Saturday, January 24, 2015

Trust in God

Once in awhile I get encouraging notes sent to me from those who read these words. I realize I can get quite lavish and overwhelmed with my thank yous because it is your hearts that I am compelled to exhort and encourage. Since indeed the Holy Spirit can lift up your heart with just the right word, at that right time; then I have succeeded what I have set out to do.
Be at peace. Allow His peace to wash over you this morning. Though our flesh actually trembles when we think about the power of our Creator, the Holy Spirit inside of us bows in awe. Let's pray:

Precious Heavenly Father,

We thank you for allowing this freedom to write prayers and agree together in your son's name Jesus; for He is Lord! We thank you for this honor to be able to call upon you at anytime. We thank you for opening up our eyes and giving us discernment and wisdom. We choose to trust in you with every area of our lives. (Think for a moment and name those areas personally.) We choose to listen more carefully to your Spirit. We choose to be strong in you and put down any doubt, unbelief and irrational fear of man. We refuse to analyze, be logical or assume others intents. We admit, you are the God who reads hearts; not us. We openly declare your word is truth and put down all propaganda and lies and we accept the discernment given to us to see the difference.

"Let the wicked fall into their own nets, while I pass by in safety." Psalm 141:10

Thank you Father for keeping us safe, sound and able in your love.
In Jesus we pray ..amen

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