Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Another Cuppa

"He who has no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down and without walls." Proverbs 25:28 amp.

I recently learned about an old farm house that had enough fruit trees, springs and rolling pastures to make any green minded eco-farmer drool with delight.

Unfortunately, with the rotted beams and roof  leak driving the surrounding soil to rush into the floors and this caused the walls and floors to buckle like a "fun house."

As we consider the above verse; we can take note how our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit. Are we respecting our temple where the Holy Spirit dwells inside of us; or are we careless with our bodies like the old farm house in disrepair? When we avoid dealing with one area in our life, we begin to have problems because everything branches out into the other sections of our body; like that old house. The owners refused to maintain the house and everything started to rot. The walls and floors buckle, the dirt rushes inside; as the water continues to pour from the roof.

The house rotted because someone did not care enough to fix the first sign of a problem. After this uncaring spirit decided to wave his stewardship, one problem evolved into wood rot and dirt. The house is collapsing because of neglect.

This little cuppa coffee might be for you to think about this morning. Should there be an area in your life that needs to be dealt with, do not hesitate! Better to deal with the problem now while there is time; before it spreads throughout your whole mind and body,  like that old house.

God has His special messagers and warriors just waiting for you to come.

Have a good day!

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