Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Prayer to Open up Your Day

Here it comes! Light! Beautiful glorious LIGHT and all by the Father of Lights! Think about all the goodness that is happening in one single hour! Think about how our Father hears your deepest longings! Sees your inner desires and listens to the requests from your heart. Rejoice this morning! Do not allow anyone or anything to rob you from the JOY He has given to you! Can you still jump? Then jump with JOY and expect good things to come into your life! Think it, believe it and expect it.

Heavenly Father,
You are truly the God who is the Father of Lights. You expose things in our hearts and in our lives, that we still need to deal with. Thank you Father. Thank you for giving us insight and we ask for the wisdom on how to put off anything that is hindering us from drawing closer to you.
We thank you for continually answering our prayers and working behind the scenes working in other's lives, even upon our behalf.
Above all, show us how we can glorify you in our hearts, our minds and meditations. Show us how we can increase your strength and power in your kingdom and magnify your name.
Thank you Lord
"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows" James 1:17

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