Tuesday, October 21, 2014

A Prayer for Strength

We lift up your name Father and choose to honor you this morning. You are a Holy God. One who created the stars, the heavens and all of the Universes. It is because of you that a small seed reaches upward and out of the earth towards the Light. Your Light Father. Thank you for Your Holy Spirit that shines your truth on all those seeking hearts.

We thank you for your strength. You told us that those who hope in you will have renewed strength. You said that we can do everything in your strength. You said that our strength increases when we get weary, for we are learning that when we are weak; then we are strong. Thank you for your refuge and strength!

We know that your grace is more than sufficient, therefore; we lean on your Word and ask this morning that you would strengthen us according to your Word.  We ask that your strength inside of us be the example of faith and inspiration that others need to be drawn closer to you.

Thank you, Lord...amen

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