Monday, January 5, 2015

A Few Things I Have Learned

Here are some things I have learned in my life but chewed upon this last year:

1. There are times when you are happy and do not know it. I always think of that song: "If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands."  A heart that brims over with thankfulness will be one that is not only happy, but will walk with joy; and this will happen when you are aware of the source of your happiness.

2. Never take anything for granted. Not your mate, not your family or friends, your pets or anything that has been given to you. They have been given to you for a reason and that reason is to learn how to love. The harder the struggle, the deeper the lesson and the higher the call. Experience brings wisdom when you listen to His voice.

3. Do not take those that love you for granted. You may have heard me say so many times, "we are all one heart beat away from glory." There are many selfish reasons I would like to bring back a few people in my life, just so I can glean from their very presence. They are precious rare jewels from my yesterdays. After all, we all have our beloved hidden diamonds.

4. Empathize with those around you and remember what that great Philosopher Plato once said, "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." Everyone is struggling with something, but not everyone will talk about their battle. For me, this is one of the strongest statements ever made and one we can safely assume to be true. Therefore, remember this the next time someone rubs you wrong. Think about a creative kindness that may lighten up their life. Be creative!

5. Remember when Jesus said, "do not judge?" And, let's face it, we all have fallen into that from time to time. There is no compromise.  Take 5 steps back, repent, ask forgiveness and conquer this judging with good. Be creative while you are overcoming. Think! How can I bring good into that persons life?

6. Forgive quickly. You knew I was going to say that didn't you? If we can be honest with ourselves and think about the rubbish we occasionally carry around in our own hearts; then we'll discover we are actually no better than the one we are standing in judgment over. Give them the benefit of the doubt. Lighten up and give some slack.

7. Give it all to God. Since you've now given your petition to God, let it go. After all, it's been mailed! This means not to fret or worry. In fact, try not to think about it. Isn't your problem in better hands now? Let our Father take care of it. There are some things we cannot do for our selves.

8. Do not underestimate the LOVE and POWER of God in your life. All God asks is for you is to ask, believe and receive. This is all done by faith and that is what brings about the answers to our prayers. Just when things seem the darkest is when you will look up and see the light. Can you believe this? YES you can!

9. Develop a strong faith in God through Jesus by listening to the Holy Spirit. Be a storehouse of His word inside of you. Everything that you hear will be sifted by the Holy Spirit. You will be as Jesus prayed: "My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them maybe one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me." John 17:20, 21 NIV

10. Be humble and stay that way. We can be on fire for God yet be humble. Our Father will always look inside of our heart to see who we are honoring. Him or yourself? Humility brings abundance in your life! Humility brings honor because you are giving honor!  When you are doing this, you are putting God first in your life and that is why we were created for in the first place!

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