Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Small Morning Prayer

Anyone who would like to pray with me is welcome :) I know that mornings can be a time of scurrying around to go to work and getting the kids off to school. This is one of the reasons I post prayers from time to time. It is for those who do not have the time, but want to put our Father first in the mornings. Another reason is because many do not know what to say when they pray. I seem to be always "full of it" with my pen. So, when you read the prayer, agree with it and "according to your faith it shall be done."

Before I pray, I want to say how grateful I am to be a part of your life. I always call it a "soul to soul" thing and that goes a little bit deeper than when we meet, try to look and act our best. Everyone knows it just isn't the same.

Heavenly Father,

We honor you Father. We put you first in everything that we do. We choose to trust in you throughout this day. We ask that our speech and behavior will glorify you in a way to inspire those around us. We choose to walk in faith and will put down all fear that would try to enter into our lives. For we know that if you be for us, who can be against us? For you are a God who gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist. Fill us up with your love and faith and point us in the direction to share.
We give you all honor, praise and glory.
In your Son,

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