Saturday, August 9, 2014

Can you believe for a Miracle in your life?

 Let’s Pray for a Miracle

Can you believe for a miracle? We are children of a God of miracles! Being born-again in Christ is a continuous miracle. If God can give us a new heart and transform our minds, He can also heal our bodies inside and out. Strangers were exhibiting miracles by casting out devils in Jesus name (Mk 9:38-40), while Jesus was yet on earth. Every inch inside of them believed in the power of that name! Think about it! Their believing hearts were stirred into a passionate declaration in the name of Yeshua ‘Hamashiach (Jesus the Messiah). I believe we have to stir up the faith that has been given to us and begin to expect and look for miracles!

Precious Heavenly Father,

You are the God of Miracles! You are Adoni Nissi! You are the one who parted the Red Sea! You delivered your people out of bondage! You translated Enoch and Elijah up! You turned the water into wine! You raised the dead! Your son was seen by over 500 people when he was resurrected! There isn’t anything too small or great for you to do! We choose to believe you Lord! We choose to believe that you hear our every word we think and speak. We know you care!

We lift up each heart that is agreeing with this prayer. We ask that the Comforter would come and begin to calm your souls. Calm their hearts Lord; and put them in a place of rest. Give them your assurance that you are working upon their behalf; even behind the scenes. Fill them up with your confidence and renew their hope in you. We all thank you right now for refilling everything up! For refilling our belief system for healings, for deliverance for our loved ones, for strength when we need it, for wisdom in direction, for answered prayers, for that job, for safety, for a good lab report, for finances, wisdom to make a difference in lives, for that loved one to return to Christ and for insight and discernment. We fully expect a miracle in our lives! We will be strong; look up, all around and everywhere and not give up! We thank you for your incredible love!

In Jesus we pray

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