Monday, October 20, 2014

October 20,2014 prayer

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for another day. We thank for all your mercies and how they endure forever. We thank you for being our help in times of trouble. We thank you for always speaking to us, because you said that your sheep will know your voice. We thank you for your son Jesus Christ and adopting us into the branch. We thank you that we can gladly call Him King of Kings and Lord of Lords! And, we recognize we can say  "Aba Aba Father" by your Holy Spirit only; our comforter, peacemaker and friend.

We ask that your Holy Spirit would put creative ideas into the hearts of your people, so that we can reflect your ways, your love and your will all around us.

We choose to be bold. We choose to be strong. We choose you and by your Spirit we will not be turned to the left or to the right but keep focused upon your sanctifying grace that takes us one step at a time. Give us the understanding and wisdom we need Father to move in the faith, and complete the assignments you have given to us. Thank you Lord.

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