Saturday, December 13, 2014

Things Money Cannot Buy

Money cannot buy:

1. Contentedness. 

This means being thankful, happy and satisfied with your lot in life. The things you have, the people in your life. Where you are and who you are. The Bible calls this a gift from God.

2. A hand-written journal or diary by you.

No one will ever be able to take your place in this life and this means; that they cannot write the things in your heart for you. Though we can leave them material things and hand down our prized possessions, why not consider pieces of your heart that will be handed down throughout generations?. Your heart will continue to touch theirs. Yup! They will say; mom was quite a gal in her day! Another thing they would say: "I didn't know she did that!"

3. Love.
Unless you feel that tug of chemistry inside of your heart, there isn't any amount of money, cars or jewelry that will make it flip flop. I have been told “you can always grow to love a person.” That maybe so; however, only to a degree; but not in the full way it was intended.

4. Happiness.

Money can help ease the strain of debt and lighten your load. But, what about next month? Today, if you became a multimillionaire, you would have many “friends” at your doorstep practically overnight. In your heart you would know your friends only want what you have and are not interested in you personally. If money brought happiness; many famous people would still be alive today instead dying before their time.

5. Rain and Sunshine.

Think about it. If money could buy rain, I am sure there would be plenty of places in the world that would beg, borrow or steal the money for their country to get a normal, natural down pour to grow the crops needed and fill up their wells.

6. Healing

Things happen. We use, herbs, minerals, vitamins and try to eat good but our body changes. We reap what others sow and end up getting sick. The Dr gives us medications that science says "will cure the ailment." In the end, we know that it is only God who heals! He may use all of the above if he wishes, but in the end; it is one breath that touches the root of the problem and by our faith we are healed.

7. Salvation

There isn't any amount of money that God would accept to save your soul. He doesn't need the money, but simply wants your heart. In God's eyes, everything is a heart thing. He sees every hurt, every little stain and all those things we wrestle with on a day to day basis. The only thing He asks of you is to call upon Him and surrender your life. Once you make this decision, He will take you the rest of the way. He continues to tell us over and over how He will never forsake us or leave us.

With every paycheck, there are bills to pay, groceries and gas to buy. Then, you have the unexpected heavy duty handouts that almost make you faint at times.
Money is the ways and means to run our economy, but not to be cherished, hoarded or idolized. Should we do these things we’d soon realize that whatever we have, will never be enough.
Money is to be respected, used wisely and given to others in need generously. One of the biggest ways to get out of depression is to: get your eyes off of yourself and start doing things for other people. If they need food and you have it, give them some. If they are trying to make ends meet and are behind in their bills and you have the capability to help them out; go and help them financially asking nothing in return.
We are living in a very self centered, angry world and one of the reasons is because all people can think about is themselves. This wasn't the way God had intended when He created man. When we take the time to care for one another; we will find ourselves in the center of His will.

Heavenly Father,
Forgive our selfish hearts. We ask that you would open up our eyes to those who are in need and give us the opportunity and ability to help them. Show us what they need. We ask that you would continue to transform our minds into your son’s mind. We ask for a deeper understanding, more contentment, and insight to move past the nitpicky small things that we allowed in our past to hinder our walk. Forgive us.
Thank you for your never ending faithfulness and hope. Thank you for giving us our faith. We give you all the glory today and honor you and your word in everything we do; in your strength and power in Jesus..amen.

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