Tuesday, October 14, 2014

If you are weak, become strong!

I have been upset lately over the intense violence, wickedness and evil intents of the spirits of darkness. I once read from a book authored by a retired investigator with over 30 years experience.The gentleman felt he had seen it all and warns his readers to; "always remember: that someone is always watching you". He was right. (please think about that when you take that leisurely stroll to get your mail)  He also said that, "If you can think of the worse thing imaginable; it has happened!"  We are living in very wicked days! Do not be fooled or be swayed by the sunshine. I am a very optimistic person and thoroughly believe in all of the promises of God stated in the Bible, but we are to be aware of what is going on and not wear blinders to what is happening and where we are in God's prophetic timeline.

When Jesus sent his disciples out to minister, he had a two fold instruction. Be gentle! Be kind! But, do not be fooled! Watch your backs!

“Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” Matthew 10:16

Heavenly Father,
We ask that you would give us the discernment we need to sift every person that comes our way and to screen every word that is said. We ask that your Holy Spirit would fill us up and continue to refine us into the Christlike minded people that is your will. 
Thank you for always being there.
Thank you Lord,

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