Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Value of a Snowball Fight

Buenos dias Amigos! (Good Morning Friends!)

Ah, you have not lived until you've had the ultimate experience of slamming your friend with a snowball ! If there is anything that keeps a smile on your face it is in the sheer delight of "creaming" your good friend with the unexpected plunk! This mystifying activity is well known up north who engage in this wild and beguiling abandonment. Most begin when they are but toddlers. The first snow falls and that is a sign from above to begin to build a fort fully stocked of snow packed balls. A serious snow-baller must stay alert and always be ready.

One day when I was about in the 4-5 grade and began walking my way home in the snow, I experienced the "love plunk" from the cutest boy in the class. Wham! Right on the back of my head! I turned around to see a mischievous smile widening back at me. This meant war! After all, in those days; it was always the girls against the boys and I could never let my side down! I gathered up snow in my mitts and seriously gave much thought to packing it down like a steel ice ball. The war game was on and I threw my power pitch and strike! Right in his face! I started laughing so hard I fell back on the snow. Taken off guard for just a moment I realized there was no stopping us, as we slammed each other with the ice packed snow balls. Finally after total exhaustion and the well known truce, we parted and walked home. The grateful act of taking off my snow filled boots and warming my pinkish cold and damp feet overwhelmed me. But it was worth it!

The next day while I was in school I noticed the boy that I had hit with the snowball had a black eye. It was then, I felt very bad for what I had done. I did not know I had bruised him. With guilt feelings I walked up to his desk and whispered in his ear:

"I'm sorry I gave you a black eye."

For which he replied: "That's ok just don't tell anyone about it."

I get a good laugh over that incident. He wasn't concerned about his black eye, just the possibility of the news getting out that I gave it to him. The lesson went down deep inside of me and to remember to keep the confidences that are given to me, and so I did.


Heavenly Father,
We rejoice this morning over the sunshine! The warm weather, the snowy weather, the rain and even the gray days. We know that it is you who teaches us continually the things that draw us to you. We give you praise Father. We love you Father. Help us to bring light, encouragement and inspiration to those who need a smile or a "heart lift." Season our words to be grace to those who listen and we ask that your spirit of understanding would be sent to those who seek your truth.
In Jesus we ask,

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