Saturday, March 22, 2014

Past Importance

When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. NLT Isaiah 43:2

Hold the above verse close to your heart. 

Though you tread through deep waters, God promises He will never leave you.  Though there be times when you feel you cannot make it through another trial and at times your problem feels as though nothing is changing.  God is still holding your hand and promises that you will not drown. You will not be engulfed in your sorrow. No, you will not stay in that situation. And, there are times when you want to shout, “Why cannot I talk to anyone and why cannot others see or understand what I am going through?”  

Though you have frustration and angry feelings that are followed by depression and you begin to feel the weight of the oppression, God says; be strong and walk through your fiery trial, you will not be burned up; but refined.
He further says: It is through your trials I will purify your walk so that you will have mercy on those who also walk through the fire. For, I am making you into a strong workman for my kingdom.

Do not be discouraged, but encouraged and know; I always finish what I have started.  


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