Saturday, January 10, 2015

Yesterday is gone, make today a good one

Good Morning,

We've been given another day! Whatever way you might feel that you messed up yesterday; let's all begin this day with a clean slate. All is not lost. Right now, I challenge you to think about one good thing to give to someone at work, to a family member, friend or someone in need. Ex. Give a good sincere word (perhaps they have a sunny nature all of the time, tell them about it), a wide and generous smile (smiles mean a lot, they say "I like you and I accept you") , bring them a cup of coffee (to serve out of the blue when you don't have to, reveals that you care enough to bring that person comfort), write a letter or send a card (this means, you've taken your precious time to look for that perfect card that gives a love song from your heart.). I challenge you to deliberately target someone to radically be the one to "make their day!"

Pray with me:

Heavenly Father,
Thank you for always being here. We thank you for your insurmountable love that cannot be described in words. We ask that you would forgive us for any fears, for anything we may have done or said (name them privately if there is any). We ask that you would forgive us for times when we move unthinkingly, when we do things for ourselves instead of doing everything unto you. We thank you for another beautiful day and acknowledge you totally in this day. We ask that you will point us in the direction to whom we can bless this day. We desire to glorify you in everything we do. Lastly, we ask that we would all rise to challenge to bless! To radically love in the way your son loves us! Jesus is Lord!
We all agree and accept this by faith.
In Jesus amen.

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