Saturday, January 31, 2015

Be Healed in Jesus Name!

I am honestly shouting on the rooftop this morning and rejoicing at our sister's healing! Is anything too hard for our God! NO! While I took our dogs for a walk yesterday, my mind was intense and totally upon her report. When I walk, I talk to the Lord. I looked up and the sky was the most beautiful rich blue you have ever seen! The sun was out and I read a sign that said "On 30-a the sun is always Shining!" Then, these words came into my heart; she is going to get a "Hope Report!"

Prayer & Praise:

Father we are your children and we give you all the praise this morning! How you must delight in us when we trust in you and do not waver. We say thank you this morning! You always hear our prayers, always! You are our faithful God, you have never failed us; ever!! There is none like you! We wave the banner of victory in your name! We bow before you, clap our hands before you, we dance before you, we choose to continue to be in one accord before you; holding each others hands honoring you! You are our Father Rapha; our healer! We love you and we will boldly speak to ALL the mountains in our lives to be removed and let YOU arise in our lives totally! We bless you Lord and we worship you Lord.
In Jesus amen

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