gifted organizers and know right where to find something they tucked away two or three years ago. I tuck something safely away and I never find it again. I have prayed and worked towards being more organized and discovered it is a life time of learning. At least I only have one junk drawer, while the organizers do not have any. 

Why was I here? Who was I? Before Christ I did not know who I was, but after I was born again I was given my identity. I have learned through study and experiences, my mission and who I am in Christ. The fear and love of God has given me the reality of knowing that without Him, I am nothing. With Him, I can do all things through Christ, because He is my confidence, Rock and the Anchor of my life.

There are six homes on our small street and one particular lady, knowing I was ill started to deliver our mail on a daily basis so we wouldn’t have to go to the end of the street to get it. She also retrieved our garbage can from the end of our long driveway. Since we have lived here, this lady has befriended us and never failed giving us cards, presents and even homemade bread around Christmas time. Our life has been blessed with this mega giver, “Beth.” 

Another lady on our street asked if I would like her to shop groceries for us. She had to go to town anyway and she’d be more than happy to do it. Such empathy and compassion is linked not only with prayers but godly works. Thank you, “Melody.”

A sweet lady in our church calls us on a regular basis and asks if we need anything from town and Is there anything they can do to help us in anyway? And, she really means it! She strives to serve and help others. Continued thanks to my friend, “Pam.”

Time and again, another lady has given me words of encouragement in ways I have been unknowingly used by God and it always happens right when I need to hear from Him and be reassured that I am on the mark and loved. My friend loves to cook and feed everyone around her. You are much loved and irreplaceable, “Betty!”

A thankful heart goes to our neighbor “Dave” who took the time to set up our new tv. We couldn’t have done it without him.

More sincere thanks for their prayers, helps and continual giving go to, “ My husband Bob, Ken and Cindy, Dawn, Theda, Vickie, Bill and Cookie, Marie and Barrie, Randy and Kim, illa, Pastor Denny and Ann, Hank and Nancy,  Eddie and Denny, Elaine and Bert, Dan and Sandra, Beth Lacaille and my sons and their families and many more who prayed for me. Some I don’t know, even all over the world! 

They are all going through their own personal life struggles, but they take the time to say a prayer for others. This is the true Body of Christ.  What a blessing it is, to know these people and experience a real family with their transparent love of Christ.

If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored every part rejoices with it.” 1Co.12:26

Our love for one another is proof that we have already passed from death to life because we love our brothers [each other]. 1John 3:14a. 

These laborers of love give off the fragrance of the knowledge of Christ. These are their callings and wherever they go, they leave a trail of the aroma of Christ for those whom they help. They are not flashy, do not brag about themselves, are gentle minded, they try to think carefully before they speak, they correct themselves, they are humble, learning to forgive quickly, growing in God’s love, always seeking to learn from others and I can see, have strived to be in and stay in, the will of God.  They are obedient because of their tenacious love for God and others. They are the working example of the grace they have received from God. These are the treasured jewels in God’s family and filled with the fruit of His Spirit.  It is with my deepest heartfelt words I agree with MacLaren’s Expositions in saying: Paul considered himself and those who love Christ, “Captive Conquerors” and it is within the highest honor that we willingly take our chains of obedience, experiencing an overflow of His love and joy! We are triumphant!  

Never underestimate the “small” things people do, they deliver in a very large way from God Himself! 

“But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.  To the one we are the smell of death, to the other the fragrance of life. And who is equal to such a task?” 2Co. 2:14-16 NIV

How can we offer the grace and kindness of salvation unless His Spirit glows within us to give? 

Something inside of us has to be crushed and crucified, in order to produce the fragrance of the knowledge of him and be that aroma of Christ. When we go through this crushing, our soul begins to yield in the right direction. Some call it our will, self [our own way or reasonings]. Flesh and pride is like the seed, of a weed that has once invaded your soul but in Christ, the weeds begins to disintegrate. Your eyes become opened by God’s truth, through His love. 

The Beloved Holy Spirit ever patient, waits.

One of the most cherished and godly friends I ever had would repeat this verse every morning after she got out of bed. I wanted to be just like Margret. Every single time she prayed she would kneel. 

“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” Ga.2:20 

Jesus said that unless you are born again, you will not enter the Kingdom of God. This means humbly accepting that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and was the complete and perfect sacrifice on the cross so we would have forgiveness for our sins and be given eternal life. It doesn’t matter what you have done or how deep your sins are, when you sincerely cry out to God, you will never be turned away. Jesus said:


“In reply Jesus declared, I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.” John 3:3 

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6   

There is only one way to heaven.  Humbly ask to be born again and He will give you a brand new heart. Being born again is a gift of grace by God through your faith. We do not deserve this gift and cannot work our way to heaven. This gift is a manifestation of His love for you. This means, you will not die in your sins and we have all sinned. Before you believed, you were sentenced to a life in prison [curse]. When you accept that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, you become pardoned. Every believer has walked through this door, you are not alone. Some are experiencing a tug in your heart as you read. Do not hesitate any longer. 

God brings us through our trials and tests when we relinquish our will for His and this is the beginning of hearing His voice over ours. 

Pray with me:

Heavenly Father,

I believe that Your Son Jesus was sent to be the complete sacrifice upon that cross so I can have forgiveness of my sins. I understand I have sinned and regret everything I have done. Right now I confess my sins to you: _______. Forgive me Father. I want to be born again. Give me that new heart. Make me into that new person Father. Mold me into the likeness of Your Son Jesus Christ. In Jesus Christ I ask. Amen.

If you have humbly prayed this prayer, the Bible says that you have been born-again and are a new creature in Christ. Old things will become passed away and you will have eyes that will see everything in a new light…because He is the Light and it is He who is abiding inside of you now. Find a Bible believing church, buy a good Bible [they give them away at thrift stores] and begin by reading the book of John. Connect with making new friends at church and get hooked up in a small group. Your new friends will love you and pray for you and help you grow. Welcome into the family of God! 



Thursday, November 18, 2021

Flowers bloom, do you?


The train chugged by the rolling hills that were ladened with bright orange and yellow flowers that were too numerous to count. Looking out of the window I thought to myself: “Could all those countless of flowers be a fraction of the blessings of God that are stored up for those, who fear and love Him?”   

How can this be, you might ask, “How can I know God, love God and fear Him too? Those who believe in God are called His children and we call Him our Father. Consider the love of a good earthly father, who will love you enough to stop you from wounding yourself. He will reprimand his child when he disobeys and so does our heavenly Father! That child will learn that when he disobeys, there will always be consequences to pay and the child will begin to think twice, before he does wrong again. A good earthly father will not allow his toddler to wander into the street to play, but teach him while he grows; there will always be physical and invisible boundaries in his lifetime. Spiritually speaking, making wise choices will keep you from sinning. If you choose over what you know to be right, instead of what you want, could actually save your life.  There are consequences in everything we do [positively or negatively] and these are a part of the benefits we reap in being a believer in Christ. Most people do not think of a Heavenly Father who corrects His people and He does this because He loves us. Hopefully, we learn from our mistakes. If we do not learn the first time, we will repeat it until we do learn. This is a godly law. We are here to learn how to receive and give the love of Jesus Christ.  If we do not receive His love, how can we give His love? How can we give anything that is not inside of us? Once we begin to understand a small fraction of His love, we begin to experience what it means to be in Gods Presence. Think for a moment about being in the Presence of God. Ask yourself, “What does that mean to me?” Being in His Presence means, forgiveness, tasting and seeing the Lord is good.  Everything works for us, no; not against us. We are His children and the salt of the earth. If God is for us, who can be against us? And, it means; our Father fights our battles for us.

How great is Your goodness, Which you have stored up for those who [reverently] fear You. Which You have prepared for those who take refuge in You, Before the sons of man! In the secret place of Your Presence You hide them from the plots and conspiracies of man; You keep them secretly in a shelter [pavilion] from the strife of tongues.” Psalm 31:19-20. amp. 

I want to look like one of those orange and yellow flowers blooming over the hills in His sight. They are all growing together and could be saying, “See what strength we have in our Father’s eyes. We are growing in His love.”

Heavenly Father,

We thank You for storing up goodness for us, and we take refuge in Your Presence, for we know we belong in Your will. By your Spirit, You hide us from the plots and conspiracies of man and keep us in a secret shelter from the accusers. You protect us with your heavenly angels who encamp around us. You have given us Your sword to fight off the enemy upon all levels. You have given us Your Son’s name, Jesus Christ to take authority over all the principalities and powers in high places. We confess in faith and speak Your word that has transformed our hearts, relationships, lives, given us strength and joy amidst the things we walk through. Thank You Father. We ask that You would forgive us our times of unbelief and times of careless unthinking words and we ask that You would wipe them clean from our records. We repent. We choose to look for good, speak good and do good. We choose to walk in Your Holy Spirit for He is our confidence, our guide and teacher. In Jesus name we ask, amen. 

[I wrote this before I got sick with covid-pneumonia and was sick for about 1 1/2 months. I believe I am closer to my Heavenly Father than I once was, as He never left me during that trial.]

Friday, October 1, 2021

Small Morning Prayer

 When we pray, we should pray the word. Please pray along with me. Thank You.

Father, Your word tells us that You nullify the counsel of the nations and that you make the thoughts and plans of the people ineffective. Your counsel stands forever and the thoughts and plans of Your heart through all generations. We are blessed [fortunate, prosperous and favored by God] is the nation who declares You as our Lord. And we do declare You as our God Jehovah. For You have chosen us to be an inheritance, ones adopted into Your family through Your Son Jesus Christ. We believe this by faith and by faith, this morning; we yield our hearts, our thoughts and our tongues to Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus we agree and pray. Amen.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Overwhelming Love



A godly husband can have “love attacks” towards his wife. Husbands may have a difficult time expressing these heartfelt experiences and overwhelm both him and his wife. This is called “agape” love. Agape love is not a worldly fleshly love, but is holy and comes from God. Agape love is the spiritual manifestation of His Son’s sacrificial offering of love for His church [those that believe in Him]. This union is sealed by His Holy Spirit within us and we become one in Christ. The Covenant of Love. Agape love grows and is expressed between a husband and wife [and also among the believers] throughout the years as their holy bond is strengthened by Gods Spirit. When the husband manifests a sacrificial love towards his wife, the presence of Jesus Christ becomes overwhelmed within their union. Agape love strengthens their relationship and produces more love.

Is this a beacon on earth of how strong our Father loves His children? I believe this is true. 

Agape love!

This is powerful! This is unshakeable! This is never-ending! 

“No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:37-39 niv. 

The relationship between a husband and wife is compared to the relationship between the Bride of Christ and The Son of God. 

“To this John replied, “ A man can receive only what is given him from heaven. You yourselves can testify that I  said, I am not the Christ, but am sent ahead of him. The Bride belongs to the Bridegroom.  The friend who attends the bridegroom waits and listens for him, and is full of joy when he hears the bridegrooms voice. That joy is mine, and it is now complete. He must become greater; I must become less.” John 3:27-30 niv. 

The Bride belongs to the Bridegroom.

The Believers belong to Jesus Christ.

The Church [not a building] belong to the Lamb of God.

The Sheep [who know His voice] belong to the Shepherd.

The Children of God belong to The Author of our Salvation.

The lists and titles are endless just like all of the many mysteries of blessings given in abundance to those who believe. 

Unless God’s creation be consumed with this overwhelming love, how can they be producers of such love? Unless we accept His love within our hearts, where would we receive our strength? For the very power of the weapons of our warfare was begotten at the cross through His love. The power of His Holy Spirit was given to us for these reasons, all birthed through His love.

We believe through faith.  

This faith is not a dishwater faith that we discard after cleaning up the kitchen! Our faith comes with a holy fire that purifies every single thought, every word, every step and every decision in our lives led by His Holy Spirit. 

The Bride belongs to the Bridegroom! We are HIS!

A man of the sea will tell you about the 3 strand cord of a rope that is bound and strengthened by that 3rd cord. I consider the 3rd cord to be The Holy Spirit within the marriage. For it is His agape love who ties the knot and seals us as His. 

Wherever you are in your beliefs or walk. Pray with me:

Heavenly Father,

I believe that Jesus Christ is Your Son and was sacrificed upon the cross for my sins. I realize I have sinned and ask that You would forgive me for all these sins against You and mankind. I come by faith to receive Your deep overwhelming love and ask You to change my life inside and outside. Mold me into that new person in Christ that will strengthen my marriage and life. Teach me how to do this Father. Teach me to hear Your Son’s voice. In Jesus name, amen. 

If you have humbly prayed this prayer, the Bible says you have been born again. Purchase a Bible and begin to study and become connected with other believers that will pray with you. You will draw hope, strength and learn from them. Welcome into the family of God! 


Wednesday, September 1, 2021

My Thoughts

I listen to the news. Not because I like to hear bad news, but I like to glean some kind of a crumb of hope from something I have prayed for and it does come!  I listen to The War Room on America’s voice, Greg Kelly and Stinchfield on Newsmax. The best ones are on The Victory Station, with Victory News and Flashpoint. Though they tell you the truth and horror of what is happening the narrator gently reminds you not to allow the fear to enter into you. I always agree. Did not Jesus keep saying, “Do not fear?” 

I get frustrated when I hear a well intended gov say: “We all need to work together so we can return our land back to where it should be.”  She was talking about the Dems and the Reps working together.  I hear this all of the time. Let me tell you all something. No one can reason with an evil regime. They have an agenda to rob, steal and destroy. In fact, I just read how they cannot go to sleep unless they can think of another way to destroy that which is good. [Proverbs 4:16] It is that serious.

Ah, there is an impeachment against the man who says he is President.  It is a beginning. But getting all the greasy grime out of Capitol Hill and its toxic branches will be something like cleaning your stove from the baked spillovers. This takes plenty of time and elbow grease. Yes, I know, if I cleaned the oven every time I used it, it wouldn’t be in such a bad shape today!. But neither would our nation! As I was scrubbing today, I couldn’t help but see the similarity. When a group of people live to destroy what is good, they need to be scrubbed out!

I’m going to be listening to the frogs and crickets tonight, it’s supposed to get down to 62 and this is why I am always happy to see September! 

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Heart Keeper

                                    Heart Keeper

Picture a Holy God whose eyes go all over the world. His Spirit doesn’t examine our good looks or our talent in equations. His eyes look deep into our hearts. 

“For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.” 2Ch.16:9 a.

God promises us that He will show Himself strong upon those whose hearts are loyal to Him. The faithful. These are hearts of godly integrity who love God first. 

Heavenly Father, We ask that You would show yourself strong to those who have loyal hearts. Those who walk by unwavering faith.

One of my favorite verses:

Above everything else GUARD your heart, for it is the well springs of life”. Proverbs 4:23  

Above Everything Else.  We could say. "Above All."

Guarding what we put inside of our heart is essential to life and death [physically, mentally and spiritually]. What we allow inside of our hearts will be a direct reflection and connection to the life you are living today. We filter things from our heart. Things go in, some are forgotten and discarded, others kept. This is where The Holy Spirit resides. When you are led by The Holy Spirit, your words are going to be seasoned with grace because you are learning to be careful with your words. Your words will be like honey to those who are seeking truth. A treasure chest of God’s promises, that up the soul. We learn not just by study, but by experience through our times of testings, to practice what we learn. This lesson can be like driving up a hill, then coasting downward only to go up and down again. 

The Bible says a wise man is not quick to answer, but thinks before he speaks. 

We are not limited by blinders or chains. We are free choice to look upon whatever we desire.  We can listen to music placing joy in our hearts or we can tap into yesterdays music that can produce nostalgic feelings. We are free to put anything we wish into our hearts, but not everything will produce the goodness of God inside of us, grow good fruit, extend healings nor be pleasing in His sight. We can overload our concentration upon our woes, fears, the past that is no longer here, or we can walk in the awesome miracle how we were rescued from its bondages and give a bold praise for this victory. Smile! We have the option to keep hope alive while in a time of turmoil, because it is God who gives us hope. Yes, we have a real live God who cares for us.

The other night before sleeping I turned on the tv and selected a movie that said, “Andreas” that was about an earthquake fault in California. As I was watching, the earthquake came, ceilings started to fall, bricks and glass were flying and the paved roads were splitting as cars fell into the openings. Just then, I caught myself asking, “What am I doing?”  The film used fear to generate attention. I turned it off. We can experience fear, but we do not have to give into it. Resist the enemy and he will flee.

What are we carrying inside of our heart?  What is the centerpiece [your priority] inside of your heart? What are the thoughts in your heart? We grow by meditating upon God’s word. When we meditate upon His promises, peace overrides all fear. 


Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken.” Psalm 62:5,6.  

Our heart is smart to know its part, 

yet without the Holy Spirit cannot see 

the plight of a fool he will be.”

Heavenly Father, 

Today we choose faith and love over all fear. Right now, we resist all fear of man’s schemes, plans and words! We see Your hand! We experience Your great love! We rejoice over answered prayers! We depend upon You in all of our ways. We stand upon the rock You have given to us and we choose not to be shaken in any way. You are the God of hope. We choose to be under Your shadow and depend completely upon You. Above all else, we choose to guard our hearts. We humble ourselves and ask that we would hear Your voice clearer, receive Your corrections, be drawn to You, be bold and fearless and be pleasing in Your sight. Purify any wrong motives in our hearts. Forgive us for those blind sins and those careless sins in our lives. Forgive us for taking Your grace and mercy for granted. We ask that You expel any idols of greed, selfishness, pride, witchcraft and rebellion from our hearts and we renounce them in the name of Christ. We ask that our offerings of faith and loving You would be holy and pleasing to You. We ask for Your Holy Spirit be with our families. Open the hearts of those who need to be drawn to the cross with repentance and salvation. We ask for growth in Christ, continual insight, good health and protective angels while going out and coming back. We thank You Lord. We thank You for guiding our steps. We thank You for all these blessings and favor. In Jesus we pray. Amen. 

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Early Beginnings #2



“The School of the Holy Spirit” proved to be one of the most rewarding times in my early beginnings. Refusing to limit God, the more I studied the more faith I received. I hungered for His truth. By this time, I was teaching the teenagers in church. Learning about the nature of God led me to The Baptism of the Holy Spirit. I began to search for someone to lay hands on me in prayer to receive this Baptism as given in the Book of Acts. I understand there are denominations who do not believe this happens today, however I have yet to find any evidence to support this claim. There are many Bible students that agree to both sides of this belief. Because of this difference, being respectful towards one another can surely be a healthy sign of growth in love and maturity in Christ. 

My heart was filled with excitement as I was mentored by a mature wise saint who was also a writer. I asked if she would lay hands upon me to receive The Baptism of the Holy Spirit and right about then, a good friend of mine happened to drop in just in time to join in with prayer. Together, they anointed me with oil and laid hands upon me. I asked Jesus to baptize me with The Holy Spirit and fire. Three waves of a hot wind went into my belly. I was puzzled over this at the time. When I was home I asked the Lord about it and then I heard, “In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.”  I did not think about this verse at the time:

He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. John 7:38 kjv. 

I walk by faith and do not seek “feelings” or physical experiences, but I will not deny or fear them should they come. 

There are those who roar at football games full of excitement, as they pound their benches and wave their arms while their team makes a touchdown. Cannot we, as our Fathers disciples experience a higher spiritual realm of excitement [than a football game]  of an abounding joy that our souls can barely contain? What stops us from having the overwhelming joy of, “Walking, leaping and praising God“ in our every breath like the first Apostles did in Acts? 

Is it unbelief and doubt? Fear of man? Stagnation?

We have a big God! Our Father has an unlimited stream of activity given by The Holy Spirit that honors our love and faith towards Him. In every possible way, we should humbly consider obedience an actual privilege, as we put Him first in our lives. 

Learn to walk in the Spirit, not the flesh. Too many times I hear about the “proclivity” of our sin nature, instead of victory in the new nature. We must ask ourselves, “Are we truly more than a Conqueror in Christ?”  

I began to attend house meetings and learned to wait upon the Holy Spirit like that of the New Testament Church. One would begin a song and others joined into singing praises. Another would bring a Psalm or a word of knowledge or wisdom. Sometimes there would be testimonies over answered prayers. Prophecy would come forth and the laying on of hands praying for those who were in need. Exhortations and teachings were plentiful. Many were being used to edify each other when we would meet. Just about every believer was used in one way or another. I was ecstatic to learn how the healthy physical functioning of The Holy Spirit moved among the church. Everyone was active in the gifts they sowed. 

Eventually, we had house meetings in our home. The meetings were filled with such love, faith and joy, no one left until after midnight. 

John the Baptist came to specifically introduce Jesus and prepare the way for His ministry, introduced Him under one particular title, “the Baptizer in the Holy Spirit.”

I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me will come one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not fit to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.”     Matthew 3:11 niv

“God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power and he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him.” Acts 10:38 niv

We see the Father, Son and The Holy Spirit all mentioned in that verse. God the Father anointed Jesus the Son with the Holy Spirit. 

The Holy Spirit draws and leads us into all truth of salvation and gives us a choice to humbly repent or walk away from His gift of grace. When the believers were led by the Holy Spirit into the Upper Room, the believers had been instructed to wait before going out to minister.  Jesus had said, “Wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about.” Acts 1:4.

Most Bible students are aware of The Day of Pentecost. As the believers waited, the Bible says “Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. Tongues of fire came to rest upon them and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and they began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit enabled them. Everyone thought they were drunk with wine. Those who heard them, speaking in their own languages were declaring the wonders of God! This was the outpouring of The Holy Spirit to those who believed that Jesus was the Messiah. This was His promised gift. They believed and later received the literal Baptism [complete infilling] of the Holy Spirit. 

Jesus, the Son of God depended entirely upon the Holy Spirit during His ministry. He once said, that “I speak only what the Father gives to me.” He had promised His disciples that when He returned to heaven He would send The Holy Spirit in His place to be their “Paraclete” - Counselor, Comforter or Helper meaning, “The one called in alongside to help them.”

There are many promises in the Bible that are not given or fulfilled in one single event, but many times in phases. Listen to this next verse:

On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!”  After He said this, He showed them his hands and [He demonstrated He was the same one they had seen crucified.] The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord. Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” And with that He breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” John 20:19-22 niv

For those who are curious, the greek word for Spirit is pneuma means “breath” or “wind.” When Jesus breathed upon them, He was saying; “Receive the Holy Spirit, the breath of God.” [my emphasis.]

Overjoyed the disciples believed that God raised up Jesus from the dead and they confessed that Jesus was Lord. Jesus had breathed upon them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit” and they received.

“The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into His nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being [or a living soul.]” Ge. 2:7 niv

Before Christ, we are like the first man upon the ground who was once dead, until God breathed the breath of life [or Spirit of life] into us and we became that living soul.

There is a direct parallel between the first creation and the new creation.  The Holy Spirit delivers a person from the old man [earthy] and into the new man [heavenly]. From unholy to holy. The disciples began to leave the Old Covenant of Laws and entered the New Covenant of Grace, Love and Faith that Jesus had given. God is Spirit and His Spirit is love.

All that happened before Pentecost. Pentecost was the actual manifestation and fulfillment of the promise. The Holy Spirit descended from heaven in the form of a mighty wind that went through the house and baptized everyone present. This could not happen until Jesus had been glorified. 

Can you just imagine the excitement that filled the disciples hearts? Peter could not help but speak to the crowd that had gathered that day. He was explaining what happened to them, quoting what Joel had given in 2:28-32. This was a mighty day of evangelism! Three thousand were added to their number that day. And, the Lord added to that number daily. This was only the beginning.

The laying on of hands to receive The Holy Spirit became a pattern for the Book of Acts.

It is God’s Spirit in us [1Co. 6:19] who enables us to speak the truth in love and boldness. Not we ourselves. 

Consider what happened to Paul. He had to be completely blinded by light, so he could see and understand he was actually persecuting Jesus Himself when he persecuted the early believers to their death. Paul believed he was in God’s will. Only when he was blinded by God’s light, could he see the spirit of error.  

“Then Ananias went to the house and entered it. Placing his hands on Saul [who would be Paul], he said, “Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus who appeared to you on the road as you were coming here has sent me so that you may see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Immediately, something like scales fell from Saul’s eyes, and he could see again. He got up and was baptized and after some food, he regained his strength.” 

Acts 9:17-18 niv 

When we are sensitive to the Holy Spirit we will be adjusted when our thinking becomes cloudy. Another name for The Holy Spirit is The Spirit of Truth. Jn. 14:17, 15:26, 16:13,  1Jn. 4:6. 

Sometimes, The gift of the Holy Spirit is poured or gushed out upon people, such as when Peter was talking to the Gentiles in Acts 10:45


God is God, it is up to Him whether “we feel or experience something emotionally” during our walk. This is not in our own might, but in His. The Baptism of The Holy Spirit is given in many ways and is an empowerment that strengthens, leads, directs, teaches, guides, counsels, comforts and helps, and gives us understanding into all truth because He is truth and His truth is not limited by man’s theology that defines what He does. Everything good that is given to us while we are on earth is through the Holy Spirit, to glorify God in His Son Jesus. 

We find, we can be bold, yet humble at the same time. 

“Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord and He shall lift you up.” Ja. 4:10

So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

“Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”  Luke 11:5-13 niv

“To those who ask him!”

And it came to pass, that, while Apollos was at Corinth, Paul having passed through the upper coasts came to Ephesus: and finding certain disciples, He said unto them, Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? And they said unto him, We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost. And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized? And they said, Unto John's baptism. Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying unto the people, that they should believe on him which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus. When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied. And all the men were about twelve.” Acts 19:1-7 kjv.

The question: “Have you received The Holy Spirit since you believed?

[Greek: piseusantes, having believed.]

The disciples in Corinth did not realize there was a Holy Spirit. They were Evangelizing  John’s baptism of repentance. They did not realize that the Messiah had come, was crucified and raised from the dead and they certainly did not know about the day of Pentecost. Paul told them about Jesus and they were water baptized in His name then, Paul laid his hands upon them and the Holy Spirit came on them, they spoke in tongues and prophesied. 

The Holy Spirit is our empowerment and strength that carries us through our trials and He lives within us, conforming us into the image of Christ. He Baptizes, Pours, Falls, Fills, Indwells, Comes upon and is given by God’s Breath upon those who believe. 

Whatever side you believe, be thirsty!

There is an advertisement on the side of a Pepsi cup that says, “Don’t forget to be THIRSTY WHILE YOU’RE HUNGRY, Folks.”  Says it all. 

In todays changing world, we still have the privilege to listen to the voice of The Holy Spirit. He will give your heart a gentle tug to listen to the truth. The Holy Spirit glorifies God in everything that is done through His Son. If you are searching for truth; then you are searching for the Son of God, Jesus Christ. I urge you to sincerely humble yourself and He will bring a godly understanding into your life. He is a heart changer!  Your background does not matter, nor where you have come from or what you have done in the past. What does matter, is that you obey His voice today. Time is short. If you believe that Jesus Christ is indeed the Son of God and was sent to earth to be a sacrifice upon the cross so we can have forgiveness for our sins, I urge you to pray the prayer below. 

Pray with me:

Heavenly Father,

 I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord, the King of Kings, my Savior and I believe He will return to earth just like He said He would and I pray He would find faith inside of me. I resist any past fears that would lie to me and I ask they be replaced with Your love. I know I am a sinner and I ask that You would forgive all of my sins. Name them________. I ask that you would take them into the deepest ocean and dispel them. Mold me into that new Creature in Christ and never leave me. Hold me up, when I get discouraged. Teach me the way to go and fill me up with the Joy of your love and Holy Spirit. I ask that a flow of Your living waters be inside of me. Train me to walk in Your truth, give me the discernment I need and put a guard against my heart, against anything that is not of You. Place me in the Body of Believers You wish to connect me with. Send me new friends. Use me Father in these last days to be all I can be in You.  Thank You Father, In Jesus I pray. Amen.

If you have prayed with a humble repentant heart, the Bible says that you have been born-again. You are a new person in Christ, the old person is gone. The old ways are gone and everything becomes new. You will begin to see and understand through the lens of Jesus as you study and grow. And, you must grow in Christ. Buy yourself a good Bible and attend a Bible believing Church and connect to a small group. It is time for you to make new friends. They will pray with you and guide you through their own growth of experiences and study.

Welcome into the Family of God! 

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Early Beginnings

 Early Beginnings


I have a best friend who speaks to me every single day. He never leaves me, He teaches me when I sit down to study, write and what to pray. He shows me where I have misplaced the keys or the cellphone and He always answers my prayers. I met my friend when I was 5 yrs old when I was staying in a Catholic Academy [Orphanage] and it was there I learned, I had a real Holy Father who loved me, His Son Jesus Christ who was crucified upon a cross for my sins and my best friend The Holy Spirit. I experienced His sweet gentle love through the compassion of Sister Jane’s patience who would take me upon her lap, read my mother’s letters to me and rock me as she answered all my questions. I had been violently abused by my step-father and my mother quickly placed me under the safety of their care until her own life could be restored. Being so young I understood very little, as the trauma had caused me to block the abuse out of my mind, even to this day. I did not find out about it until my mother told me about it when I was in my thirties. Because of this, leaving me with strangers was bewildering. Come to find out, leaving me in the hands of those sisters proved to be the best thing that had ever happened to me. They gave me my early introduction to God’s love.

One of the best things I learned was discipline. The sisters cared enough for me to discipline me when I needed it and they did it with love. The Bible calls discipline love.

“He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him.”    

Proverbs 13:24 niv. 

 One day I was on the floor and building a ”designer” house with my blocks and was just about done when my best girl friend “Nancy” [an orphan] walked by and kicked it all down. Upset, I retaliated by picking up a block and throwing it at her. I quickly learned that you do not do that and was disciplined. Now that I think about it, I am not sure if Nancy got disciplined. Any form of anger or un-forgiveness was short lived.  No television back then, the children had games and Nancy and I would laugh hysterically when we played cards. I became enriched and bonded to a good life of the love and discipline I craved. I then decided I wanted to be just like the Priest. I had memorized the whole latin mass by heart and had my little friends kneeling in front of me, while I went through the motion of giving the mass. The sisters quickly told me I could not be a Priest and that ended as fast as it had began. I learned Mother Superior watched over the sisters and when she walked down the hall the taps on the bottom of her shoes echoed the authority of her coming our way. My eyes were full of wonder as her big cross would swing to the left and to the right and as she clicked her way through our section, with every little girl she passed, she would smile and with a gentle touch say, “God Bless You, God Bless You.” She willingly gave her love to everyone and with that, received her love back in multiples. Everyone loved her.  Now, I decided I wanted to be just like Mother Superior and I too walked down the halls blessing everyone. 

We went to mass three times a day and always walked in single file. We prayed before and after we ate. We had our times of learning and times of deep solemness and reverence towards our Father God and afterwards there was much laughter and happiness.  In the winter time, we got on the toboggans and sleds and slid down their beautiful white slopes. I don’t remember anyone getting sick while I was there. It was a tearful day for me when I had to leave such a wholesome loving life with Sister Jane and Mother Superior. Nancy and I cried. Would we ever see each other again? I think not.  

I was thrust into the things of the world again and the adjustment going from a life of discipline and love into a public school was horrifying for me. According to what I had learned, they were all going to hell by the way they were living, and I told them so! I learned how easy it was to make enemies. Walking home from public school, many threw rocks at me and very slowly I learned that was not the way to make friends. Because we become whom we hang out with, eventually I made many worldly friends. 

I came from the “flower child generation” where many were naming their children, “Flower, Willow, Zeus, Pookie-bear, Isis, Star or Moonbeam.” Far out is saying it mildly. Not one of us we’re ever in our right mind. Back then they called it “The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius.” I know there are some who remember that song. This cannot be bragged about, it was not a pretty time.

I grew up.

After a very stormy life filled with family violence, seeing my mother violently abused and placed in the hospital, continually jumping from one town to another, school after school, more divorces, rape by knife point, rolling and bouncing a VW 3 times, drugs, drunken parties, all too much to name. I could not see the obvious warring over the very destruction of my soul.  I was a blind fool that had no tomorrow, and yet, I still had a conscience and knew I was doing wrong. Similar to the Prodigal son in the Bible,  I landed in a situation where I had to “Be still and know that I am God.” By this time, I was a divorced single mother.

My spirit, soul and body were crushed.  I felt I had nothing left and I had only myself to blame. You see, sooner or later we all must come to realize that although you may have had many violent or physical abusive beginnings, unfair judgements, rejections, abandonment, mistreatment by selfish parents or no parents, foster homes, raised by one alcoholic parent or no parents, perhaps you were raised in anger, indifference, lacked love, worst of all maybe you experienced contempt. You may have convinced yourself you were totally unwanted. You are not alone. 

Please listen to me.

Here is the truth. Eventually you must wake up and realize that it was you who plowed the field of your own soil, by your own decisions and by those seeds, your crops will come up. It is time to stop blaming others for the things you have done. 

I also have hope and good news about that too. Stay with me. 

Why do we respond wrong by assuming we have already been forsaken?  

My thinking at the time was, that I was not good enough to come back to God. How could He ever forgive me? In fact,  at the time I thought everyone in church were good people who did everything right all of the time. Sinless.  I was wrong. 

It is in our deepest place of sorrow, we have a Holy Spirit that has already been working in our spirit and soul.  Yes, this is true.

What about this God whom “through it all” I silently still called My Father? What about this ember I still had in my heart from my childhood? What was that? I did not know a thing about the Bible but I knew it was the word of God. I knew there was Genesis and The Book of John and Revelation. I was in awe of it and I knew it was Holy.  I wanted to know where I stood in God’s eyes. I certainly wasn’t headed to heaven. How serious was my condition?  I started to seek some answers and I was urged by my Avon lady, to read The Book of John and I became overwhelmed by the reality of truth and the Love of God that was offered to me. Me, of all people who  had no direction, no tomorrow and certainly no identity. I discovered there were people in the Bible who were held captive by sin too and Jesus rescued everyone of them! 

Picture Jesus of Nazareth passing by, some reached their arms out blindly as they could not see, crying out; “Yeshua Hamashiach! Yeshua Hamashiach” they cried out!  “The Messiah has come!,”  “Lord have mercy on us!” Those that cried out to Him believed He was The prophesied Christ, The Messiah. As I continued to read, I will never forget the moment I first believed that Jesus Christ was Lord! The eyes of my heart became miraculously opened and for the first time in my life, I discovered the true meaning of real love and real truth.  My spirit became alive. God’s Holy Spirit gave me a Love and Faith that saturated my soul inside and outside! I began to understand how His Spirit of Repentance was led by His kindness. He offered me His free gift of grace that would forgive all of my sins! I believed! The more I read, the more I was swamped by love! It was then, by faith I fell upon my knees and asked forgiveness for all my sins. I could not stop crying. I don’t know how long I was there, but I do know that when I stood back up; I was a completely different person. I had cried out for help and I was rescued. I was completely empty. Where’d I go? I felt light, clean inside and outside.  I had been born-again. 

I did not know it then, but I had been wooed and courted by The Holy Spirit. I did not realize:

“No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day.”  John 6:44 niv

In reply Jesus declared, “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.” John 3:3 niv. 

Remember the song? “He brought me out from the miry clay He set my feet on a solid rock to stay. He put a song in my heart to stay.” 

Well, that is what happened to me!  I was filled with joy!

Every time you see someone who has been genuinely born-again, you are seeing a walking miracle. 

This was only the beginning in my life. My sons and I started going to the first church I could find. By night, I would come home from work and study the Bible for at least 5-6 hrs every evening. I could not get enough truth. Joy filled my soul! I went around the neighborhood telling everyone I knew that Jesus was the Answer! Some thought I had gone off the cliff, others thought it was a fad, many listened, some were frightened and could not get away from me fast enough, old friends scattered and still others wanted to hear more. My reputation had changed from party lady to preacher lady.  This was before computers and cellphones. All the time I kept digesting the Bible and learned how to look up the greek, hebrew and aramaic words to get a deeper understanding. Back then, I actually had a fairly large closet that had a small counter where I could keep all my books opened in front of me. I could not wait to get into the word! Very simply, If the word declared it, I believed it! On the way to work I would listen to teaching tapes or praise music. I was one of those young crazy christians who had loads of christian bumper stickers in the back of their Datsun! Remember, “Honk if you know Jesus!” Heavy loaded Semi’s would roar by honking! He was apart of my family in Christ! Family was all over the place! Being a single mother, my sons were my first pupils. As I learned, I would teach them everything I knew. We would pray together before they left early for the bus every morning. I didn’t realize what a good habit we were forming. They learned how to pray early in their lives. It was a good thing because they eventually all went into the USMC and did many tours in war torn areas, walked and battled in harms way; but God in His grace kept bringing them home year after year every single time.

Stay tuned about the time I entered “The School of The Holy Spirit.”