Wednesday, January 28, 2015

We are not helpless

Good Morning!

I am not too fond of the word "helpless", but when I listen to the news I get a sinking feeling, then; a feeling of anger rising within from all of the injustice. Of all things; that is the most frustrating is that I keep surprising myself that I keep being surprised over the whole appalling system. Yes! There really are evil people out there who are compelled to fulfill their destiny to destroy.

If the Bible said it would be like this, then it will!

The Bible also talks about how many will walk away from the truth and deny the Lord. When you think about how many other belief systems are offered today for wandering souls, the numbers can be staggering. Many religious beliefs accept everything that the doctrine of Christ does not. Lack of shame and full of pride they "Pick their Persuasion" or Position or better yet: Poison.

It seems that fear has taken root and compromised with darkness. Without light, how can anyone see the truth or know the truth? Not one person can.
For now, we still have hope that is given to us in His word. We have the faith that we receive when we store up the word and we have God's assurance that He will never leave us because of His great love for us.
Darkness can work their plans and schemes all they wish, and although they seem to get in through the cracks and crevices and bring a great deal of damage; I am convinced that it will all work for us; not against us in the long run. Much of their efforts will be like a ball thrown at a brick wall.

""There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord."
Proverbs 21:30

Heavenly Father,
We are always reminded how you put a shield over your people, one that guards us night and day. When the blood was placed upon the side of the doorposts so long ago, the spirit of death passed by those places and you kept your people safe! Today, we have the blood of Jesus sprinkled in our hearts and we know this is our secret place, our hope, our grace and our passover! We know that your shed blood is stronger than any lie and scheme and stronger than any fear. We literally have everything we need to fight the fight of faith. We truly are more than conquerors in Jesus Christ! Thank you Lord
In Jesus we pray

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