Saturday, October 18, 2014

Persecution 1

I was thinking about the word "persecution" as I walked the beach this morning. I am still convinced that if a believer is obedient in what they are called to do, they will be persecuted. If we dare to speak up the truth of Christ, we will be persecuted. If we choose to stand our ground and not be swayed by all the doctrines of other gods and new age belief systems that are so rampant today, we will be persecuted! If you have not been rejected because of your belief, then; ask yourself if your light is still shining? I have been accused of believing in an "archaic" belief system. One of salvation by grace. That has not bothered me one iota.  Jesus once said, "if they persecute me, they will persecute you." 
If you are obedient, expect it!
Too many today have walked away from the truth as they once knew it and strattle the fence, lying to themselves. Some are convinced they can play both sides and have found a more scholarly way through science, linking the answer mathematically. Or, a playful way through stones, fortune telling, tarot cards, witchery, alchemy and divination's.
Before I was born again I used to study astrology and in many ways there seems to be a merit of similarity as you read about each sign and those that you know. After all, the ancient Egyptians, Incas and Mayan's used to study the stars. And, doesn't that count for something? But don't forget, some of those people would also take their finest men, cut out their hearts and sacrifice to their gods and push them over the cliffs.
Losing friends has been easy for me since I have been born again. None of the old crowd cared for my zeal. I certainly understand, but I will never apologize for understanding coming to me and awakening my soul to the incredible love of God.
They could not understand that once the Son sets you free, you are free indeed. I was totally freed from my old life of self - into a life of total light!
You too can be set free from a life of hopelessness to one of having your eyes open to the truth. One that brings understanding through the love of God. If your heart is ready today to accept Jesus as your Savior, pray with me:
Heavenly Father, I ask that you would bring me understanding and hope. I ask that you would renew my heart with your word. I ask that you would forgive my sins. (name them as you pray) I choose this day to make a decision to repent and trust in you with all my heart. Send those Bible believing messengers to me, to help me grow. Give me new friends. Thank you Father, in Jesus name I pray; amen.

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