Friday, August 22, 2014

We're not there yet.

Have you ever noticed that when we need more sanding on the rough edges in our lives; situations and circumstances happen to reveal to you where you are running short in the character of Christ?

For example, if I have a problem with impatience and desperately in need of patience, there will be cars on the highway cutting me off, I'll drop the eggs all over the floor that I just bought from the store or perhaps an unruly client at work demands the impossible.  All these examples test the character in our heart.

Is anger connected to impatience? Probably, depending on the event. It has been my experience that if you don't think you have a problem with impatience, something will bubble up in your life to expose that you still do. If you don't think you get angry, just wait; something will happen to stir up the pot.

It seems to me that God puts things right in front of our faces to deal with and if we are sincere and pray about it; the next test becomes easier and there lies our secret. True sincerity admits we still have a problem and that we want to do something about it. Once we've taken that step of faith and admitted that we have a problem, God shows up to take us the rest of the way.

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