Thursday, January 22, 2015

Weeds are good

By now those who have read some of my ramble know that I am a gardener.  I love planting seeds and watching things grow. The thrill of seeing the wee little plants burst through the earth and reach towards the sun never fails to lift my heart. I understand more and more why Jesus gave parables pertaining to seeds and nature.

Everything God has created is valuable and has a purpose. All seeds, all plants and all those pesky weeds the Bible calls tares are valuable to us! Don’t forget weeds are herbs and can be used medicinally for healing, though caution is needed as some are extremely poisonous. I have grown Foxglove and the blooms appear like stately shaped colorful bells. See the picture.

The treatment is ranged for heart problems to kidneys. I would advise not to try treating with such dangerous herbs unless a certified experienced professional herbalist oversees your task.

Have you ever seen Milk Thistle? Many have either plucked it up because of all the thistles that are attached or cut it down. Milk Thistle is known to clean up your liver! And, you can eat every part of the plant. I have been told that in Europe they have milk thistle on tables for those who drink wine. 

Stinging Nettle is used for allergies and Lemon Grass is used to lower your cholesterol. Look them up! Because they are herbs, the process of healing takes more time.

Weeds are not fussy, they grow everywhere. They are God given and for us. If we are wise, we educate ourselves and we use them for our health and for a good life. They grow side by side and grow by our vegetables, just like Jesus said in the Bible when he said:  

Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.'" Mt. 13:30 NIV

Jesus was talking about the weeds and the wheat growing together. However the weeds are those of the world or unbelievers and the wheat are the believers.

In the meantime, we are actually reaping what the weeds produce.  Brilliant scientists have discovered cures for diseases, invented the latest techno and worked very hard to sell a house for us so they can get that commission.  Some are weeds and some are wheat.

Those who believe in Christ cannot lose.  Weeds work for us, not against us.  A promising outlook is when everyone we meet is our friend, teacher or employee.  A true friend sticks closer than a brother, no matter what we look like or what we have done. We place a high value on those who have taught us life lessons and when we become offended it is a good thing for our heart to be nudged and reminded to respond with patience and love. The latter is working for our souls, not against us!

Everyone you meet is either:
Your friend, teacher or your employee.  Think about it.  

The next time you put that bay leaf in your stew and stir the pot, think about the value the herbs bring into your life. Yes, I honestly believe that all things work for our good.

God bless you

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