Sunday, January 25, 2015

Pray for a Miracle in our Land

We need a miracle in our land. America needs to see a move of God. Everything that comes against the righteousness of Elohim (Hebrew name for God) will be purged. Fire purifies doesn't it? When we boil something all that gunk is exposed for what it is and comes to the surface, in the water so we can scoop it out. And, this is what we need.

Let's pray and agree together for that miracle.

Precious Heavenly Father,

You are faithful. You always answer our prayers. Time and again you shower your love upon us. You reveal your word and continually confirm the truth in our hearts. You have blessed us abundantly. We have seen your mighty miracles, we have experienced your healing's, we have seen marriage reconciliations, we have seen financial prayers answered, jobs given and so many people that the Holy Spirit blows upon giving them the faith they need to believe and accept your Son Jesus Christ. We have seen those who have returned and been delivered from the strongholds of their past. We believe in miracles! I am a miracle! Many who are reading this are miracles! We give you all the honor due in your precious name Lord. We lift up your name! We give you praise this morning! Jesus IS Lord! We will shout for joy! We will clap our hands! We know you hear us!

We ask for a miracle for our nation Lord. We ask that people would not be able to deny that it is of you! We ask that our enemies would truly be caught in the net they weave to ensnare others.We ask that the harm and judgements they plan for us and others would come upon their own heads. We ask that you would melt hearts and a Spirit of forgiveness and repentance would be upon this land. We ask that everything that does not stand for your righteousness would be exposed and be scooped up and out.
Cleanse this land Father and give us the faith and love to be strong and ride it through to see your miracle. We stand upon this prayer, we will not waver or doubt and thank you ahead of time.
We pray for the peace of Israel. Keep your people safe, keep an invisible shield over this land. We plead that America's ties with Israel remain strong Lord, in spite of what we hear on the media. We believe, we know and we expect for this miracle.

In Jesus amen

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