Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Walk #2

In the last article I wrote about St. Paul being blinded spiritually and then he was literally physically blinded.  He was to see the parallel that had happened to him. I believe that God wanted him to see the depth of the connection and understand what he could not see what was right in front of him the whole time. 

God had a plan for his life for God’s purpose and Paul’s redemption. Paul was struck by lightning and blinded, yet; it was for everyone’s good. Could he have been thinking about this when he wrote the verse “And, we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28

Yes, there was a mighty mission for him to accomplish while he traveled giving the good news.

The very thing that happened to Paul, became his life work. He gave insight, he gave understanding and hope to others with the gospel.

What he once could not see, he later gave! What he once did not understand, he gave wisdom and knowledge. Not having any hope, he later became completely filled up over and over giving to those who hungered for the truth. He was discouraged and later showered everyone with encouragement.

This is what happens to all those who have come into the flock.
As I was thinking about this, it dawned on me how The Holy Spirit is ever present to come into a place in our lives, where we can see the truth and error.

For example, if you are too busy to listen to what God is saying to you, there may come a time when you will be forced to sit still and listen. Then, it will be your choice on what you do with the information given to you.

Secondly He gather’s up all the necessary salvation information and presents it to us in ways for us to understand individually. This means God will use whom he chooses and what he chooses. No one knows how the The Holy Spirit will move through whom or what.  Perhaps a man who loves the Lord chooses to give the salvation message, while waiting for that next dental appointment.

When the Holy Spirit is talking to you, He will speak in a language for you to understand. Sometimes, your heart will beat rapidly from the excitement. Some will do everything they can to ignore the truth. But the truth will never leave.

Thirdly, He then makes a way for us to become a new creature in Christ. The Holy Spirit breathes his life giving breath and awakens our spirit to become alive in Christ!

This is when understanding comes and a desire for change in your life. A craving to learn about Jesus is birthed. There is a deep driving desire, to be that new creature in Christ, to be born-again. Faith enters and a surrendered heart happens as many of us fall on our knees giving everything we have to Jehovah God who opened up our eyes to the truth.

What is so beautiful about this whole thing is that every situation is different because we are all different.  

I know I keep saying this but it is true; God knows what it takes to get your attention and listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying in your life and about your life.

When a woman is pregnant, she has limited capabilities in her physical life. Sometimes this is what The Holy Spirit uses to get attention, depending upon the situation. The pregnancy makes you heavy and uncomfortable. Not too many races are run in that condition.
The young lady finds she has plenty of time to think about her life and when a messenger of the word of God comes into her life, she is usually ready for a change.

She not only had a brand new baby, but she gave birth to a new lady in Christ. She was pregnant with two godly things and never realized it until later on. The very thing that happened to her became her work for the Lord. She keeps on getting pregnant with revelations to give hope to those in need.

Remember the young sub sailor I mentioned to you? He found Jesus under the polar icecap and emerged a new man in Christ. Later on, he emerged new teachings and new books that are a progressive and consistent reflection of his walk in Christ.

There will be a parallel to what you go through before you are born again and what you will be doing later.

Remember what Jesus said to Simon Peter and Andrew? He said, “Follow me and I will make you fisher’s of men.”   They were fishermen. Jesus taught them how to be fishers of men, how to Evangelize. The very thing they were doing on a daily basis, was completely turned over for the Kingdom of God.

All these are words are for the Kingdom of God. When you discover this precious pearl, guard what you put inside of your heart because it is a well spring of life.

God Bless you

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