Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Spirit of Fear #2

Psalm 56:3 ESV / 776 helpful votes
When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.

I once had a dog that looked like the above picture. Her name was Rachel and she was not only fearless, but she had unerring judgement in people and situations. She was the best dog I ever had and would have given her life for me. 

I get angry when I see people’s lives controlled by a spirit of fear. I see so much potential and talent and yet, they are afraid to take that first step. No matter how old you are, if you are this side of the daisies on planet earth; there is still time.

Live your dream! What are you waiting for?

I read of an 82 year old man building his own home and an elderly handicapped widow who at last has her dream of owning a few acres and growing her own organic food. There is an over 80’s hikers club in the Appalachian Mountains that I admire. These people are not rocking in their rocking chairs; they are thinking young and doing young. They are well educated to know our bodies were created to move.
Move when you do not feel like it. Get up and do something at least for 15 minutes a day and increase one minute once a week.

Fear is an ogre. He is an ogre! He is everything that you can imagine him to be. He can be blown up in the form of “what if I have this disease? Many will not get checkups because of the fear.
Allow me to give you this alert; It takes more faith to get a check up, than not. If for some reason the tests come back negative, you deal with it in faith with God’s promises. There are those who keep fearing about yesterday. Yesterday is gone! Live right now. We have a God who is faithful beyond measure! What if the rent isn’t paid? What if my daughter is pregnant? What if he doesn’t get that job? What if my cat dies? What if, what if what if? Oh those detestable words. They bring only a score of unbelief, stress and torment to your soul.

I ask you:

What would happen if you decided to walk up a large green mountain to see what this spirit of fear is all about? What would you discover?
In the distance you could see him and for some reason the closer you got to him, the smaller he appeared. Finally, as you approached him, he was only the size of a thimble. You couldn’t help but ask him:

Why are you so small?

He replied, “ I am as large as people will imagine me to be. If they are afraid of disease, I’ll be there. If they are afraid of wars, I will look like killing, guns and bloodshed. If they are afraid of the toxic foods I’ll be there too. Whatever fills their imaginations I will be there.”
I replied, “But you are so small.”
He said, “You have very little fear, but love instead.”

Today, I ask you; what are you promoting while you are on this beautiful planet earth? Are you promoting love, joy, peace, hope or faith? 

Every single person has a message. What is your main message while you are here? If you do not realize this, think about it and God will show you.
If we are thinking fear all of the time, fear wins! If we are thinking love and faith, they win! Whatever we are thinking about wins!
I urge you to face any fears that you have today and watch the ogre back down, for he is a coward and will not stand in the face of God’s love and truth.

God Bless you

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