Friday, January 23, 2015

There is power in snowflakes

Mmmm fresh air! Snow can be powerful on those tree branches. I can remember hearing what sounded like a blast from a shotgun that echoed throughout the mountains. All that snow broke off a large tree branch. Holy silence was interrupted by a crack and bam! Think about all those snowflakes gathered together and literally did a bang up job. Isn't that the way it is for the Body of Christ? One snowflake may be beautiful and special, but that one snowflake wasn't meant to stand alone. When you put many together; we become a army and they can tear down the biggest branch (stronghold) in our nation!


Heavenly Father,
Thank you for all those snowflakes! Thank you for constantly teaching us through your creation. Thank you for those who are so faithful in your flock. Thank you for loving us when we aren't. We give you honor this morning and praise. We ask that you would continue to teach us through your creation, guide us where we need to follow and give us the wisdom and keen discernment to go in the right direction. We put all our trust in you and choose to walk in faith in your Holy Spirit.
In Jesus amen.

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