Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Think about ways to give God honor

We have been given another beautiful day. What do you have inside of you, to present honor to our Father God? Think of ways you can give honor to Him. Let's give honor to Him in Praise.

Heavenly Father,

We give you honor because you are our Father God, you are our Holy Heavenly Father who never fails us. You are Eternal and faithful, we will always have you. You are Almighty; for you are everywhere,  there isn't anything that you do not see, and cannot do. You are the Father of Lights, one breath and all darkness becomes exposed. One breath and you give us the insight we need to understand you better as we draw closer to you. It is you who is our Fortress, for you send guardians all around us to safe keep your plans and people. You are the Holy One of Israel! You are the Great I AM, Jehovah, Judge, our Living God, Lord of Hosts, Lord of Lords of the Most High! We give you honor! We Praise you Father! This morning, we empty out our hearts to refill it with your love. We choose to empty any self conceived presumptions and philosophical data  that we have gathered in our minds and refill it all up with your LOVE! We know that when we love one another, we honor you!  We choose to put down anything that would come between us giving you honor in our lives and we shout: "Your will Lord and your way!"  We LOVE you Lord!

In Jesus

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Prayer to Open up Your Day

Here it comes! Light! Beautiful glorious LIGHT and all by the Father of Lights! Think about all the goodness that is happening in one single hour! Think about how our Father hears your deepest longings! Sees your inner desires and listens to the requests from your heart. Rejoice this morning! Do not allow anyone or anything to rob you from the JOY He has given to you! Can you still jump? Then jump with JOY and expect good things to come into your life! Think it, believe it and expect it.

Heavenly Father,
You are truly the God who is the Father of Lights. You expose things in our hearts and in our lives, that we still need to deal with. Thank you Father. Thank you for giving us insight and we ask for the wisdom on how to put off anything that is hindering us from drawing closer to you.
We thank you for continually answering our prayers and working behind the scenes working in other's lives, even upon our behalf.
Above all, show us how we can glorify you in our hearts, our minds and meditations. Show us how we can increase your strength and power in your kingdom and magnify your name.
Thank you Lord
"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows" James 1:17

Monday, December 15, 2014

Prayer for Closing the Day

The day is closing and it has been a victorious day! Men can brag over their mighty accomplishments, but only God can give a sunset like this!
Thank you Father for your precious Holy Spirit! Thank you for revealing your love for us in such tender gentle wondrous moments. Truly you are our Holy Father! Truly you breathe upon those who only wish to magnify and glorify your name. How can we honestly describe your love? We lift up your banner that says King of Kings! We love you Father! We rejoice in You and You only!
Oh Father, I ask that those who yearn to know you, would be touched by your children's love. Draw them in and let them see that you are real and that is where the real living begins. Woo them Father, court them, just like you did me.
We love you Lord! amen

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Things Money Cannot Buy

Money cannot buy:

1. Contentedness. 

This means being thankful, happy and satisfied with your lot in life. The things you have, the people in your life. Where you are and who you are. The Bible calls this a gift from God.

2. A hand-written journal or diary by you.

No one will ever be able to take your place in this life and this means; that they cannot write the things in your heart for you. Though we can leave them material things and hand down our prized possessions, why not consider pieces of your heart that will be handed down throughout generations?. Your heart will continue to touch theirs. Yup! They will say; mom was quite a gal in her day! Another thing they would say: "I didn't know she did that!"

3. Love.
Unless you feel that tug of chemistry inside of your heart, there isn't any amount of money, cars or jewelry that will make it flip flop. I have been told “you can always grow to love a person.” That maybe so; however, only to a degree; but not in the full way it was intended.

4. Happiness.

Money can help ease the strain of debt and lighten your load. But, what about next month? Today, if you became a multimillionaire, you would have many “friends” at your doorstep practically overnight. In your heart you would know your friends only want what you have and are not interested in you personally. If money brought happiness; many famous people would still be alive today instead dying before their time.

5. Rain and Sunshine.

Think about it. If money could buy rain, I am sure there would be plenty of places in the world that would beg, borrow or steal the money for their country to get a normal, natural down pour to grow the crops needed and fill up their wells.

6. Healing

Things happen. We use, herbs, minerals, vitamins and try to eat good but our body changes. We reap what others sow and end up getting sick. The Dr gives us medications that science says "will cure the ailment." In the end, we know that it is only God who heals! He may use all of the above if he wishes, but in the end; it is one breath that touches the root of the problem and by our faith we are healed.

7. Salvation

There isn't any amount of money that God would accept to save your soul. He doesn't need the money, but simply wants your heart. In God's eyes, everything is a heart thing. He sees every hurt, every little stain and all those things we wrestle with on a day to day basis. The only thing He asks of you is to call upon Him and surrender your life. Once you make this decision, He will take you the rest of the way. He continues to tell us over and over how He will never forsake us or leave us.

With every paycheck, there are bills to pay, groceries and gas to buy. Then, you have the unexpected heavy duty handouts that almost make you faint at times.
Money is the ways and means to run our economy, but not to be cherished, hoarded or idolized. Should we do these things we’d soon realize that whatever we have, will never be enough.
Money is to be respected, used wisely and given to others in need generously. One of the biggest ways to get out of depression is to: get your eyes off of yourself and start doing things for other people. If they need food and you have it, give them some. If they are trying to make ends meet and are behind in their bills and you have the capability to help them out; go and help them financially asking nothing in return.
We are living in a very self centered, angry world and one of the reasons is because all people can think about is themselves. This wasn't the way God had intended when He created man. When we take the time to care for one another; we will find ourselves in the center of His will.

Heavenly Father,
Forgive our selfish hearts. We ask that you would open up our eyes to those who are in need and give us the opportunity and ability to help them. Show us what they need. We ask that you would continue to transform our minds into your son’s mind. We ask for a deeper understanding, more contentment, and insight to move past the nitpicky small things that we allowed in our past to hinder our walk. Forgive us.
Thank you for your never ending faithfulness and hope. Thank you for giving us our faith. We give you all the glory today and honor you and your word in everything we do; in your strength and power in Jesus..amen.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Answers from your prayer

Heavenly Father,
Today we put down any fear, any doubt and any misgivings that is standing in the way of your will for our lives. We trample upon the enemy who willfully lies to us and says "we can't." We can do all things in Christ who gives us the strength to follow through! By faith, we can speak or write when we feel that we have nothing. By faith we can love when we feel we are empty inside. By faith we can see good in others and expect victory in an habitation of evil that appears in the natural; to be getting worse. By faith we stir up our gifts and give them away. By faith we draw closer to Jesus who knew us before the foundation of the world. By faith we choose to believe and trust in Him in all things.
Thank you Lord...amen

Friday, December 5, 2014

If you haven't seen this clip, you should; because these are our boys.

We need to keep praying for our boys!

We have the armor of light

I love light! Not the blinding kind that we experience in Drs offices, but the warm sunshine that is felt in the sand, under my toes. When I look closely at the sand in my hand, I see the brilliancy of light! I see millions of small diamonds sparkling back at me. I am reminded how Abraham's children will be as many as the sand upon the shore. We are his children, part of the illuminating particles bathing in His light.
Heavenly Father,
We choose to keep your armor of light circled around us. By choice we dismantle any darkness of words, actions or engagements in our lives. We put down all fretting, worrying or doubt. We put on faith, trust and hope.. We make a choice to honor each other and uphold them in the same love that you have given to us. Thank you Father and we pray in your son's name Jesus. amen.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

What would we do without God's Mercy?

Mercy is better than good. Mercy can say no and breathe light into your soul where there was once darkness. Although we become without excuse, we look before us and see God's love who reaches back and hands us mercy.
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for your mercy. I do not like to even think where I would be without your mercy. I want to thank you for reading our hearts, for knowing us better than we do ourselves, for caring and listening to every worry; when we wrestle not to worry! Forgive us for that! We place all of our cares into your hands, all of our frets and regrets and we refuse to take them back. We depend totally upon you to guide and direct our ways and we will continue to lean upon your loving mercy.
In Jesus

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Learn to See God's Hand in your LIfe

Everytime I walk the beach, I become completely overwhelmed with God's love. He is such a magnificent Master Artist everything that He touches reflects a purity that we see but cannot match. His love reflects His power and that is what moves the mountains in our lives. Yes, by our faith.
Heavenly Father,
There are days when it is hard to put into words to say thank you Lord for the beauty you have given to us. Thank you for thinking of every little thing that lines up with the other, all for our good and your glory! It is hard to imagine such love that still takes the time keep the atom intact, one that brings in one wave right after the next upon your seashore; that feeds the sandpipers and the crabs. Is there anything that you haven't thought of? Your caring hand is everywhere we look. We see the greatness of your love in men's hearts through the Body of Believers. We do not deserve such love, but you presented us with your present of GRACE. Thank you Father for your goodness, your rich love, for hearing us, for healing us and for setting us free in your Son.
In Jesus amen 

Monday, December 1, 2014

Lets pray

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for your presence, your love and your faithfulness. Thank you for your Holy Spirit that continually feeds our spirit and soul. Thank you for giving us the faith we need to believe for whatever we ask, knowing you have heard and that we already have it. Thank you for this present. Thank you for your truth. Thank you for filling up our life with your love. You have taught us to look past what offends us and to see your will and hand in all of our situations. Because of you, all of our needs are met above everything we expect. We give you all the praise and glory. In your son Jesus we pray..amen