Wednesday, January 14, 2015

God cares about the little things too

The picture of the chameleon reminds of the baby in my garden. I have a baby chameleon who decided to take up residence, in the smallest birdhouse you could ever imagine. It is about a 2X3.5 and 3in high with a tiny metal roof and a round opening about the size of a dime. My Uncle Daryl gave it to me when I was in Michigan, so it is very special. After hanging the wee birdhouse in different places, I finally found a good location on a sturdy branch to hang the little home. My husband was walking in the garden and came across this wee green head poking out of the round door. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. He cocked his head and with his big round eyes looked up to us while we roared with laughter. I would have taken a picture in my camera if it was working right.

Isn't that just like God? It is He who shows us how He cares for the small things. He gives them shelter, food all around and a place of safety. Some places can be quite unique!

Can we thank God together for the small things?

Heavenly Father,
We can see you in everything. We see your hand of protection everywhere. We see how you care even for the baby chameleon, giving him his own special home. A swinging condo! Heavenly Father, we need to see more things like this, more of your caring ways and your hands of protection upon what you have created. Thank you for giving us laughter and using your precious critters to lighten up our hearts and remind us that all really is well when we have You.

In Jesus amen

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