Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Spirit of Fear #2

Psalm 56:3 ESV / 776 helpful votes
When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.

I once had a dog that looked like the above picture. Her name was Rachel and she was not only fearless, but she had unerring judgement in people and situations. She was the best dog I ever had and would have given her life for me. 

I get angry when I see people’s lives controlled by a spirit of fear. I see so much potential and talent and yet, they are afraid to take that first step. No matter how old you are, if you are this side of the daisies on planet earth; there is still time.

Live your dream! What are you waiting for?

I read of an 82 year old man building his own home and an elderly handicapped widow who at last has her dream of owning a few acres and growing her own organic food. There is an over 80’s hikers club in the Appalachian Mountains that I admire. These people are not rocking in their rocking chairs; they are thinking young and doing young. They are well educated to know our bodies were created to move.
Move when you do not feel like it. Get up and do something at least for 15 minutes a day and increase one minute once a week.

Fear is an ogre. He is an ogre! He is everything that you can imagine him to be. He can be blown up in the form of “what if I have this disease? Many will not get checkups because of the fear.
Allow me to give you this alert; It takes more faith to get a check up, than not. If for some reason the tests come back negative, you deal with it in faith with God’s promises. There are those who keep fearing about yesterday. Yesterday is gone! Live right now. We have a God who is faithful beyond measure! What if the rent isn’t paid? What if my daughter is pregnant? What if he doesn’t get that job? What if my cat dies? What if, what if what if? Oh those detestable words. They bring only a score of unbelief, stress and torment to your soul.

I ask you:

What would happen if you decided to walk up a large green mountain to see what this spirit of fear is all about? What would you discover?
In the distance you could see him and for some reason the closer you got to him, the smaller he appeared. Finally, as you approached him, he was only the size of a thimble. You couldn’t help but ask him:

Why are you so small?

He replied, “ I am as large as people will imagine me to be. If they are afraid of disease, I’ll be there. If they are afraid of wars, I will look like killing, guns and bloodshed. If they are afraid of the toxic foods I’ll be there too. Whatever fills their imaginations I will be there.”
I replied, “But you are so small.”
He said, “You have very little fear, but love instead.”

Today, I ask you; what are you promoting while you are on this beautiful planet earth? Are you promoting love, joy, peace, hope or faith? 

Every single person has a message. What is your main message while you are here? If you do not realize this, think about it and God will show you.
If we are thinking fear all of the time, fear wins! If we are thinking love and faith, they win! Whatever we are thinking about wins!
I urge you to face any fears that you have today and watch the ogre back down, for he is a coward and will not stand in the face of God’s love and truth.

God Bless you

Friday, August 22, 2014

We're not there yet.

Have you ever noticed that when we need more sanding on the rough edges in our lives; situations and circumstances happen to reveal to you where you are running short in the character of Christ?

For example, if I have a problem with impatience and desperately in need of patience, there will be cars on the highway cutting me off, I'll drop the eggs all over the floor that I just bought from the store or perhaps an unruly client at work demands the impossible.  All these examples test the character in our heart.

Is anger connected to impatience? Probably, depending on the event. It has been my experience that if you don't think you have a problem with impatience, something will bubble up in your life to expose that you still do. If you don't think you get angry, just wait; something will happen to stir up the pot.

It seems to me that God puts things right in front of our faces to deal with and if we are sincere and pray about it; the next test becomes easier and there lies our secret. True sincerity admits we still have a problem and that we want to do something about it. Once we've taken that step of faith and admitted that we have a problem, God shows up to take us the rest of the way.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Pray for those who are persecuted for their faith

Let’s please pray for the Christians overseas.  Church, do not think it cannot happen here. Jesus came as the Lamb of God, but the next time He comes it will be as Roaring Lion!

Heavenly Father,
We plead for mercy for your Church. Those that refuse to deny your name even unto death.

When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained.
They called out in a loud voice, "How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?" Re. 6:9 -10
I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years. Re. 20:4

As we pray, men, women and children are being beheaded.

Father, we ask that you would supernaturally intervene for our sisters and brothers. We plead for your mercy. Deliver them from the terrorists. Have mercy Father.
In Jesus we ask.


Monday, August 11, 2014

We need to pray for each other

We all have our moments of fear. I never thought I’d live through what I am seeing come to pass on the earth and in our nation.  

I can understand when Jesus said, “Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.” Lu. 21:26
Just think! We may be the ones who will see the return of the King of Kings!

Precious Father,

Thank you for opening up our eyes and changing our hearts. We admit, we are nothing without you. Give us insight and understanding to be a help to those around us. We ask that we would fill that place in our heart with your love, faith and strength because you said “perfect love casts out all fear.” We choose love instead of fear. You took it all on the cross and set us free.
We choose to be all we can be today. We choose to put a watch over our mouths and glorify you in our speech, in our hearts and by our actions. Draw us closer and open up our ears that we can hear what you say today. We want to glorify you Father in all we do.

In Jesus

Sunday, August 10, 2014

"We are living in the days of Isaiah chapter 60."

"Who are these that fly along like clouds, like doves to their nests?" Is. 60:8

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Can you believe for a Miracle in your life?

 Let’s Pray for a Miracle

Can you believe for a miracle? We are children of a God of miracles! Being born-again in Christ is a continuous miracle. If God can give us a new heart and transform our minds, He can also heal our bodies inside and out. Strangers were exhibiting miracles by casting out devils in Jesus name (Mk 9:38-40), while Jesus was yet on earth. Every inch inside of them believed in the power of that name! Think about it! Their believing hearts were stirred into a passionate declaration in the name of Yeshua ‘Hamashiach (Jesus the Messiah). I believe we have to stir up the faith that has been given to us and begin to expect and look for miracles!

Precious Heavenly Father,

You are the God of Miracles! You are Adoni Nissi! You are the one who parted the Red Sea! You delivered your people out of bondage! You translated Enoch and Elijah up! You turned the water into wine! You raised the dead! Your son was seen by over 500 people when he was resurrected! There isn’t anything too small or great for you to do! We choose to believe you Lord! We choose to believe that you hear our every word we think and speak. We know you care!

We lift up each heart that is agreeing with this prayer. We ask that the Comforter would come and begin to calm your souls. Calm their hearts Lord; and put them in a place of rest. Give them your assurance that you are working upon their behalf; even behind the scenes. Fill them up with your confidence and renew their hope in you. We all thank you right now for refilling everything up! For refilling our belief system for healings, for deliverance for our loved ones, for strength when we need it, for wisdom in direction, for answered prayers, for that job, for safety, for a good lab report, for finances, wisdom to make a difference in lives, for that loved one to return to Christ and for insight and discernment. We fully expect a miracle in our lives! We will be strong; look up, all around and everywhere and not give up! We thank you for your incredible love!

In Jesus we pray

Pray for those who are being Martyred

A Prayer for our Sisters & Brothers (and others) who are being Martyred

Please pray with me for those who are being martyred for their faith in the Middle East. We must not take our faith for granted here in the west.
Thank you.

Heavenly Father,
We thank you for always being here, always listening, all knowing and ever faithful. We worship you and you only! We give you honor and praise this morning.   

Precious Father,

We lift up the Body of Christ in the Middle East and we ask that you would halt all slaughtering. We ask that you would confound the enemies by taking all their weapons away. We even ask the enemies would fall upon their knees and acknowledge you as the only El Shaddai , the one and true Almighty God who protects. Open up their eyes and give them new hearts. Blow your truth upon this whole situation and sound your trumpet that all those who have ears will know you are the God of Israel.   

We ask that your angels tear down all the walls that the enemy has taken and that everything that belongs to your people will be returned 100 fold. 

We ask that you would deliver your people out of all harms’ way and into your secure safe hiding place. We ask that you would keep watch over them and all their families. Thank you Father.

We lift up those that do not belong to the Body of Christ but have been getting killed. We plead for your goodness and mercy be upon these people Father and we ask they too would be delivered into your safe place.  Guard them, lead them and watch over them. We ask that everyone would work together for your peace, for your honor and truth.

We also know that nothing is too great for you. We ask that you would supernaturally rescue all those women and children who have been captured by the enemy. We ask that all the world will see that you are the one and true God.

We all agree and pray in Jesus name,

Friday, August 8, 2014

Agree with me for our Military

A Prayer for our Military this Morning

I was greatly encouraged by faithful friends to keep posting prayers and it is for this reason my heart goes out to our Military this morning. Please feel free to read along and agree with me while we pray. Thank you.

Good Morning Lord,

We bow to you, because you are our Holy God Jehovah. We give you honor and first place this morning in everything we do and we do it unto you. We deliberately acknowledge you and with all we have inside of us and say “Abba Abba Father!”   Thank you for adopting us into your family.
Heavenly Father,

We lift up our Military men and daughters at this time. We know that you have created us to love, not kill. To create and design, not destroy. We ask that you would put a blanket of steely protection over our sons and daughters who are in battle. Guard them fiercely with your mighty angels and place their watch surrounding the north, south, east and west. We ask that you place a fixed gate around their minds that only your Spirit would be able to enter, giving them comfort, peace and faith. Bring them closer to you and give them the faith that they need to follow through. Reveal to them the undeniable power of your love and place it in their hearts. We ask that every boot that is at war would return whole, sound and with a renewed heart. 

We all  request and petition for peace Lord. We ask that your Holy Spirit would blow upon all the families involved in these wars your peace, a godly comfort. We give you honor and thank you for hearing our prayers.

Thank You Lord,

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Small Morning Prayer

Good Morning Lord,

We bow before you and thank you for giving us another day. We thank you for listening to our hearts.  Help us to be productive during these times and continue to hold you up and give you the glory that only you deserve.

Forgive us our short-sightedness and sometimes seeing things that aren’t there and for not seeing things that are placed directly in front of us. Give us the discernment to see through your eyes and to understand the difference.

We lift up all of our families and ask that you would keep your hand upon everyone as they go back and forth. Continue to draw them closer to you as you speak to their hearts. We ask that they would see the power of your incredible love in their lives.

We ask for continued healing for those who are reading and are believing by faith. We thank you by faith ahead of time. We ask that you would keep sending your encouragers to lift their hearts up with the hope they need; at this time.

We lift up all the workers and their families in our church and to all those around us. Keep them strong, able and sure. Pour out your Holy Spirit upon this area and we ask that you would revive everyone with the love of your son.

Thank you Lord.


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Visionary

A true Prophet is someone who sees an opportunity to create and strategize goodness into any place he walks. He is God’s mouth piece. Not all Prophets prophesy doom and gloom. Not all who give words are Prophets. Many think that all Prophets are called to warn of times to come, but not every Prophet has the same message. Some warn others because of not loving each other! Not all Prophets are called to warn about last days. Many Prophets are called to teach, train and equip the Body of Christ. There are creative Prophets and those with a prophetic gift who proclaim the love of God through their heartfelt example of God’s love by the way they are living. 

The prophetic walk is a visionary walk and The Visionary never runs out of visions. In other words, there is always room for improvement somewhere. There are times when they see things that other people cannot see, but say nothing; because it is wiser.

They see without trying to see and know without trying to know. It is a gift from God. They receive answers, revelations and insight.

There are those who use their gifting to help married people reconcile, as it is easy for them to see both sides and where they are coming from when they speak. Other’s can see problems in churches, families, neighborhoods, places of business and nations. At the same time, they also see the solutions. They can appear as a “know it all” and many bend over backward not to give this impression. A godly Prophet is humble and not self-seeking.

The gifting in the prophetic is like this:

1. The Prophet or Prophetess
2. The Gift of Prophecy
3. The Gift of Prophetic song
4. The Spirit of Prophecy
5. Prophetic praying (intercessors)
6. Prophetic teaching
7. Prophetic preaching
8. The Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy

Under all of these titles can be words about last days, personal prophecies, churches and heads of states. The words are according to what has been placed in the heart of that individual.

There are definite prophetic specialists that have been appointed by God to speak words at the right place, in the right timing.

There are those who have given words and have not realized they just gave a word from God. God will use who He chooses to bless another. A true prophetic word will not slander anyone, but uplift, bless and encourage. If a word is given that falls under the category of correction, it should be given in private and the remedy should always be at hand. A godly word does not put down, does not defame another, nor does it shame or humiliate. A correction is a blessing when you think and realize God used someone to speak it to you.

There is a difference in prophesying in faith and another who speaks in worldly wisdom.
A true prophetic unction comes from God by faith, representing His will and His love..

Worldly wisdom is through what they see happening in the world and predict things in a worldly way because they are still of the world.

The world = the world. However, there are wise godly people putting the puzzles together today by what is happening in yesterday and today’s news and seeing how the last day prophecies of the Bible are being fulfilled.
The world has their own way of making predictions.

Then, we see the perversion of the false Prophets all of the time. These are the ones who marry little children and have many wives because “God told me to.”
These are indeed the false ones who willingly lie, and use the word of God to justify their depravities. They are habitual liars who believe their own lies while convincing unstable weak hearts that they are indeed The Prophet.

I once had a married lady tell me, “she just knew there was a man out there for her somewhere.” She was in a troubled marriage, not willing to  work it out as recommended by the word. But was rushing to get out of her marriage and into another one because, “it was of God.” This is a false word and not from God. 

The Prophet or Prophetess is one of the 5-fold ministries and they are to work with the other ministers to teach, train and equip the Body of Christ to go out and evangelize, educate and to raise up those that are hungry for the knowledge of Christ.

What is His work?

“I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger, and you took me into your home. I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you took care of Me; I was in prison and you visited Me. "Then the righteous will answer Him, Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You something to drink? When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or without clothes and clothe You? When did we see You sick, or in prison, and visit You?' "And the King will answer them, I assure you: Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me.' Mt. 25:35-40

A teacher can prophesy, but not be a Prophet. A Pastor can give a word but isn’t a Prophet. Sometimes, there are Prophets that have taken on the position of a Pastor who does not have the heart or gift to shepherd. Many times this is a reason why there isn’t church growth. There are Teachers who are sincere but do not have a nurturing shepherding heart counsel. This doesn’t mean they do not move in love, just not a shepherding love.  Then, you will see those Pastors aligned with a shepherd’s heart; who have the gift of teaching whose flock grows steadily and healthy. I have seen a Teacher who has a shepherd’s heart. There are many gifts, but the Holy Spirit has not given one person all of them.

Therefore, a Pastor can have the gift of prophecy, a gift of teaching, mercy and helps. His 5-fold ministry gift is Pastor and all those other gifts help him run his ship.

I know a Pastor who has a shepherd’s heart, mercy heart, administration heart, gift of teaching, gift of financial helps, helps and so much more and his church is growing at a phenomenal rate. He does not compromise his walk.

Jesus was the prime example of having all 5-fold ministries inside of Him.
If prophesy wasn’t important it wouldn’t be in the Bible. Paul urged us to all learn by doing. He said:

“Eagerly pursue and seek to acquire [this] love [make it your aim, your great quest]; and earnestly desire and cultivate the spiritual endowments (gifts), especially that you may prophesy ([a]interpret the divine will and purpose in inspired preaching and teaching).” 1 Co. 14:1 amp.
 “For ye may all prophesy one by one, that all may learn, and all may be comforted.” KJV 1 Co. 14:31

A Prophet does not have to say, “I am a Prophet” because titles are neither here nor there. They are God’s mouth piece and a true Prophet is humble.

Those that prophesy do other things besides waving banners and warning people. They go fishing! They grow gardens! They hold down jobs, have families and are active in church. Their first and foremost desire is to lift up God’s name and get His word out in the reverence that is due to Him.
Every time we do something in love, we are doing an act of kindness unto the Lord. We are honoring our Creator, our Holy Father who knows us inside out.

There is nothing glamorous about being a Prophet or Prophetess. When you read about them, they usually lived a lonely life and were all killed because they knew when they saw them coming down the road, they were going to hear the  Word of God and that is something the world never wants to hear.  

6 Types of Prophets

This was taken from Chuck Pierce’s Notes. 
(This seems to be very accurate, will have to study more)
6  Types of Prophetic Streams

1.Nabi (Bubble Up)- Unction from within to Vocalize. Flow. Water.
2.Roeh (Seer)- Discernment. Seeing on people, through people. Dreams.
3.Shamar (Watchman)- See Gods Timing, When Things will Happen.
4.Chozeh (Vision)- Going into a Trance, Open Vision.
5.Prophet (To Foretell)- Future Predictions.
6.Nataph (To Preach)- Tearing Open Heavens Bringing Revelation. Freedom through Energetic Vocalized Prophecies. Fire. Burning.

Here is John Ekhardt’s interpretation on different kinds of words coupled with  my emphasis upon God’s word!

Different Kinds of Prophetic Utterance


There are different kinds of prophetic words for different situations. The prophetic word can deal with past, present, and future. The prophetic word is able to deal with all the issues that we face in life. 

God has many thoughts toward us, and if we were to speak them, they cannot be numbered Ps. 40:5 

God’s word is a lamp unto our feet, and a light unto our path Ps.119:105

1. Now- addresses issues that are currently happening in a person’s life. This gives understanding on what a person is dealing with and helps eliminate confusion. I also call this a word in season Pr. 15:23
2. Confirmation- establishes and strengthens, builds faith and removes doubt, an example is “ you are on the right track.” Confirmation from a word will not necessarily come in the next hour, or even a year. Sometimes a word spoken will not be confirmed until many years later. Be patient.

3. Future- speaks to next phase or stage in you life. May map out directions or areas of preparation needed for future tasks. This can include instruction on what to do. God’s words lighten our paths, so we know where to go. Isaiah spoke about the past, present and future continually.

4. Past- these are words that deal with past issues, often bringing understanding and resolving things from the past. These words help launch us into our future. There are many people chained to the past, and they need to be released. Joseph understood dealing with his past was necessary for his purpose and for his people.

5. New- a new word is something completely new. It may often surprise the recipient. It is usually something they were not thinking or planning. (1 Cor.2:10-11) “These are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. 11 For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.  

Do you have the Spirit of God inside of you?

6. Warning- these words warn of dangers that may be ahead, and what to avoid.

7. Deliverance- God’s words are sent out to deliver people from things such as hurt, rejection, fear, sickness and release healing and restoration to the recipient. Psa.107:20

8. Revelation- these words give us insight and revelation into the plans and purpose of God for our lives. Deut.29:29 Although we are not given everything, what He does reveal to us, helps us and our children forever. 

9. Identification- these words identify and help people understand and know who they are and what God created them to be. “When the angel of the LORD appeared to Gideon, he said, “The LORD is with you, mighty warrior.” Jud.6:12

10. Correction- these words correct us and cause us to make the necessary adjustments in our lives. My son, do not despise the LORD’s discipline, and do not resent his rebuke, Prov.3:11 I don’t know anyone who likes to be corrected, but it is for our benefit.

11. Commendation- God commends us when we are doing what is right . Each church in the Revelation was commended and then corrected.

12. Exposure- these words expose and identify the works of sin and darkness. 11 Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will perish by following their example of disobedience. Heb.4:13

13. Conditional- these words are conditional on your obedience, an example ”if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2Ch.7:14

14. Impartation- God uses these words, often accompanied with the laying on of hands, to impart gifts into our lives. “Do not neglect the gift that is in you, which was given to you by prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the eldership. 1 Tim.4:14
These words can be spoken over individuals and congregations. We must be open and allow God to speak to us in these different ways. Each way will bring great blessing to the church.

Too many people throw out the baby with the bathwater because they do not understand the prophetic. They do not believe that “a word” is for today. Just like they do not believe healing is for today. Both healing and prophetic require faith and love. If that is the case and we know it is, is faith and love for today?
Of course it is.

Why would God who gives us the gifts in the first place, then; take them back? If you are given a present and you put it in your closet and never open it up; it doesn’t mean that it isn’t still there. It is in the closet, never opened and never used; but still there.

However, I have seen people passed over to be used by God because they did not want to use their gifts. Usually it is because of lack of faith, fear, doubt or unbelief. The Holy Spirit looks for a willing vessel.   

Sometimes being a Visionary isn’t easy when you keep postponing your destiny. What is our Father God speaking to you about? What is in your heart to bring good to your county, city, your state, your nation? What about your neighbor? The people on your block or at work?  If it takes one person to take away life, then all it takes is one person to give life. Jesus was the forerunner when He obediently gave His life so we can live in his love. What is your vision? What is it that you want to change? Listen to your heartbeat.

We were made in the image of God. It is He who blew upon our souls and gave us the spirit of life. We too, can either give life or take it. When we stand in the gap praying, we are promoting life. We are sending up life messages that heal broken hearts, broken lives and broken vessels.

All true Prophets are intercessors. 

One small step at a time in the direction that you individually see, will bring extraordinary results if your heart is humble.

I once read about a lady who lived in Coral Gables who would go out every day and pick up seashells. She would wash the shells and when they were dry she would put a Bible verse on each shell and return them to the beach. God honored her ministry to the point of people wanting her shells from all over the world.

Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame (confound) those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame (confound) those who are powerful.” 1Co. 1:27

Something like that befuddles the world. Strategies and ideas!! Be creative in your thinking and doing. There are millions of ways to light up the world and touch men’s hearts. Knock and Rock the world with God’s love! Ask God for one dynamic idea that will do this, then; boldly follow it through!
God has always used and honored one person to accomplish His will. One step of faith brings you closer to your passion that will help change the lives of those you love and around you. One small step in faith and God will send those who will stand by your side.

Understanding these godly principles brings us the realization that there are invisible forces of darkness at work,  that we cannot see in the spiritual realm that copy this same pattern. The enemy knows that God’s principles produce success as he devises counterfeits to produce the ungodly result he seeks; to steal, kill and destroy.

Engel v. Vitale, 370 U.S. 421 (1962), was a landmark United States Supreme Court case that ruled it is unconstitutional for state officials to compose an official school prayer and encourage its recitation in public schools.

One person rallied many parents to come against prayer in school and the Supreme Court said, “yes.”

The above action must have stirred one of the darkest of hearts when atheist activist by the name of Madalyn Murray O’Hair, as she founded the American Atheists and the American Atheist Magazine in 1963. She is infamously known for the Supreme Court’s decision, ending Bible-reading in the schools in America.

Her legacy: The Most Hated Woman in America

One person can help build or destroy a whole nation.  One person can build up or take down a place of worship, a family or a place of business.

Wherever your focus is, there lies your energy and destiny.

God used Noah to build the Ark because of the coming flood, but it took him 120 years (thereof) and help from his family to build the vessel. Ge. 6:3 His vision was God’s vision and he moved in his anointing and in the favor of God.

Moses was called to deliver God’s people out of slavery in Egypt but his life  was anything but simple. When he first discovered that he was a Hebrew and saw how the Egyptians were treating his people, he killed a man and went into Median. After a time living with a sheep herding family and finding a wife; he knew he had to go back and demand that Pharaoh deliver his people.

One person!  Moses was obedient to the vision and God sent him and his brother Aaron who could speak better for him and a younger, stronger man to do the heavy work named Joshua. God always sends the crème de le crème for the task.
God uses one obedient visionary heart.

One person!

The invisible dark forces used one person to put millions of God’s people to death in gas chambers. The enemy will always woo, seduce and lie to you. Never forget that! That one person’s name:

Austrian born Adolph Hitler.  He ruled Germany for 12 years and was adored by his whole nation! His charisma charmed the nation of Germany, as they would hang upon his every word promising better times up ahead and in the earlier years, the nation did get better. They could not see the invisible forces behind the scenes putting to death the Jews and Christians.

Today, we have business people that had one idea! One vision they worked at and never gave up! Bill Gates programmed his first computer when he was only 13 years old in the eighth grade. Bill knew his heartbeat was and went for it!

Never miss a chance. I once painted the words on the hard shell of a gopher turtle “Jesus is the Answer” and then let him go back into the woods.

Visionaries can walk into a room and turn the room upside down in their minds, complete with different splashes of paint. They see everything in the after effects.

A visionary hairdresser can automatically see how good you would look in a new haircolor and new design. You may have been surprised with the finish product, but she saw it all before hand.

A good landscape artist knows what you are doing wrong in your yard and identifies exactly what kind of bush and plant you need to bring out the beauty in your yard.

An artist knows in her heart that any color goes with any color, but not necessarily on the walls.

Visionaries see things in the past, present and before it happens. Many can look into your eyes and read your mail, but will never say a word; not because they are fearful, but because they know some things are left better unsaid.

Today, God’s Visionary’s are being creative. Everything they do, they are thinking in ways of how they can promote His Word with His love.

You do not have to be a Prophet to be creative, every part of the Body of Christ is important in God’s eyes. We are all Servants, some more than others. I challenge you to think of ways you can be creative to serve. Think of ways you can be creative to promote God’s love and healing in other people’s lives. What is tugging in your heart?

Ask God to give you ideas and strategies.

God Bless You