Monday, August 11, 2014

We need to pray for each other

We all have our moments of fear. I never thought I’d live through what I am seeing come to pass on the earth and in our nation.  

I can understand when Jesus said, “Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.” Lu. 21:26
Just think! We may be the ones who will see the return of the King of Kings!

Precious Father,

Thank you for opening up our eyes and changing our hearts. We admit, we are nothing without you. Give us insight and understanding to be a help to those around us. We ask that we would fill that place in our heart with your love, faith and strength because you said “perfect love casts out all fear.” We choose love instead of fear. You took it all on the cross and set us free.
We choose to be all we can be today. We choose to put a watch over our mouths and glorify you in our speech, in our hearts and by our actions. Draw us closer and open up our ears that we can hear what you say today. We want to glorify you Father in all we do.

In Jesus

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