Thursday, January 8, 2015

a prayer for those in need

There are so many who have special needs in their lives and you may be one of them. Let's all pray and agree together for them.

Heavenly Father,

We first give you honor and acknowledge your holiness. Thank you for your faithfulness, your mercy and your love. We embrace your truth this morning. The truth that brings us out of darkness and into your light.

The light of your son!

We lift up those who need you in their lives, we ask that you would draw them closer and speak to them in ways they would understand. Melt their hearts and to receive the mercy you are giving. We ask that you would woo them into your kingdom through your incredible love. We admit, Father; we cannot live without your love.

We ask for a stability that only comes through you Lord. We ask that you would save jobs where it is desperately needed and give jobs to those who are also in need. Your word says: "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Mt. 6:33 Thank you for the promise of your truth. You also told us: "You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it." John 14:14

We know your name moves mountains Father! Right now, we speak to all of our mountains and we say: Be removed in the Name of Jesus! We live by faith and not by sight. We put our trust in only you Lord.

Those that are sick, be healed!
Those who are depressed, be set free by the power of His love!
Those who need shelter, look around; it is there!
Those who need their relationships mended, believe for it!
Rebellious children? Stand upon your prayers and walk the word.
IN Jesus we pray and believe, amen.

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