Monday, January 12, 2015

Monday Prayer

We made it to another Monday! God is good.

We are truly one in the Spirit, let's agree together for all those who read this prayer:

Heavenly Father,

This morning we say thank you for your precious Holy Spirit. We admit we cannot have any godly insight or revelations without your Spirit. We thank you for marking us even before the foundation of the world. We are yours! This morning we choose to celebrate your goodness and truth. We celebrate your goodness because you are a good God. Everything that you have shown us and all the things we are still wrestling through will work for our good; because you are good. We trust in you completely.
It is our desire to know you better and to rightly divide the truth of your word with revelations and wisdom. Open the eyes of our hearts so they will be enlightened and see the deep hope of our call and the insurmountable riches of our inheritance.

Give us a clearer understanding of the power that is inside of us for those who believe and how it works within your people.

We thank you for giving us the power of Jesus name that puts down anything that comes against your will. In this power by your Spirit you have made us to be Overcomers. Overcomers of the world, the flesh and the devil and all that is in it. By your Spirit we have the power to overcome old habits, old grudges, unforgiveness, bitterness, jealousies, vengeance, lack of confidence, selfishness, any sexual problems, vain imaginations, lying spirits, spirit of fear, poor self-image, idols, occult practices and any other weakness. We stand upon the very love of your truth and we choose to rejoice in our freedom! We deliberately choose to be those who will overcome evil with good. We give you all the honor, glory and credit due to your name. We choose to bless you in every way we can, on this day.

IN Jesus amen

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