Monday, January 19, 2015

The Sun is up!

The sun is here! Those that have lived in the country can easily draw upon the memories of walking early in the morning snow and feel the warmth of watching the sun come up while heading for your bus stop. Back then, few were ever driven to school. I walked 3 miles to a one room school house and again 3 miles back when I lived with my grandparents. Oh the delight of the experience! One morning when I was about 7 years old or younger I headed out and I became stuck in the muddy driveway and unable to lift my boots out. Obviously I was being watched because it wasn't long before I heard that musical sound that always endeared my heart. Grandpa's tractor! In one quick swoop he reached down and picked me up out of the thick muddy mire and I was sitting upon my hero's lap and he was taking me to school. I cherished the adventure to be sitting with him again and on that tractor all the way to school.

I have never forgotten this memory and so many more. When I think of the "one quick swoop" and I was out of the mud! The task was so easy for him because he was more than able to pull me up and sit me "on high places." with him.

I look back and realize this is the way God rescues us, in our times of trouble. One quick swoop! One quick pull and we are out of the mire! Can you believe that this morning? Yes, you can!


Heavenly Father,
We are so thankful you are our Holy Father. You have never failed us, ever. Though we have met so many people who disappoint us, it is you who we put all of our trust. Thank you Father. We get ourselves in these messes and then wonder, how can we get ourselves out? Today we willingly trust in you; to get us out of the mire. In one big swoop, we can be set free. We know your arms are always open and are strong enough to bring us up where we should be.
We also lift up our nation to you and ask that you forgive those who continue to be blinded with unbelief. We ask for continual mercy, mercy that we do not deserve. We ask that you would turn the tide back and rescue this land from the mire of lies, depravity and greed and idols. Set a new fire upon your people and let your voice be heard in your land. We stand by faith with this prayer and thank you and praise you ahead of time.
In your son Jesus we ask

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