Monday, January 26, 2015

Heart Issues

Heart issues can be a wound that we sometimes use as an unwanted companion when our days are gray. There it is again. We become busy and without a thought, a memory opens the door to this ungracious guest.
If we are honest and truthful, everyone has "their days." Though these days come and go, we have a God who willingly gives us inner healings. All He asks is for us to ask believing and receive by faith in Jesus. Can we rise to the challenge to receive all His benefits in faith?

Heavenly Father,

There isn't one spot of trouble that you do not see or care about inside of us. Should our minds get mixed up and confused, you are there to iron out our thinking and smooth the path. We depend totally upon you. When words offend us, it is always your Holy Spirit that calms our soul and removes the stress. When there are times we feel inferior or lack confidence, it is always you who reminds us that we are your children; we are royalty. We belong to you Lord. When we make mistakes that can only be colored one way and in a humbling way; Your Holy Spirit is always there soothing our soul. When we say to ourselves, "we will beat this habit or addiction, and we will do it by ourselves" we are reminded that it will only be by your Spirit and not of ourselves. When we have trained ourselves to think in a wrong direction instead of your direction; we can be assured again that it is Your Holy Spirit that will set us strongly back on that narrow path. Today, we run to you and admit, we need you! We need your strength!
We thank you for the faith that you have given to us and we ask that you would touch those wounded hearts this morning and heal them. Give them strength to forgive where it is needed and give them the joy that follows this freedom in you.

In Jesus we pray

"Bless the Lord, O my soul and forget not all his benefits. Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases." Psalm 103: 3, 4 KJV

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