Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Think about ways to give God honor

We have been given another beautiful day. What do you have inside of you, to present honor to our Father God? Think of ways you can give honor to Him. Let's give honor to Him in Praise.

Heavenly Father,

We give you honor because you are our Father God, you are our Holy Heavenly Father who never fails us. You are Eternal and faithful, we will always have you. You are Almighty; for you are everywhere,  there isn't anything that you do not see, and cannot do. You are the Father of Lights, one breath and all darkness becomes exposed. One breath and you give us the insight we need to understand you better as we draw closer to you. It is you who is our Fortress, for you send guardians all around us to safe keep your plans and people. You are the Holy One of Israel! You are the Great I AM, Jehovah, Judge, our Living God, Lord of Hosts, Lord of Lords of the Most High! We give you honor! We Praise you Father! This morning, we empty out our hearts to refill it with your love. We choose to empty any self conceived presumptions and philosophical data  that we have gathered in our minds and refill it all up with your LOVE! We know that when we love one another, we honor you!  We choose to put down anything that would come between us giving you honor in our lives and we shout: "Your will Lord and your way!"  We LOVE you Lord!

In Jesus

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