Friday, August 8, 2014

Agree with me for our Military

A Prayer for our Military this Morning

I was greatly encouraged by faithful friends to keep posting prayers and it is for this reason my heart goes out to our Military this morning. Please feel free to read along and agree with me while we pray. Thank you.

Good Morning Lord,

We bow to you, because you are our Holy God Jehovah. We give you honor and first place this morning in everything we do and we do it unto you. We deliberately acknowledge you and with all we have inside of us and say “Abba Abba Father!”   Thank you for adopting us into your family.
Heavenly Father,

We lift up our Military men and daughters at this time. We know that you have created us to love, not kill. To create and design, not destroy. We ask that you would put a blanket of steely protection over our sons and daughters who are in battle. Guard them fiercely with your mighty angels and place their watch surrounding the north, south, east and west. We ask that you place a fixed gate around their minds that only your Spirit would be able to enter, giving them comfort, peace and faith. Bring them closer to you and give them the faith that they need to follow through. Reveal to them the undeniable power of your love and place it in their hearts. We ask that every boot that is at war would return whole, sound and with a renewed heart. 

We all  request and petition for peace Lord. We ask that your Holy Spirit would blow upon all the families involved in these wars your peace, a godly comfort. We give you honor and thank you for hearing our prayers.

Thank You Lord,

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