Friday, March 21, 2014

Morning Prayer

Morning Promises

Heavenly Father,

We take you at your Word and right now stand upon your Word. You said that you hear the righteous (we have the righteousness of Christ)  when they cry and that you deliver them out of all their troubles. You said that you are near those who are afflicted and have a broken heart and save those who have a humble spirit. Thank you for healing our broken heart and closing up our wounds. [Ps 34:17-19 Ps. 147:3]

We stand upon your promises Precious Lord. We stand upon your strengthening when we are sick. You are our hope, and you even heal our countenance. We do not have a worry about pestilence at darkness or destruction in the daytime, for we are safe in your care, neither will any plague come in our house. You promise your people a long life to those who are faithful. [Ps. 41:3~ Ps.43:5~Ps. 91:6,10,16.]

Thank you for forgiving all of our iniquities and healing us and sending us your word. [Ps. 103:3~Ps. 107:20]

We will not die, but live, and declare your works! [Ps. 118:17]

We speak to our soul: We bless you Lord and everything that is in us and we will bless your holy name. We will not forget all of your benefits. Thank you for healing us. Thank you for saving our lives from destruction. Thank you for giving us your love, kindness and mercies. [Ps. 103:1-4]

We choose to listen to you, for we know if we listen to you we will have health and life. We will have good reports. We choose to speak good words; your words. We choose to allow your joy to work inside of our hearts, because we know it is medicine. [Pr. 4:10~3:8~15:30~16:24~17:22]

We know that you have taught us that in humility and obedience that your anointing brings deliverance.  Thank you Father; for setting us free. [Is. 10:27]

Thank you for opening up our eyes so we can see and allowing us to hear your truth. Thank you for giving us such energy and joy! We depend upon you totally Father, for our strength.  We are learning patience and we receive renewed vigor; even like eagles, we will run and not get tired and walk and not faint. [Is.32:3~35:5~32:3~35:6~38:16~40:29~40:31~41:10]

Thank you Heavenly Father for your promises this morning. We will think upon them throughout our day. 

In Jesus we pray. 


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