Monday, November 13, 2023

Irresistible love



Today, I see God’s hand everywhere in my life.  Growing up good examples of a father were not there. My series of stepfathers were either alcoholic, violent, cruel, and abusive or liars and more. Why would I ever want to get married and have children? In fact, what did relationships in adulthood show me except unhappiness and destruction? But I did have loving grandparents and 3 outstanding Uncles. My grandparents had a farm in the center of Michigan, and I lived there on and off while growing up.  I cherished learning from my grandmother and helping my grandpa with the chores, or I thought I was helping when we called in the cows for milking. He was the best grandfather a child could ever want, and I gladly went everywhere with him. Being deaf and behind the wheel of his Ford Mercury we’d race down those old country roads and into the small village of Shepherd. He was so beloved that everyone knew he was speeding, and they always turned a blind eye.  Later, back home after his chores were through for the day, he would sit in his rocking chair and take me upon his lap and begin to rock me as I would rest my head upon his chest that was filled with all the smells of the barn that I loved, I’d fall asleep. My world was complete, I had peace, and all was well. Back then, most children didn’t hear things like “I love you.”  Though I never heard it, without question I knew I was loved!


I was around 6-7 years old, and we were in the kitchen one day, grandfather had finished up his lunch and I can remember talking back and sassing my grandmother. I cannot recall what I said or why, but my grandfather quickly grabbed me and threw me over his knees and spanked me. Though the spanking stung, my heart was broken that I had let my hero down.  That was the first and last time I ever talked back, and he never spanked me again.  I look back as a grandmother myself and can see the love that went into that correction. He loved both me and grandmother, not to allow me to become a spoiled brat and he demanded respect from me towards my grandmother. My grandmother did not deserve the disrespect I had given to her. He was protecting both of us. Grandfather did not stop loving me! In fact, if he had let the sassiness slide it would have been a sign of not caring enough to correct the rebellion.

I can remember my mother reading Dr. Spock’s book about how to raise a child and parents believed what he wrote, and a world of permissiveness was born. Before Dr. Spock came along, parents understood the work involved shaping a character:

1.       Children were taught never to lie.

2.       Children learned not to sass their elders.

3.       Children were not allowed to run through a store but stayed with the parent nor run through another’s house when visiting unless they could go to a playmates room or outside to play. They never stayed with the adults to listen to what they would say.  

4.       Children asked permission to leave the table.

5.       Children were taught to eat everything on their plate, or they couldn’t have dessert.

6.       Children were taught not to waste anything.

7.       Children were taught how to hold a fork and other eating utensils and to close their mouths when they chewed.

8.       Children were taught how to hold a pencil properly.

9.       Children were taught responsibilities. Life meant to always help others.

10.   Children were taught to respect things that belonged to others and to be thankful for what you had.

11.   Children were taught manners. In the south, it was and still is; “yes maam, and no maam.” In the north it was “yes mom or no mom.”

As a child grew, they learned if they rebelled against any rules their parents had set, there would be consequences. If they lied about anything, they hoped it would never be found out. The child learned right from wrong. If they were raised in a godly home, they learned about God, the Bible, prayed and went to church.

Thoughts that rebellious children are only in our nation are false, the lie of permissiveness has seduced the world. Today we cannot compare which nation is worse as few of us are on the same page. We have all been exposed by the corruption of the permissive works of darkness whose lies keep them chained to an unwanted bondage and whose sins keep them blinded to the truth.  The truth is, before we are born-again, [John 3:3] we ignorantly work at destroying ourselves.

Love from God and those who love Him will take the time to correct the child from going in the wrong direction. Grandpa loved me enough to nip the back talk in the bud before it got out of control. He was not going to allow me to get away with it. Once a child sees he can get away with anything, he will do it again and again and each time will scale upon a higher and more serious level. Love cares enough to say no and follows through on that decision. How many parents ask permission from their children if it is alright for them to eat their vegetables? If it is alright for them to stop hitting their sister? If it is alright for them to take a bath or take a nap? A child does not know what is good for him. Why are you asking permission from your child to do what is right? Who is the parent? We cannot talk to our 2-year-old as if he is an adult. Are you fearful that he will hate you occasionally? Chances are, if you are a good parent, he will hate you from time to time, but when he gets older and becomes a thinker, and begins to look around at his peers who were raised in permissiveness, who became spoiled and became the most disliked students in school, he will thank you for caring enough.  

Growth will allow him to see the dangers your corrections had prevented in his life.  Do not allow fear to rule your household. Many have been brainwashed into believing that if you correct your child, he will grow up with many hangups. The truth is the child will grow up wondering why you didn’t care enough to stop him from messing up his life. If you do not stop him, you will enable him to go in the wrong direction. When he leaves home and begins school, his teacher will have the chore to control his unruly behavior in his classroom. If he continues to rebel, he won’t be able to keep a job. Finally, down the road he will be stopped when he is picked up by the Police and put in jail. If he still hasn’t learned his lesson, he will be placed in prison where he will be disciplined and put on a strict schedule to be rehabilitated and sometimes this takes years.  I have seen it. I have also seen a “perfect family” raise their children right yet produce adults with many problems. Why? Because we are imperfect people. In some of the most loving godly homes, there will still be hang-ups the children develop. Do they not learn from our “perfectly imperfect” examples? If I was forced to overeat a rich chocolate sundae 3 times a day, wouldn’t I gain unwanted weight, become slothful or throw it up? The world is watching believers and asking, “Are you real?”

What is pride but a compromised reaction for honesty?

I have also seen some of the most respectful and best children come from the home of alcoholic parents. They had little chance to understand what real love was and yet, I saw a rare depth of humbleness, kindness and respect given towards me from their sons than those who were “more privileged.”  Those kids learned early that if they wanted a good life, it would be up to them and they understood their neighbors’ struggle, because of what they were going through, that life was real and not a piece of cake.

Yet, hard times do not have to be a negative when you can see through the lens of Jesus.

I have seen mothers defend their child when notified by the teacher or law that their “Johnny” would never do something like that! Parents, listen to the teacher or that one who has come to you about the problem. Every time we don’t listen, we are crippling them to repeat their wrong. They learn, “mom will protect me.” Children will do wrong because it is in their fleshly nature. Only in Christ is this old nature broken, and through growth.

When I lived with my mother, I went in the wrong direction because I did not have any boundaries. When I asked permission to do something I always heard the words, “I don’t care.” I grew up believing that she didn’t really care, and I learned not to care either. I was given money to pacify the lack of her presence in my life. Parents, money will never cover a multitude of sins nor substitute the intimacy a child needs, only God’s love can do this that can work inside of you.

This is much like the way our Holy Father works in our lives. If you believe in God then, you must understand that there will be times when He will take the time to correct our behavior and get our attention. This does happen! He knows how to slow us down, to be still and to listen to what He says.  

This is very true for many of us. It happened to me, and God got my attention.

When I found love in Jesus Christ and the realization that we have a huge, Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresence Holy God who gave His only begotten Son to be sacrificed upon the cross for you and me, I believed. In my early beginnings I was yet to see or understand the depth of God’s grace. After all, who was this God whom I called Father, to love me before I even knew Him? What kind of love would give their only begotten Son to be a pure sacrifice for the world so they could have forgiveness for their sins? Later I was to see the futility of anyone to bring our Holy Father God down to our level, thus limiting His ways for them to grasp further insight. This doesn’t work.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

 Is.55:8-9 niv

The Holy Spirit gives us faith to reach out in belief right where we are at the time to accept Jesus as truth, Lord, and our Savior. We are given the gift of grace [undeserved favor]. As weak as we are, we learn that our strength is in Him who lives within us.  

It is impossible to please Him without faith because believers are called to a life of love and faith.

Growing, doing, speaking, and working, we still see through the glass darkly.

“Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.”

1 Co.13:12 niv

The surest thing in my life was that I had entered the all-consuming holy power of agape love inside of me. I was a sinner and forgiven. I experienced the new birth.  I was set free from every sin I’d committed in my life. I had good reason to rejoice and give all my praises to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I had been taken out of a mirey pit of clay and had my feet placed upon a rock. Now I had the Kingdom of God within me. I knew I would never be the same.

I ask you a few questions:

Do you think that no one can possibly understand what you have gone through in your childhood, in your marriage or at work?

Listen, there are many of us who have been abused, misused, lied to, rejected, ignored, and even abandoned. Never think you are alone for even a minute. If you have struggled, so have we.

When you look at your life, can you see a way out of the darkness?

Trust me, fear of man blinds and binds, there is a way out and it is the same door we have walked through. His name is Jesus.

Have you lost all hope in your life?

The greatest thing that blocks fear is hope and that comes through the love of God. No matter what you have gone through, where you have come from, what you look like or what you have done, God’s love is so much greater, and He will forgive you and change your life. Can you believe this? This is why Jesus came, to set you free from the chains that has bound you. The deeper the pit, the higher the love.

There is a reason why you have read these words, it is not a coincidence.

Our time on this earth is so short. Everyone of us have many stories to tell about our yesterdays and when we look back, we are amazed that we lived through it and then realize it was only by the grace of God’s hand that we are still here.

My life changed when I held my 3rd baby in my arms and began to read The Book of John. I had never read about such amazing love before. God loved me first before I even knew Him. Was this the Father God I had met when I was placed in an orphanage when I was 5 years of age? Yes, He was the same God and indeed, He was my true Father. Then I learned there was only one way to forgiveness and that was through His Son Jesus. The words leaped out to me, “You must be born-again” to see the Kingdom of God.” I knew this was time and knelt by my bed and confessed my sins and asked Jesus to come into my life and my heart. I believed that Jesus is Lord and I returned to the God of my childhood.

Right now, you too can accept Jesus Christ as your Savoir and allow God’s Holy Spirit to begin in your life changing journey.

I write these things because of all the experiences I have been brought through in prayer. Though we have been failed by others, we have a God who will never fail you. Our God is faithful.

Listen to what Jesus said:

“I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty. But as I told you, you have seen me and still you do not believe. All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whosoever comes to me I will never drive away. For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of Him who sent me. And this is the will of Him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all that He has given me,  but raise them up at the last day. For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in Him shall have eternal life and I will raise him up at the last day.” John 6:35-40 niv

There is no time, like the best time and that best time for you, is now.

Please pray this small prayer from your heart.  

Heavenly Father,

You have seen my broken heart and how I haven’t been able to trust anyone in my life. It seems like nothing works for me at times. I need Your love, I need Your truth, I need Your help.  Your word says that You love me and that If I believe in Your Son Jesus my life will be changed. You have given me hope. I believe that Your Son went to the cross and was a sacrifice so I would be forgiven. Please forgive me for all my sins. [Name those you can remember],________.  I repent and ask that Your Holy Spirit fill me up and be my strength, talk to me and teach me how to follow through with this prayer. Be my strength.  I ask to be born-again. In Jesus name I ask, for I understand this is your will in my life.

If you have prayed this prayer by faith and with a sincere heart, you are born again. Now you must begin to study the Bible to learn about Jesus’ love. Find a good Bible believing church and make new friends. They will help you with your walk and will pray with you when you need it. Congratulations and welcome into the family of Christ!



Saturday, October 21, 2023

We can do this! [Short and sweet]


Believers Challenges

We can do this! I have already started dropping things from my life.

As I see it, America's biggest temptation has been overwhelmingly trusting in its riches in so many ways instead of trusting in God Himself. Is it no wonder many cannot hear His voice? If you eat too much candy everyone knows it will make you sick. Extravagence can have a high price at times. While I was writing this am, I felt this come to me: "Everytime we let something go from the world, we not only become free, but we are releasing His Holy Spirit to continue to transform our heart and mind into His will." Our will gives clutter, but His will takes all the chains of fear away."

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Pray with me

 Please pray and agree with me.

Father, Your word teaches us how people judge others and cause those same judgements to be commissioned to be upon their own heads. And this is what we agree for, we agree that what they scheme against Your righteous people [specifically former President Trump], will fall upon them. What they speak and lie against Mr Trump to fall upon them, and when they think of evil to destroy in the darkest of nights, we openly declare will be exposed and known even all over the world. We ask for accountability to come back into our land. We ask for justice. Thank You for your principles of sowing and reaping Father. We put all our trust in You Father and we all know that You have never failed us. You are our love, our only God and We give You all praise for Your Son Jesus for rescuing us out of where we once were and into Your perfect light. We rejoice in You Father! And Your word says "life and death is in the power of the tongue" and we speak life for those who love you! We speak, in His mighty name as we ask You to release Mr. Trump and set him completely free in You, so that he will give you all praise, glory and honor through Your Holy Spirit. We ask that the entire world would see Your powerful hand upon our nation. Your grace! Your mercy! And the power of Your love! We all ask and agree for godly and honest elections and we stand upon this and speak it in faith and give you all thanks ahead of time. In Jesus name, Amen.

Monday, August 28, 2023

CCP rewrites John 8



Mark Ellis : Aug 28, 2023  God Reports

The textbook was published by the government-run University of Electronic Science and Technology Press, according to Aleteia.

[] In a textbook aimed at teaching ethics and law to high school students, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) changed John 8, egregiously altering the meaning of a famous scene demonstrating the mercy of Jesus Christ. (Image: Screengrab via God Reports)

Instead of Jesus saving the adulterous woman from being stoned to death—the CCP's version has Christ killing the woman Himself, while calling himself a "sinner."

The textbook was published by the government-run University of Electronic Science and Technology Press, according to Aleteia.

In the CCP account, Jesus forgave the sins of a woman who committed adultery. The crowd wanted to stone the woman to death as per the law. But Jesus said, ‘Let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone.' Hearing this, they slipped away one by one.

Then the Biblical narrative changes dramatically.

When the crowd disappeared, Jesus stoned the sinner to death Himself saying, "I too am a sinner. But if the law could only be executed by men without blemish, the law would be dead." ... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

Click Here to read the REAL BIBLICAL account of what Jesus said and did.

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Sunday, August 27, 2023

#2 The Language of Faith


#2 The Language of Faith


Everything the Israelites had murmured and complained about was God’s judgement upon themselves. Nu. 14:28 Their discontent, lack of faith and lack of fear of God brought about murmuring and complaining against God as they approached Moses and Aaron [God’s anointed].  They spoke their own judgements by the power of their own words.  

Isn’t it true that when we accuse another, we end up having little room for God’s love in our hearts? And, when we accuse another how can we be in His will?

Were they judging God? We know they were tempting God. Not because Moses and Aaron were “gods” but because they were God’s called to bring the Israelites into their promise land.

Not to judge another begins within us. When we do this, it doesn’t really matter what the other person says about you, no matter how the words may burn. If we judge ourselves, we won’t be judged. David wrote in the Psalms about judging and confessing his sins and always asked forgiveness.  This is a good habit to develop for all those who believe in the blood of the Lamb and the mercies and grace of God.  

I am not talking about judging righteously. If we didn’t judge righteously our country would be in an extreme case of lawlessness, which seems to be the case where we are today. Jesus called the Pharisees hypocrites. They would say one thing and do another.

The Israelites sinned when they spoke against God’s anointed and, God dealt with them, but He never stopped forgiving and loving them. Their spoken judgements were commissioned by God to land upon their own heads.

Moving ahead a couple of thousand years, consider the man whose name was Saul, a well-known Pharisee in the New Testament. He thought he was doing God’s will as he persecuted the Christians and put many to death.  On the way to Damascus a light [some say it was lightning] surrounded him from heaven, and he fell to the ground, and he heard a voice asking him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” Saul asked, “Who are you, Lord? Jesus said, “I am Jesus whom you are persecuting.” Rd Acts 9:3-5

How could he be persecuting Jesus when he was persecuting The Body of Christ? Because Jesus’s prayer in John 17 has come to pass. All those who believe are one in Christ, just as He is one with the Father. His Holy Spirit lives within us, the righteousness of Jesus Christ and that is the Kingdom of God.

I have said this many times before, but it is always worth repeating, Saul had to be blinded to see the truth. He repented and confessed Jesus as his Messiah and was born again and became known as St. Paul. When he was persecuting the Christians, he was persecuting Jesus Himself. Remember Jesus asked him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” Paul was forgiven and used mightily in God’s work. He discovered the true love of God through Jesus. Then, he discovered that he was chosen to be an example of longsuffering:

“But mercy was shown me in order that in me as the foremost of sinners Christ Jesus might display the fulness of His long-suffering patience as an example to encourage those who would afterwards be resting their faith on Him with a view to the Life of the Ages.” 1Tim. 1:16 Berean.


Just as the Israelites had blindly spoken against God’s anointed, they were complaining against God Himself [tempting God] and wanted to see them stoned.  Saul strived to persecute as many Christians as possible. Not only was he blinded spiritually but also physically so much so that God used His experience to be able to see the truth.

When we go through our trials, God uses all things involved and touches many areas of our lives and others too.

There are some of us who carry our faults around just being who we are, and they can be hard to love, but I believe if we allow the Holy Spirit to work in our lives, He will always expose to us what we need to clean up within ourselves before we blame others for our faults. Are we sensitive to His voice?

Remember Jesus’s words:

“Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and behold a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam that is in thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.” Mt.7:1-5 KJV

This is a command from Jesus giving us God’s simple process of sowing and reaping. I can tell you firsthand early in my Christian walk I found out something about another believer and was appalled over what she did within the thoughts of my heart. I did not speak it but thought it. Later, I walked through the very thing I judged her over. God did not stop loving her or me, but this is one of His ways of teaching us not to judge others. Perhaps at the time I must have felt “I would never do that.”  Oh, really? The only goodness any of us have inside of us is Jesus Christ through His Holy Spirit.  We have a good Father who will not allow us to get away with any self-righteousness nor any judgement towards another. And no one is exempt. As a very young believer I listened to the different ministers sitting in my living room, judge my past.  I later discovered they all ended up walking through the very same judgements they spoke upon me before I was born-again.

I call it tough love. God loves us so much we are shown where we are in this walk of love and faith then, gives us room in our lives to plow through it. No one ever said it would be an easy row to plow, but the Bible gives us plenty of promises to stand upon and pray while we are here.

Too many times, believers become Job’s friends when as he was suffering had told him how God felt about him and giving him advice. Oh, they even knew why he was so sick. Read it for yourselves. Their “friendly advice” angered God.

It is too easy for us to misuse our tongues. How many of us speak before we take the time to think first? Not one of us is innocent of this problem. The consequences can be heavy. If we keep thinking about how wrong another believer is in his ministry, sooner or later we will speak it. I ask you, why do we feel the necessity to speak it? If a brother or sister has headed the wrong way and you are convinced, they are in the wrong, why not go to them in faith, love and talk to them? If you cannot go to them, why not write them a letter? Ask yourself what motivates you to speak against anyone in the Body of Christ?

 Jesus said we would know His sheep by their fruit.  If those whom you judge are in the wrong, I guarantee you that God will take care of it, in His time and in His way.

Our words do count because they are either life or death, fear and doubt or faith and love and our language comes from what we have stored up in our heart. If this were not true, the Bible would not have been written and used by the Holy Spirit to change many lives. Can the holiness of God’s truth live in a heart of unbelief and doubt?  The Israelites ate the fruit they had stored in their hearts and from their unbelief in what God promised, they reaped His judgement from the very words they spoke. They judged God’s anointed.

I ask you, is there anything too great for our God? Nothing is too great or too small, but you must believe that He is and will do it if you ask in faith. And, this is your language of faith, one of love.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father,

I know I have judged others in the past and I ask that You forgive my reckless words. I ask You remind me to guard what I put inside of my heart and cause me to think before I speak. Remind me Father that everyone I see is going through a trial in their lives. Let me be one of empathy and kindness that would reflect your Son’s love in all I do. I ask that Your Holy Spirit stir up a zeal inside of me that would be rid of all lukewarmness and any pride and replaced by The Language of faith and love. Teach me to listen to Your voice and not one of the flesh. Help me see through Your lens the goodness inside of those You love. Teach me to not be so quick to speak and when I do, to give You all praise, honor, and glory and those who have an excellent spirit to return their love in all sincerity.    Thank You Father and it is Your Son’s name; Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.  


For those who haven’t accepted Jesus the Christ as their Savior and would like to invite Him into their lives today. Your heart must be willing, repentant and full of belief that He was the complete sacrifice for your sins. Pray with me:

Heavenly Father,

I come to You with a heavy heart and fully admit I have been doing things my way and they just have not worked out. I need Your help Father. I believe You love me, I don’t understand why You gave your love for me but I need it. I know I have sinned. Please forgive me, [name your sins]______. Teach me Your ways and give me insight into Your love. Guide me and direct my life into this new path. I pray in faith and love through Your Son Jesus amen.


If you prayed that prayer with the faith of a small mustard seed, you have been born-again. Buy yourself a Bible and begin reading the book of John. Begin to attend a good Bible believing church. Your new friends have been where you are today and will help you get through the rocky times, in love, prayer and faith. Welcome to the family! You are loved!

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

It was ALL GOD!

 I remember talking to my husband about almost a month ago on the porch and saying: "I'd like to see a miracle." I further added that I realized that anyone who has been born-again is indeed a walking miracle because how the Holy Spirit cleans up their lives and begins to teach them in the way to grow. I did not realize at the time that I would be called thousands of miles from home to an emergency with my youngest son Scott. Scott was a health guru and studied about the best herbs and minerals to take and easily examined every label on an item before he bought it. He bought organic everything and juiced everyday and he was a weightlifter. He also avoided Drs like the plague, he just didn't trust them.  About a few months ago he started to have chest pains and couldn't breathe. I suggested that he go to the Dr and find out what was causing his problem. Instead he fasted, thinking he could take care of himself. Believe me, self-diagnosing yourself is not worth it. He went to a Rapid care that told him to go to the ER. By this time, his face, head, neck and chest were swollen to the point of being unrecognized. The minute he walked into the ER the battle began. He had a team of over 20 Drs and nurses working on him. He was "led" to a world class hospital in Ca. They knew he couldn't breathe, so the first thing they did was put Childs tube down his throat, scanned him and one Dr was 100% sure what it was and time was a huge factor. He went into cardiac arrest and was revived twice. My other 2 sons were there with him. I had flown in late and came to the hospital the next morning. I cannot explain exactly all of the procedures and the steps they took but they had to "think outside of the box to save him." They gave him radiation. They put 1 tube in each thigh that each went up and by-passed his heart so he could breathe and then on the ECMO machine. There were tubes everywhere. I mean everywhere. He was diagnosed as having non-hodgkins T-cell 1 lymphoma. He had a tumor the size of a large cantelope pushing against his heart and wrapping around his air passages. He only had a small pin hole left to breathe through. I talked to many Drs and they all gave me hope. One Dr said, "We caught it in time!" Another one said, " The good news is that it is treatable and it is curable!!" There were many people praying for Scott even all over the world and also the Drs and the nurses while all this was going on. God heard our prayers. Everyday has brought significant improvement.  He had one set of chemo and will have to follow through with more treatments when he leaves the hospital. The swelling has all gone down, almost all of his tubes have been taken out, he can walk, talk and is eating solid food. The Drs and nurses come in to check on him with tears in their eyes and cannot believe how well he is doing. He is a changed man in more ways than one. As is his brothers and myself. If I thought I was close to the Lord before, it is nothing to how I am so much more closer now. If I thought I had faith before, it is nothing compared to how I feel now. One thing for sure, I will never wish to see a miracle again. I do not need that to believe. We have a God who hears our hearts sincerest cries. He listens to everything and the love He pours out cannot be described because it is a Holy Love. He will take care of you, but you must believe that He will.  Bless you all!  


Sunday, July 9, 2023

Life vs death


The Language of Faith

We are well able to overcome. 


Listening to the news I noticed a common thread of anger and fear. If we are not steeped in faith, fear is used to rob us of our hope.  Now I ask you, what is your reaction to fear?  As I realized this is a worldwide problem, many wonder what they can do to fight the tenacles of this web. Searching for my answer I began in the Book of Numbers.

After going through many miracles by God and finally being released from the slavery of Egypt and God giving them everything they needed in the wilderness, the Israelites were close enough to going into the land of Canaan that God had promised.  The Lord spoke to Moses to select one man out of each of the 12 tribes to go and spy upon the land. Was it wooded, was the soil good, bad, rich, or barren?  What kind of people were dwelling there? Were they strong? Weak? Many? Large?  Were the cities walled or open?  So many questions to seek the answers for the Israelites and this took 40 days. When the 12 spies arrived in Canaan, they noticed the land was rich and the fruit was large and plentiful and as Moses requested, they cut down a branch of grapes, figs, and pomegranates to bring back to the camp and give their report. Yes, just as the Lord had promised the land was filled with milk and honey and the fruit they brought back was evidence. One cluster of grapes were carried on two poles by two men and there had been reports in Palestine of one bunch of grapes weighed as much as 25-45 lbs. and further remarks about one single grape being the size of a plum.  

Then the word “Nevertheless” was brought into their glowing report.

“Nevertheless, the people be strong that dwell in the land, and the cities are walled, and very great: and moreover, we saw the children of Anak there. The Amalekites dwell in the land of the south: and the Hittites, and the Jebusites and the Amorites, dwell in the mountains: and the Canaanites dwell by the sea, and by the coast of Jordan. And Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, let us go up at once and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it. But the men who went up with him said, we be not able to go up against the people; for they are stronger than we. And they brought up an evil report of the land which they had searched unto the children of Israel, saying, the land through which we have gone to search it, is a land that eateth up the in habitants thereof; and all the people that we saw in it are men of a great stature. And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.” Numbers 13:28-33 KJV.

Ten of the men reported in doubt and unbelief.  What about God’s promise to them when they reported according to what they saw and allowed a spirit of fear to take the place of faith? What about trusting in God?   2Co.5:7 says, “For we walk by faith, not by sight.”

Their language was:  We saw, we are not able, we are not as strong as they are and God called this an evil report. Nu.14:36,37   They chose to act upon unbelief instead of faith and the things they spoke came upon them. [Nu. 14:26] They brought about God’s judgement by their own lack of faith, murmuring and complaining and evil expectations in their hearts. They expressed fear of man over God’s promises. In doing this, they tempted God.


“But without faith it is impossible to please him [God]: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” He.11:6 KJV

“The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe.” Pr.29:25

Fear can easily override your faith if you are believing an evil report.

Can we not think: “Ok, this is what man says, but what does God say about this situation?”

On the other hand, Joshua and Caleb spoke the language of faith because they walked by faith, saw by faith and acted by faith. They believed God.  It didn’t matter how big the people were [giants] Caleb believed God over what he saw. Caleb said, “we are well able to overcome it.” The giants are bread for us [meaning we will swallow them up], they are defenseless, the Lord is with us, not them.” Nu.14:9.

 Lack of faith is a lack of trust in God.

Active faith produces a boldness from God. Both Joshua and Caleb were trying to calm the people down. The Israelites lack of faith produced the language of unbelief and rebellion in their hearts. Their anger grew as they began to stone Caleb and Joshua for speaking the truth.  In fact, they wanted to replace Moses with a new Captain and return to the bondage in Egypt.

Again, Caleb said, “We are well able to overcome it.” He believed God and spoke from the faith that was in his heart. This was the conclusion of his faith. Nothing wavering, Caleb gave hope and encouragement.

Today, he might sound like, “No problem! We can do this!!”

The Israelites said, “We be not able to go against the people that we saw for they are stronger than we are.” They too said what was in their hearts. They gave an evil report and tempted God. [all total, they had tempted God 10 times] This was the conclusion of unbelief.

Faith in God verses sight and unbelief and they both spoke it out. We say what we believe and what we say goes out into the airwaves are recorded and we can never take our words back.  

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” Pr.18:21

God talked about how the Israelites tempted Him and because Moses interceded for them again and God forgave them, [Nu.14:20] they had to walk through the judgements He gave which was everything they had murmured and complained. They were also not allowed to go into the new land.

The Israelites were destined to “eat the fruit” of their words, which was death.

Complaining against God’s anointed was and still is complaining against God Himself.  

To be continued.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Open up my eyes and heart so that I will see Your truth the way Your Holy Spirit gives to me. Give me what I need to be that new creature in Christ, I ask for grace. In Jesus I ask. Amen.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Salvation? What does it really mean?


                                                      What does Saved mean?


God’s word is true and through the Holy Spirit has changed many hearts. My own wounded heart that felt trampled upon through lies and betrayal   was changed many years ago when I picked up the Bible and wanted to learn the truth. What was this Born-again experience all about? What did it mean? I kept hearing the question, “Are you saved?” Back then I thought to myself, saved from what? Saved? I had a little girl come up to me and ask, “Are you a Christian?” That stopped me in my tracks to begin to think, was I? I guessed so, but that was not a good answer. They were all seeds sprinkled in my life that took ground in fertile soil in my heart, but I did not know what was going on. God’s seed can be like the tip of an arrow that pushes through the hardness of those walls that a hard life of abuse and rejection has brought, that only the Holy Spirit can penetrate. When this happens, His truth begins to rise within us when we discover His all-consuming power of His love, His name is Jesus. Our eyes are miraculously opened with understanding as we say a resounding YES to His call.

When this happens, healing begins! His love begins to heal your heart of all those dark past wounds.

“Oh Jesus! How I love You, I cried!”

The Bible says He loved us before we knew Him. How can anyone love us when we are knee deep in the sins of the world? He knew me before the foundation of the world. To try to describe God’s loving mercies and forgiveness can be a difficult task because He is Holy. And, when we think about Him being Holy, think about His son being Holy and sinless when He went to the cross for us. He has many names, and one is called “The Lamb of God” who takes away the sins of the world. He chose obedience over self. In fact, when He prayed in the garden of Gethsemane to the Father, He sweated blood. He knew what was up ahead, as crucifixions were common in those days. Before He went to the cross, they whipped him 39 times by a cat o nine tails which were either spikes on types of balls or shells. Think about it, 9X39 = 351 stripes upon his back. They spit upon Him, punched Him, and plucked out His beard and mockingly placed a crown of thorns upon his head and yet, Jesus followed through and was moved by the Love of The Father in Him, so we could have forgiveness for our sins.


When you decide to put away all the worldly wisdom and knowledge you have accumulated into your life that justifies and reasons why our world is falling apart but doesn’t really make any sense begin to ask yourself, why isn’t the world’s knowledge giving you peace? Above all, when you humble yourself and admit that just maybe the world’s answers are not working, it is now time for you to seek the truth in God’s word. Find out for yourself. Open the Bible and begin by reading the book of John. Be open to what it says. Listen to the Spirit. When you humbly accept Jesus as your Savior, acknowledging that He is the Son of God and ask Him to forgive your sins you are born again and will experience the new birth. Looking back, I can remember that first moment my eyes were opened to the truth! The words leaped out of the pages and into my heart. I was overwhelmed by God’s irresistible love. I previously had an identity problem I did not know who I was or where I came from. When Jesus was Lord, I learned who I was in Christ. As I read, studied, and prayed, the reality of the truth within me began to grow and do a big work inside of me. I became a new creature in Christ and the old creature left. I am not the same person I once was. I began to walk the road of learning how to be an Overcomer.

“For it is by grace [God’s remarkable compassion and favor drawing you to Christ] that you have been saved [actually delivered from judgment and given eternal life] through faith. And this [salvation] is not of yourselves [not through your own effort] but it is the [undeserved, gracious] gift of God; not as a result of [your] works [nor your attempts to keep the Law], so that no one will [be able to] boast or take credit in any way [for his salvation]. Ep.2:8-9 amp.

“Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me.” John 14:6 Kj.

Jesus answered him, “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, unless a person is born again [reborn from above-spiritually transformed, renewed, sanctified], he cannot [ever] see and experience the kingdom of God” John 3:3 amp.

“Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new.” 2Co. 5:17 Kj.

Pray with me:

Heaven Father,

I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, was crucified taking all my sins upon that cross and on the third day He arose and was seen by over 600 people as He preached. I believe He was ascended to heaven and seen by witnesses while angels told them, “This same Jesus that you see ascending will return in the same way.” I believe and I thank You for Your truth and I thank You for opening my eyes. I ask that You forgive my sins: [name them]. I repent Father. Heal my mind, my emotions, my selfish motives, all my offenses, unbelief, doubt, greed, pride, vanity, and anything that has displeased You; I ask for Your merciful forgiveness and kindness. Remove it all from my heart. I ask that Your Holy Spirit guide and direct my life in my heart, mind, and soul. Send me to Your perfect place where I can befriend those who love You too and help me grow. Give me the understanding I need and the wisdom on my journey to follow this through. In Jesus name I ask, amen.


If you have prayed that prayer from your heart in repentance, the Bible declares you have been born-again and now are in the family of God. Buy a good Bible to study [thrift shops give them away free], make some new friends who will help you grow and will pray for you when trials come and attend a good Bible believing church. Welcome! 



Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Above All, Guard your Heart.



Above All, Guard your Heart

My son, pay attention to what I say; listen closely to my words. Do not let then out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are LIFE to those who find then and HEALTH to a man’s whole body. ABOVE ALL ELSE, GUARD YOUR HEART, FOR IT IS THE WELLSPRING OF LIFE.” Proverbs 4:20-23 niv

I have many favorite verses, but these verses go right to the top of the list and each time I read them I cannot help smiling. They are love promises and the only way I can describe the way it affects me is when we put oil in our car that assures its health of running smoothly. In spiritual terms, the oil brings me joy!  What is your favorite food? For some it would mean a tasty steak cooked exactly the way you like it. Picture that steak placed right in front of you, and you’ve just taken that first bite. That is the way eating the word of God tastes. Some are addicted to coffee or chocolate; but there are a few of us out here who drink the word of God. It feeds everything inside and outside of you. Nothing is left untouched. God’s word is truly a WELLSPRING!

In the KJV vs 20 says: “My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my saying.”

That word incline expresses an act and an agreement with what is being given to him. Incline means to lean, to bend the head and body forward, to bow, to listen closely and pay attention. Have you ever noticed how some people will learn forward to listen to a subject they are interested in? This is how we learn to hear God’s voice. Incline your ear. These aren’t just words, but a command.  Be willing to learn as this is how we will gain understanding through His precepts.  We stretch out from ourselves, we stop and humble ourselves to open our ears, to hear what the Master wants to say to us.

Vs 21.  “Let them not depart from thine eyes. Keep them in the midst of thine heart.”

Keep reading. Think about the promises you are reading and keep them safe in your heart. Put them in your inner man. You are storing up truth to meditate upon.  

Vs 22.  “For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.”

What does that mean? Life?  

This means that God’s word could save your life. His words are truth. When we pursue this truth with a humble heart, we discover what was missing in our lives. Some would say it is like a aha moment. Others would say, “I have found the answer.”  We cannot find it without hearing His word. For every problem you have, there is a solution written for you to apply in your life. Life in the here and for eternity.

What does health mean? Health to all our flesh?

Once you believe in the written word, the Holy Spirit comes and begins to give you more understanding to apply in your life. Your Faith will no longer limit the word or limit what God can do for you and your thinking processes. As you read, you will discover the Son of God who came to set people free from the spirits of darkness and themselves and from a lifetime of fear, bondages and replace them with His Holy Spirit. With godly thinking brings a new way of life and comes health in so many ways. It is like putting that oil in a lamp. The oil is The Holy Spirit that places salve on a wound that otherwise wouldn’t heal.  Nothing gets Gods attention quicker than applying the faith that He has given to us. We will either listen to the flesh and respond in unbelief or we will listen to the Holy Spirit and respond in belief.  Which do you pick?

Are you listening?

Vs. 23 “Keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life.”

Everything we see, hear, touch, taste, and smell if we aren’t careful will go into our hearts and then overflow out of our mouths. Guard what you hear, what you read, what you see and what you believe. Ask yourself, does it add His love and more faith in your life or take away from it? The more you meditate upon Gods words the wiser your heart and your soul will be rejoicing because you will be speaking what is right.  You will be learning how to speak what is right, at the perfect time to meet a productive cause in that person’s life [and yours]. Learning does this.

The Bible talks about the Watchmen. We are all called to be a type of Watchman as we guard our hearts. Think about it, we have the Kingdom of God within us. We have His Holy Spirit within us. We are the Ark of the New Testament that is carrying His words of life within us. The Ark of the New Covenant is within us. Are we not to watch what we put inside of our temples?

Protect what God has given to you, cherish it, apply it in your life and diligently use His words to help others who are looking for help and solutions.

Pray with me:


Heavenly Father,

Thank you for giving me a deeper understanding of Your word. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit and the great love that manifests to me daily. I ask that You teach me and guide me into that perfect union with Your Son Jesus. I ask that You forgive me for not guarding my heart as I should. I repent on this, and I ask that You renew my faith to be that example of His love and having a sensitive clear conscience through all my decisions. Remind me to be that cautious Watchman and not allow anything inside of me that doesn’t belong in there. Thank You Father, in Jesus I pray, amen.



My son, pay attention to what I say; listen closely to my words. Do not let then out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are LIFE to those who find then and HEALTH to a man’s whole body. ABOVE ALL ELSE, GUARD YOUR HEART, FOR IT IS THE WELLSPRING OF LIFE.” Proverbs 4:20-23 niv

I have many favorite verses, but these verses go right to the top of the list and each time I read them I cannot help smiling. They are love promises and the only way I can describe the way it affects me is when we put oil in our car that assures its health of running smoothly. In spiritual terms, the oil brings me joy!  What is your favorite food? For some it would mean a tasty steak cooked exactly the way you like it. Picture that steak placed right in front of you, and you’ve just taken that first bite. That is the way eating the word of God tastes. Some are addicted to coffee or chocolate; but there are a few of us out here who drink the word of God. It feeds everything inside and outside of you. Nothing is left untouched. God’s word is truly a WELLSPRING!

In the KJV vs 20 says: “My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my saying.”

That word incline expresses an act and an agreement with what is being given to him. Incline means to lean, to bend the head and body forward, to bow, to listen closely and pay attention. Have you ever noticed how some people will learn forward to listen to a subject they are interested in? This is how we learn to hear God’s voice. Incline your ear. These aren’t just words, but a command.  Be willing to learn as this is how we will gain understanding through His precepts.  We stretch out from ourselves, we stop and humble ourselves to open our ears, to hear what the Master wants to say to us.

Vs 21.  “Let them not depart from thine eyes. Keep them in the midst of thine heart.”

Keep reading. Think about the promises you are reading and keep them safe in your heart. Put them in your inner man. You are storing up truth to meditate upon.  

Vs 22.  “For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.”

What does that mean? Life?  

This means that God’s word could save your life. His words are truth. When we pursue this truth with a humble heart, we discover what was missing in our lives. Some would say it is like a aha moment. Others would say, “I have found the answer.”  We cannot find it without hearing His word. For every problem you have, there is a solution written for you to apply in your life. Life in the here and for eternity.

What does health mean? Health to all our flesh?

Once you believe in the written word, the Holy Spirit comes and begins to give you more understanding to apply in your life. Your Faith will no longer limit the word or limit what God can do for you and your thinking processes. As you read, you will discover the Son of God who came to set people free from the spirits of darkness and themselves and from a lifetime of fear, bondages and replace them with His Holy Spirit. With godly thinking brings a new way of life and comes health in so many ways. It is like putting that oil in a lamp. The oil is The Holy Spirit that places salve on a wound that otherwise wouldn’t heal.  Nothing gets Gods attention quicker than applying the faith that He has given to us. We will either listen to the flesh and respond in unbelief or we will listen to the Holy Spirit and respond in belief.  Which do you pick?

Are you listening?

Vs. 23 “Keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life.”

Everything we see, hear, touch, taste, and smell if we aren’t careful will go into our hearts and then overflow out of our mouths. Guard what you hear, what you read, what you see and what you believe. Ask yourself, does it add His love and more faith in your life or take away from it? The more you meditate upon Gods words the wiser your heart and your soul will be rejoicing because you will be speaking what is right.  You will be learning how to speak what is right, at the perfect time to meet a productive cause in that person’s life [and yours]. Learning does this.

The Bible talks about the Watchmen. We are all called to be a type of Watchman as we guard our hearts. Think about it, we have the Kingdom of God within us. We have His Holy Spirit within us. We are the Ark of the New Testament that is carrying His words of life within us. The Ark of the New Covenant is within us. Are we not to watch what we put inside of our temples?

Protect what God has given to you, cherish it, apply it in your life and diligently use His words to help others who are looking for help and solutions.

Pray with me:


Heavenly Father,

Thank you for giving me a deeper understanding of Your word. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit and the great love that manifests to me daily. I ask that You teach me and guide me into that perfect union with Your Son Jesus. I ask that You forgive me for not guarding my heart as I should. I repent on this, and I ask that You renew my faith to be that example of His love and having a sensitive clear conscience through all my decisions. Remind me to be that cautious Watchman and not allow anything inside of me that doesn’t belong in there. Thank You Father, in Jesus I pray, amen.



Monday, January 9, 2023

Humility reverses Pride #2


Humility reverses Pride #2

What does a vintage 1953 VW have to do with humility and pride? Read on and you will find out.



The Scoop #4


                                      Humility reverses Pride #2


Just a little bit of pride can be the downfall of a career that says, “I was the one who deserved that raise!” Did your prideful attitude prevent the raise? In a marriage that says, “I will never forgive him [her]!” Could there possibly be the thought you may have done the same thing, only in a different way? Think about it.  And a nation who says, “Look at what we have done, how powerful we are!” Look how great we are!” 

We are in trouble when we slip self-importance before humbleness. Before the Love of God. Pride divides. Most marital spats are caused because of pride. Is it worth it?  How can we genuinely love God if we are putting ourselves before Him?

I ask you a simple question:

Why is it when we look at the stately beauty of a tree that gives shade in the heat of summer, eye candy in the autumn, welcomes those who need homes, wood to keep us warm, paper for us to use, furniture and yet; that tree remains humble? That glorious tree lives to radiate Gods glory and to give to us. We hear the birds sing praises to God every morning without a murmur or complaint. I had a dragonfly that would follow me around the garden and kept fearlessly landing on my wrist many years ago and his beautiful eyes looked right up into my mine as if to say, “I trust you.” How do they know those who would never hurt them and those that would? Do trees, birds or dragon flies have pride? No, I think not. Unlike some of us, they know they have a mission.

There lies America’s biggest weakness and temptation. For some, she must be number one and powerful forever. Birthed in 1776 on Independence Day, we are the offspring of Europe and many other nations who bathed in the freedom offered in this new land. Our forefathers dedicated baby America to God, and He blessed and blessed us with freedom. Our schools taught the Bible and prayed. Hardships came with the new land and sometimes, we learned through our mistakes. We went through wars and experienced depressions, droughts, harsh storms, floods, and plagues and the sorrows of many deaths. We learned to be frugal through the great depression and not to waste a thing. Then after another war, prosperity knocked on our doors and we started rocking and rolling with all the seducements offered. Life became easier. Slowly we began to forget about God and allowed idolatry to come into the land.  We were a young child in a fairy tale of a land of abundance. People began buying homes and cars on time and the bankers smiled with glee.

America, you went from not having anything to having an abundance of everything in such a short time. But, in your early years, you always honored the God who sent you here. You were once a child, but now it is time to grow up.

 When a child is given everything and has never heard the word no, that child will demand its way because that is the way he was raised.

Why? Because he can.

If a two-year-old is asked permission from the parent if it is all right for him to stop disobeying, who is running the household? For example: “Johnny, stop hitting your sister, all right? “

Why? Because he can.

If a child is raised in an environment that never had to be without anything, how does he develop a thankful heart? If a child has had everything done for him, including his thinking; how will he learn to function when he goes into the world? If he has never learned to wait or work for something, how will he begin to learn from the testing’s that produces patience? When he is grown and works for a living, he will begin to learn that life is not a comfortable buggy ride after all and that the principles of sowing and reaping are indeed truth. In time, we learn what we sow comes back to bite us in the derriere.

Will that child be able to marry successfully when he was taught to be  number one and selfish and already married to himself?

When a nation is nestled in a self-serving habit of believing a battery of lies, pride is produced. A self-destructive form of complacency and decay begins to come in many forms of darkness, and the nation becomes blind to God’s mercy and truth.

All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth unto such as keep His covenant and His testimonies.”

Psalm 25:10 kjv.

That nation begins to shun truth and gives into the idolatry of perversion, lies, greed in every abominable area and not only promotes it but teaches it. 

America has become caustic.

Good people slept and languished while a thief came and began to successfully steal truth from the most innocent of hearts and the accusers flourish while declaring good is evil. If you do not believe in Satan wake up and listen to what is going on today. Most people can see we are fighting a spiritual problem against good vs evil. And the Laodicean church simply turned their head.

The greed of materialism watered their palates as boundaries came down in every area of the land. Many began to walk away from their faith and believe in the lie that we have all, is all and can do all. The arrogance of pride gives a blind false confidence.

Jesus Christ laid His life down so we can have forgiveness of our sins, freedom from being a slave to those sins, and receive God’s truth in His Son. Only then, can we say, “I can do all things in Christ.”    Will you believe it?  In Him we have our hope.

He gave. We are to give.  Pride never wins or apologizes. I have heard pride justify itself even with the word of God. Then pride falls.

Love is not permissiveness. Love is caring enough to jump into the water to save a person who is drowning because he chose the wrong way. Love is doing because this is when pride eventually retreats. And, God Himself will make a way for you to do this good,

We depended upon things first and God later and if we do not correct our behavior, God will because He still loves us more than any good father here on earth. What a powerful Father we have!

Have you given thought of what true humility really is? True humbleness is admitting that we are wrong. That we have sinned many times. That we have left the God of Creation to do things independently and not Gods way. Unbelief and doubt are the foundation of all sin. You cannot be humble if you do not believe in the truth, nor can you see clearly.

Years back, before I was born-again, I was driving my vintage 1953 VW beetle tin can of a car home from a bar in the blackest of night. I noticed an oncoming car was headed towards me in my lane. I could barely see under its blinding lights. In nanoseconds I jerked the steering wheel first to the left and saw the car race past me. I noticed I was going to go into a ditch and tore the wheel to the right and it was then that the bug rolled and bounced 3 times in the air like a giant heavy basketball. I remember hearing a lady scream as I bounced. Right before I landed, [no seat belts back then] the door popped open with me falling on the ground. Laying there I noticed I couldn’t move my legs. My thoughts? “Oh Father, please not that.” [I had previously met my Holy Father in a Catholic Orphanage when I was 5 years old.] Little by little I started moving my toes, then my feet and got up on my legs. By that time, the police and ambulance were there. Did the lady who screamed call the ambulance? Did she pray for me? They couldn’t believe I was alive. I looked over at the VW that was completely flattened. If I hadn’t fallen out, I would have been flattened too. Yes, there are always consequences from our decisions! During that time, I didn’t have any thoughts or fear of what could have happened.  If I had the fear of God, I would not have even been at the bar or on the road. It is only by the grace of God that I walked away with bruises.

You could be thinking; “I thought we had a loving God? Why should I fear Him?” The Bible tells us to “Fear God and live.” After I was born-again, I realized that fearing God keeps you from sinning. This is the realization of knowing when you step out of His will and deliberately sin, you are going to be chastised. He cares enough to stop us from ruining our lives. Real humbleness and wisdom begins with the fear of God.

“The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death.”
Proverbs 14:27

We still have hope. Yes, we must keep praying in faith; but now it is time to give up your own self importance and trust in God with everything you have in yourself. It is time to get right with God and time to grow up.

“Through love and faithfulness sin is atoned for: through the fear of the Lord a man avoids evil.” Pr.16:6 niv

That man fears God because he has chosen to believe in Him. This is a heart choice.

We learn humility through repentance, and this is the only thing that will bring a family and a nation back to God and it begins with a heart reckoning. It begins with us. It begins with accepting the truth about Jesus and how He went to the cross so we could have forgiveness for our sins and have eternal life. It all begins with you.

“When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people. If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, THEN will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2Ch. 7:13, 14 niv.


Pray with me:

Heavenly Father,

I know I have sinned, and I realize I have hurt many people through my selfish choices. I need You in my life. I need a miracle. I desperately need your help. I ask that You would forgive me for [name them]_________.  I repent and put down all my pride and ask that Your Holy Spirit would fill me up and teach me everything I need to know to be that new person in Christ. Work in my heart, my mind and soul. Give me the strength I need to be that overcomer that believers need to be. I ask that You never give up on me, for Your word says that You never start something that You do not finish. Send me Your people to pray with me and help me grow. In Jesus I ask, amen.


If you have prayed from your heart in humble sincerity, I wholeheartedly welcome you into the family of God. Though you will still have trials, you will have the Body of Christ to help you through the rockiness. Grow and learn about Jesus Christ and learn wisdom that will give you the strength to obey His precepts, stand upon His promises and see His hand in your life everywhere you go. Find a good Bible believing church and make good friends that will be by your side while you journey. Never forget, you are loved and you are not alone!